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 Mexico  Intelligencer (weekly) 1889


 Jan. 3, 1889

A.J. Stillwell, uncle of  Col. Lewis Hord, was murdered Sunday by a burglar at his home in Hannibal. p1 c2

 Rachel Coates, daughter of Rev. William Coates, married Robert Read in Tennessee and emigrated to Callaway and settled.  Coates’ Prairie in Callaway county is named for her family. p1 c3

 Prairie View. Born to Mr. & Mrs. Obediah Smith, a son, Dec. 25. p5 c1

 New Hope items. The neighborhood mourns the loss of an old pioneer lady, Betsy Kessler, wife of Jacob Kessler, who died the 23rd of December. Services at Union Chapel.p5 c2

Married at residence of bride’s father Dec. 8, 1888, by Rev. H.P.S. Willis, Miss Annie Harlow and John E. Dishman, all of Audrain county. p6 c1


 Mrs. Zelapha C. West died last Thursday at her residence in this city, aged 67 years and 8 months. p6 c1


 Married Dec. 27, 1888, Howard Ballard of Audrain and Elizabeth Gamble of Green co., Ill. at residence of Justice Winscott.  p6 c2   



Molino items. Married W.H. Smiley and Miss Eliza Sharp. p8 c5

John Bruce, who has lived in Audrain co. the past 8 or 10 years, died Wednesday in Mexico. p8 c5

Marriage license Dec. 29. Newton L. Henson and Elizabeth J. Barker. p8 c5

Marriage license Dec. 31. George P. Huffman and Sallie Bartee. p8 c5

 Christmas marriages. John Huly & Ida McKee, W.P. Wade & Miss E.M. Winn, Chas. H. Fisher and Cynthia A. Burns. p8 c6

 Fulton Sun. Dec. 29.-A telegram was received from Columbia this morning announcing the death of Miss Willie Robnett. she was 21 years old the 17th of August. p8 c2

Angy Bass, Maggie Baskett, J.H. Smith and I.J. Hicks, of the colored public school, attended the annual meeting of the State Teacher’s Association in Columbia last week…p8 c2

 Married Dec. 27, 1888, Howard Ballard of Audrain and Miss Elizabeth Gamble of Green co., Ill.  Jan. 8, 1889 p6 c2


                                                            Jan. 10, 1889

Died. Mrs. Mary Doty, wife of Wm. Marshall Doty, died at her home four miles north of Rowena, Jan. 1, 1889, of heart disease and consumption. Deceased was the daughter of Enoch Doty of Young’s Creek…interred in Long Branch cemetery. p1 c4


The remains of John Bruce, who died at his home Jan. 2d, were interred Jan. 3d. Deceased was 50 years old. p6 c2

 Lee Coons, son of J.B. Coons of the Salt River neighborhood, died Friday, Jan. 4, of pneumonia. The remains were interred in Salt River cemetery. p6 c2


  Rev. J.C. Heiskell of Brunswick, Mo. and Miss Mary Miller, daughter of Isaac Miller of Young’s Creek, were married Thursday at the home of the bride…Groom is a minister of the Presbyterian church. p6 c3


 Born to Mrs. Annie Crawford Hill of Bardstown, Ky. Jan. 3d 1889, a son. p8 c1


  A marriage license has been issued to Samuel L. Woods and Miss Bie J. Evans. p8 c1


 R.S. Steele received a  telegram Monday announcing the death of Mrs. J.A.J. Lee, well known here. Mrs. Lee was the mother of Clay Lee, at one time a merchant in this city. p8c6



 Jan. 17, 1889

The marshall of New Florence was shot and killed while attempting to arrest Ike Willis, who broke jail at Danville about a week ago and made his appearance at his wife’s house …When the posse began to close in on him, he shot himself, dying almost instantly. P3 c1


 Died, Ida B. Lackland , in her 13th year, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Lackland at the home of her parents, Tuesday.  Typhoid pneumonia.  p4 c6 


Pasadena, Calif. Jan. 11.-Funeral of Owen Brown, son of John Brown, last survivor of the Harper’s Ferry affair. p4 c5


Thomas D. Freeman, deputy postmaster at Monroe City, died Friday. p6 c1


 John Barkwell, who was brought here the other day for stealing a cow, was at the bedside of his brother when arrested, and a few minutes after he left, the brother died. p6 c1


 Died in Fulton, Jan. 11, Mrs. Purnell, aged 71. Her home was in Millersburg, Ky. but she had been visiting her daughter, the wife of Dr. J. Sam Brown. p6 c1


 Annie B. LaMurtha asks to  be divorced from her husband, H.T. LaMurtha, who is now in either Texas or Mexico…p6 c2

Mr. and Mrs. Isham Burks of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Clark, sister of Mrs. Burks. Mr. and Mrs. Burks were married in Centralia Tuesday. p8 c1           

 Mrs. Asbury, wife of Robert Asbury, died suddenly Jan. 12…The remains were interred at Sunrise Church. p8 c1

Robert Carver, formerly of this city, but now of Sedalia, and Miss Hattie Brashear of this city, were recently married at the home of Miss Brashear;’s sister, near Sedalia. Mr. & Mrs. Carver are making their home in Sedalia. p8 c1


 Dr. Achlles Lamme, Bozeman, Montana, and a cousin of James Callaway of this city, died on the 22d ult…During and prior to the war he was largely interested in steamboating on the Missouri and was a prominent merchant in St. Joe. He went west in 65 and became one of the pioneer citizens of Montana. p8 c1


 Mrs. William Bratton, living west of Hatton on the range road, died last week of pneumonia. p8 c3


Jan. 24, 1889

 Elizabeth Selby, Columbia vs C.A. Ryan and J.T. Rickets et al, Harrisonville, Ky. Suit brought by the mother of an illegitimate son to recover a fortune left by the latter. D.S. Rickets died Jan. 1887, leaving $20,000, no will. Named in the suit: Hezekiah Rickets and a Miss Haggard of Christian county, J.T. Rickets, B.M. Rickets; Selby was Elizabeth Haggard daughter of Dabney Haggard, moved with her father to Bloomington, Ill. in 1836.  p1 c2 & 3


 Joseph T. Bryan died last night at his residence in this city, aged 88 years 11 months and 6 days. Born in Fayette co., Ky. near Lexington Feb. 13, 1800. Married Lydia Ann Mason of that state, moved to Callaway in 1831. p1 c6


Hal Gibbs and Miss Rebecca BonDurant  were married at the home of the bride’s parents , Mr. and Mrs. T.N. BonDurant, Warrenton, yesterday…will reside on Promenade street. p4 c4


 Rev. H.P.S. Willis was called to Palmyra today by the death of his brother, James C. Willis, this morning. Mr. Willis was 75 years of age. p5 c2

 Marriage license issued Friday to Frank Ross of Dakota and Miss Senie Bardoff of Cuivre  p6 c1

Funeral of E.Y. Yoster of Laddonia who died on the 16th at that place, aged 79 years 5 months and 3 days…wife and  2 children. p6 c2


Macon, Mo. Jan. 18-Taking of evidence in the preliminary examination of Charles Crabtree, George Roberts and Frank Williams, the alleged murderers of mine owner Thomas Wardell, was resumed this morning. p7 c1


 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jesse, near Thompson, Jan. 16, 1889, a son. p8 c1

  Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donovan, Wilson township, Jan. 21, 1889. p8 c1


 Last Saturday the little child of Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Blanton of Centralia got a small stick fastened in its throat and choked to death. p8 c1

 John Maguire  acquitted of murder in the killing of Pat Nolan in May 1868. p8 c2


 Bowling Green, Mo. Jan. 13.- Col. Wm. G. Hawkins died this morning from an overdose of laudanum, taken by mistake for cough medicine. Remains will be  buried at Pisgah church. p4 ccc6


                                                                    Jan. 31, 1889

 Judge W.O. Forist Monday night went up to Renick to defend Ed Forrest and Joe Lyons, arrested for shooting James Grant. Both claim that the shooting was done by outside parties. p1 c2


Walter H. Morehead   23 and Miss Mollie Baker, both of Huntsville, married in Mexico Jan. 24. Elopement. p1 c6


  John Burton, Crookston, Cherry co., Neb., a member of Co. E, Capt. George Herring’s 10th MO Cav., Col. Smart’s Reg’t. lived but 5 days after going home from the army. His widow asks help from members of that Co. in obtaining a pension. p1 c6       


 Rep. James N. Burns, 56, of the 4th Mo. district was stricken with paralysis Jan. 23 and died the next morning. He was native of Indiana and came to Mo. when but 5 years of age. p2 c4


 The following persons will leave for WashingtonTerritory in a few weeks: S.I. Smith and family, living north of town; James T. Byrns and family, south of town; George Eller and family, south of town; George Waters and family; J.W. Darnell and family of Vandalia; Thos. Watts of Bachelor and A. Williams and sister of Benton City. p4 c6


 Married today, Jack Harrison of Auxvasse and Miss Belle Berry, McCredie. p4 c5

 Married today, W.L. Crawford and Miss Mary Browning, both of Young’s Creek. p4 c6


Rural school teachers: Lida Powell, Bean Creek and Ella Creamer, Bryant school.  Some pupils of Bean Creek who received best grade for deportment: Callie Jones, Walter Eubanks, Victor Gilmore, Susie Watts, Annie Moydell, Lannie Ware, Edith Eubanks, Lenie Lierheimer, Emma Lierheimer, also spelling award received by Jimmie Ware. p5 c1


 Wm. Stephens died last Saturday in his 83d year. Interment at Old Cedar Church.p5 c1


 Eld. James Bradley left for Fulton Sunday to conduct the services of Mrs. Craghead who died Sunday. p5 c2


 Awards at Beaver Dam school, Mattie M. Sallee, teacher. For attendance, highest honors: Omega Wright, Nellie Crockett, Allie Harrison, Clyde Harrison. For penmanship: Mollie Roberts, Arthur Dicus, Abbie Dicus. For deportment: Edna Ford, Linda Ford, Leta Ford, Nellie Roberts, Nellie Moore, Omega Wright, Abbie Dicus, Daisy Lundy, Lula Bird Thomas, Mollie Allen, Katie Crockett, Lafey Allen, Herbert Harrison, Orville Lundy, Albert Lundy and Willie Roberts. p5 c2  


 Mrs. Jane Treloar, mother of Wm. M. Treloar of this city, died in Norborne, Mo. Saturday, aged 61. Interred this city. p6 c1

 Lucien Piorier of St. Louis and Mary V. Murray were married in Martinsburg Wednesday Jan. 23 by Father Haar. P6 c1


A dog, supposed to be mad, created much excitement at Sabbath Home one day last week. After killing all the ducks, geese and chickens on the farms of Col. Coakley, James Wilcox, James Devaney, Mr. Fry and P.P. Collier, he was shot dead by the last named gentleman. p6  c1


Married Jan. 24, this city, Mattie Baker and Wm. W. Morehead. p6 c1        


Auxvasse Review.-Mr. Ap Adams left last Saturday for Georgetown, Texas, where he went to bring back the remains of his brother, Walter, who died there 10 years ago…will be interred beside the wife and children at the family burial ground near Mexico. p6 c4


 The remains of Mrs. Sallie Winn who died Saturday night were buried Sunday at Salt River. p8 c1


 Marriage license issued Monday to John Martin and Miss Sarah Dubray, Laddonia; John W. Dye, Young’s Creek and Miss Lou Hager of Mexico.

 Jesse Coleman, father of State Supt. Coleman, died at the home of his son, D.S. Coleman in Warren co. Saturday, aged 89. He came from Ky. in ’41 and settled in Warren and spent the remainder of his life. p8 c1


Two Indiana girls from Eufala, Indian Territory, have enrolled at Hardin College. Name of one is Miss McCombs, daughter of an Indian missionary. p8 c2


 Circuit court. Samuel Lodici, German, granted final papers of citizenship. p8 c6

Circuit  Court. Henry Basharny, German, granted final papers of citizenship. p8 c6


                                                                     Feb. 7, 1889


Died in K.C. Feb. 4, Miss Ada Treloar, aged 23. Interment this city…p1 c2


Union Racket. Lee Rood, teacher of the Eller school, will give an entertainment. p1 c2


Married, J.W. Stewart and Charlotte Hepler Feb. 6, 1889. p5 c2


Married Feb. 6, 1889, John E. Gilmer and Miss M.E. Creamer. p5 c2


 R.L. Webb and Miss Belle Phillips, daughter of Rev. Preston Phillips, were married in Marshall Friday. p6 c1 


Mr. Cottingham, of Tulip, Monroe county, and Miss Annie Lewellen, were married at the home of the bride on West Monroe St. Friday. p6 c2


William Stephens, who died in Concord, Jan. 29 in the 83d year of his age…born in Garrard co., Ky. April 26, 1806, came to Missouri in 1833, to Permelia Rentfrow.  Eleven children born to them, one died in infancy and one adult…oldest son, A.R. Stephens. Two of his daughters are Mrs. Wm. J. Ballew and the other Mrs. J.H. Berry… p6 c2

 Married in Moberly on Thursday, Jan. 31, Allen C. Palmer of Bloomfield, Iowa and Miss Gertie A. Thompson, daughter of J.B. Thompson, Lancaster. p8 c1 


 Maggie Wiley vs J.R. Wiley. Divorce granted. p8 c5


  Maggie Bast vs Matthew Bast. Divorce granted. p8 c5


                                                               Feb. 14, 1889

Billy West celebrated his 86th birthday Tuesday. Born in Rowan co., Tenn. Feb. 12, 1803. p1 c4


Married, J.B. Beery, Lost Spring, Ks. and Nannie E. Chorn, Bloomington, Ill. at the Ringo Parlors Feb. 7. Mr. Beery’s relatives live at Wellsville. p2 c2


Bryan school, Alex Bruce, teacher. Florence McCue and Frank Hightshoe, pupils. p2 c2                    

 New Hope items. Married on the 13th inst. G.W. Crum and Miss Catie Watts. Will reside in Callaway. p5 c2


 Marion, 6 year old child of Florence Wood, died Feb. 6 of  diphtheria at Mexico. 4th child in this family to die in the last two weeks. p6 c2

 John Beatty and Katie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Smith, were married at the home of the bride Feb. 6. p7 c1


 Died at Benton City Thursday Feb. 7, 1889 of typhoid fever, Lem Payton, aged 21.  p8 c1


 Licensed to wed. Joseph E. Love and Lena Hill, Walter S. Bradford and Minie Brand. p8 c2


 Laddonia Laconics. Caleb Welsh and Ella Rice were married last Sunday. p8 c5


                                                                           Feb. 21, 1889

 Licensed to marry. F. Lee Crawford and Mary A. Greer, Joseph P. Hayes and Mary Klekamp, Henry Schaberg and Mary M. Burkamp  p1 c5


 Killed himself at the Florence Hotel, Moberly, Tuesday, Willis Pearson. His home is in Lafayette co. p6 c2

 Mrs. Elizabeth T. Gallagher of near Perry died Feb. 10, Widow of the late Rev. A.G. Gallagher and mother of Dr. T. Gallagher. Born Jan. 21, 1799. p6 c2


 Marriage licenses issued to W.B. McDonald and Miss Sallie Herndon, and T.C. Wilburn and Emma Overbaugh of Martinsburg. p8 c1

 Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Settle, a son Feb. 6. p8 c1


  Died in Centralia Feb. 17, Miss Effie Reed, daughter of W.P. Reed. Interment Monroe co. p8 c1


Andy Winn and Mary Bateman, daughter of Col. Monroe Bateman, married in Columbia yesterday. p8 c2


 John Hildebrand and Rosa Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler near Benton City,  to be married this afternoon  p8 c4


 Mrs. Sarah E. Bridges, widow of the late C.G. Bridges of Mexico, Mo. and mother of Mrs. C.S. Van Horn of this city died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. L.C. Elston in Great Bend, Kansas Tuesday Feb. 12. Buried in the family burying ground near Mexico beside her husband. Surviving: Charley W., Miss Effie Bridges, Mrs. L.C. Elston of Great Bend, Ks. and Mrs. C.S. Van Horn. Mrs. Bridges was 52 years old on Jan. 28th last. Member of M.E., Church, Mexico. p8 c6


                                                                        Feb. 28, 1889
 Moberly Monitor. Death of Mrs. Joel Smith, a resident of Randolph co. nearly 60 years, located here soon after her marriage in 1829. Native of Ky. and was 82 years old. Survivors: Mrs. S.K. Rucker, Mrs. Annie Bradford of Boone, Mrs. N.B. Coates, Mrs. Wm. James, Mrs. J.T. Coates and Mrs. Wm. Smith. P1 c4


Albert Jennings, 26, a school teacher, died at his father’s home near Centralia Jan. 27, Was unmarried. P2 c5


Joseph Sanford Godfrey died in Louisiana, Mo. Jan. 27. p2 c5


Mrs. Stephen Lawler died at her home in St. Charles Jan. 27. p2 c5  


 Richard Sampson, 48, proprietor of the Hotel Boone in Centralia died Jan. 26 of typho pneumonia. Unmarried. Born and reared in Boone co. p2 c5


Died. James H. Thomas died in Centralia. Buried Centralia. p2 c1


 Lulu Milliken, Bolivar, Mo. & Mr. Darnell, St. Joseph, married in K.C. Monday. p3 c1


 M.A. Baker, supt. of telegraph and chief train dispatcher for the K. line and C.B. & K.C. died at 8 o’clock Sunday at his home in Hannibal,. P3 c4


 Died, J.W. Wright, formerly of Vandalia, died in Jefferson City on Feb. 20. Buried at Lick Creek, Perry. p2 c3


 Union Racket. Born to Jos. Crews & wife, a son. named Dick Norton. p5 c2


 Sam D. Byrns and James Kirkpatrick left for Boise, Idaho. James Byrns, George Eller & John Waters and their families left Tuesday for Washington Territory. P5 c2


 Some pupils at Union school. Luther Byrns, Samuel McIntyre and Carry Byrns. P5 c2


  Hatton. A little daughter of Wm. Moore died last week. p5 c2


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barth Feb. 21, a daughter. p6 c1 


 J.R. Maxwell, Vandalia, and Eva L. Wilson of Pike co. were married Wednesday at the home of the bride. p7 c1


          Married Feb. 19 in Mexico, J.E. Collins and Tressa Pierce. p6 c1


          Henry.H. Oaks and Miss Mollie Gossett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Gossett of Cuivre, married at the residence of the bride’s parents Thursday.  p6 c1


          Born to Mr. & Mrs. Wood Trimble, a son. p8 c1


          Born to Mr. & Mrs. Logan Bybee, Feb. 25, a son. p8 c1


 Married Sunday Feb. 24, at the residence of R.H. Martin, Robert Watts of Ellsberry and Miss Lula Martin. p8 c4


  Mrs. Dorcas Smith, nee Tureman, relic (sic) of the late Joel Smith of Randolph co. died at Moberly Friday, Feb. 22d. Was an aunt of B.B. Tureman of this city. Mr. Smith was an uncle of Joel and Caleb Guthrie of this city. p8 c4


                                                                         March 7, 1889


 Charles C. Hill of Perry and Jennie Hughes of Audrain married at the  bride’s residence Feb. 28. The groom is a minister of the Christian church. p3 c3


David Hukell, a carpenter of Centralia, died there of spinal meningitis. p3 c3


 Bean Creek Budget. Grandpa Leubke, 70, died Sunday of pneumonia. Buried at German penitentiary. p4 c3

Married. J.P. Moore to Alice Smith. p4 c3

  Hatton Siftings. 

Mr. B.F. Ellis, residing just over the line in Audrain, died last week of pneumonia. p4 c4

 Died of smallpox Monday, Mrs. Arnold of Shamrock. p5 c6

 Born to Chas. Kee and wife on Feb. 27, a daughter. p6 c1

Clara Ward, niece of Dr. R.W. Bourn of this city, died at Ramsey, Ill. Feb. 27. p6 c1

 James H. Lail of Montgomery City died Feb. 28 of smallpox. P6 c2

 Mrs. Thomas Martin died at Martinsburg Thursday and was buried  Friday at West Cuivre Baptist church. p6 c2

 R.J. Wessel, formerly of this city, now of Huntsville, Mo. and Miss Jo. M. Gilbert of Danville, Pa. married last Thursday. Will reside in Huntsville. p6 c3

 John Abbay and Nellie Hopkins were married last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Abbay. p6 c4

 Frank Menefee of Warrensburg, formerly of this city, and Cora H. Gilkeson of Warrensburg, married Wednesday. p7 c1

  Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Doc Smith, 5 miles southwest of Mexico, Feb. 27, 1889, Ida Smith and J.P. Moore. p7 c2

 Married Feb. 27 at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Whaley, 7 miles east of Auxvasse, Andrew Laws and Hattie Whaley.  p7 c3

 Born, March 4, a son, to Mr. Geo. W. Culver and wife of Rush Hill. p8 c1


                                                                             March 14, 1889


Died at the home of J.F. Fredde on March 8, 1889, J.D. Spencer. Born in Gallatin co., Ky. Feb. 15, 1810. Married Elizabeth Bishop Mar. 12, 1829, moved to Ill. in 1839, settled first on Skull Lick, then on Salt River, living there until his death…laid him to rest by his wife at Mt. Zion Bapt. Church. p1 c4


 Gates Parish and Mrs. Julia Ennis were married last Wednesday by Rev. M. Jones.

p5 c2

Young’s Creek items. Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart Mar. 1, a daughter. p5 c2


 Marriage licenses to Lee Mundy and Cinnie Carroll and C.A. Vance and Emma J. Shuck  p5 c4


 Died Thursday. Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. B.H. Robinson. p6 c1


John Butler, son of Judge Wm. Butler, who lives near Vandalia, died of pneumonia Thursday.  He was 23 years of age. p6 c1

Died in Henry co., Mo. Feb. 15, 1889, Susan M. McDonald. Deceased formerly resided in this county. p6 c1


 Marriage licenses to Chas. F. Mauk and Lula M. Chick and Chas. B. Harrison & Mattie Gallingford. p6 c1


 Nora McDonald, 16, daughter of J.B. McDonald who lives 2 miles south of town, died last Friday. Was granddaughter of Joseph Newkirk. Buried Mexico cemetery. p6 c2


 B.F. Wylde, prop.of Prairie Home Nursery, near Benton City. p6 c2 


Died at the  residence of his father 4 miles east of Mexico Mar. 7, 1889, A.L. Snook, in the 23d year of his age. Burial Littleby (M.E.) cem


Mrs. Wm. Stuart , 56, nee Elizabeth F. Judy, wife of Judge Stuart, died Mar. 6, 1889.  Children, Mrs. J.B. Davis and George W. Stuart. Born in Clark co., Ky., married in 1840. Seventeen years later they moved to Missouri and lived near Santa Fe, until about 10 years ago they moved to Mexico. Buried city cemetery. p6 c3


 Mrs. Sarah Driver, mother of Al Driver of St. Louis and Mrs. J.N. Humphrey of the Globe Hotel, died Sunday night. p8 c5

 Cuivre News. N. Brabant died Thursday night and was buried in the Sox cemetery. He leaves a wife and 1 child. p8 c5


                                                                March 21, 1889

          Robert Davis of Carrollton has been arrested by the sheriff of Boone co. for the murder of George Mays at Sims Grocery Store near Sturgeon July 5, 1871. p1 c3

          Prof. E.W. Hall died at his home in Muehlenberg, Ky. Born in Jefferson Co., N.Y. Mar. 4, 1835. Brother of Ira Hall, esq. P1 c4

          Progress, Mo. - Card of thanks by Mr. & Mrs. Henry Leubke for kindness and care of their father, Frederick Leubke. P1 c5   

          Marriage of Miss Emma Northcutt to Henry Douglass at the residence of bride’s mother near Benton City on the 13th inst. p2 c3

          Hatton Siftings. Mrs. B.F. Ellis died last week of pneumonia. Her husband died 2 weeks before. p5 c2 

          Mrs. J. Crews received news of the death of both her brothers inside one week They lived in Colorado. p5 c2

          Chas. Harrison and Mattie Satterfield married March 14 at the residence of the bride’s father. p5 c2

          Born a son to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dillard March 13. p6 c1

          Judge A.J. Davis, old citizen of Pike, died at New Hartford on the 13th. p6 c1

          H.P. Crum and Lizzie Wayne were married March 13, 1889, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Wayne. p6 c2

         W.T. Beazley, father of Miss Sallie, student at Hardin College, lives at New Providence, Boone co. p6 c3

         E.W. Clark and Miss Josie Cudworth married March 13, 1889, at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Fred Busch. p7 c1

         A man named Myers, aged 80, died at the Hospital for the Insane, Fulton. p7 c2

         Mrs. Hepler, wife of J.M. Hepler, 5 miles south of town, died last Saturday. Buried at Rising Sun. p7 c2

          Mrs. U.H. Keath, well known here, died in Quincy Tuesday. p8 c1

          Married March 20, 1889, Ambrose Keyser and Celia Stewart of vicinity of Bean Creek. p8 c1

          Married Sunday Mar. 19, Mr. A. Lincoln Cleveland and Lillian M. Dean, both of Audrain. p8 c1

          Montgomery City Mar. 20 - George D. Fessenden of Cherokee, Kansas, committed suicide here this morning by shooting himself through the head. p8 c5


                                                                       Mar. 28, 1889

          Z.T. Northcutt of Benton City related to the Intelligencer that Richard Mullins was burning trash and weeds and his 6 year old daughter got too close to the flames and her clothes became ignited. The father is partially deaf and could not hear her screams. This occurred last Monday and the child died Monday night. p1 c2

          Mrs. Nancy Canole, mother of Mrs. B.B. Taylor died at the residence of Maj. H.A. Ricketts yesterday at nearly 92 years of age. Born in Clark co., Ky. Aug. 1, 1797, daughter of Jonathan Bryan. Her father moved to St. Charles co. a few years later and in 1814 she was married to Alexander McKinney and lived in Warren county. The Indians who massacred the Ramsey family at Marthasville had passed by the McKinney home the day before. Mr. McKinney was away from home but she was able to convince the savages that the place was well fortified and so escaped the fate of her neighbors. Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McKinney. Three are still living, Mrs. Martha Taylor, J.M. McKinney and Mrs. Z.. Maupin. Mr.  H. Maupin. Mr. McKinney died in 1840 and in 1847 she married Col. Canole in Howard co. He died 1 year later. In 1870 she came to Mexico and spent several years with her daughter, Mrs. James Callaway. She has 3 brothers still living, Elijah, James and Abner.  p1 c5

          John R. Mead died at his residence Sunday night, March 25. Born in Wyoming co., N.Y. in 1842. In 1859 he went to Leavenworth, Ks. He married Alice F. Giger in 1876. Came to Missouri in 1884. Survived by wife and 5 daughters. p1 c6 & p5 c2

          Funeral of Mrs. S.E. Pearson took place Friday. Born in Nicholas co., Ky. Nov. 22, 1839. Settled in Audrain co. in 1856. Married John V. Pearson in Oct. 1866. He was killed accidentally Feb. 4, 1874.  Sister of Joseph Williams and Mrs. Whaley, Mrs. Doan, Mrs. Sproul and Mrs. Ritchie. Children: Albert Walter, Edgar Elwood and Lena M.

p2 c3 and p6 c3

          Died at her residence near Rush Hill Feb. 28th, Mrs. Matilda Yarnall. Born in Harrison co., Ky. Oct. 11, 1835 and was married to Isaac M.Yarnall April 14, 1858. “Aunt Tilda” moved from Ky. in Mar. 1881. Survived by son, Arthur. p5 c1  

          C.W. Bennett, 44, a former proprietor of the Windsor Hotel, committed suicide in St. Louis last week by jumping from a  fourth story window at the Hurst Hotel. Has son, Edward. Was born in Maryland. P5 c3

          Joseph Day, a veteran journeyman tailor, formerly in business at Centralia, committed  suicide in Nevada, Mo. on the 19th by taking poison. p6 c1

          News was received here last week of the death in Golden, Colo. of Mrs. Clark, wife of Hon. C.A. Clark, who is a brother of Judge J.P. Clark of this city.  Deceased in company with her husband left this section in 1860, crossing the plains by ox team. p6 c2

          Son born to Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Dobyns Mar. 26. p8 c1

          A daughter born Mar. 26 to Mr. & Mrs. Adam Weimer. p8 c1

          Married in Farber, Mo. Mar. 20, J.H. Howard and Miss Mattie Putman. p8 c1

          James B. Davis, formerly of Warren co. died recently at Fayette. p8 c1


                                                                             April 4, 1889         

          Died in Centralia, Mo. March 26th, Lute Harrison, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Tinsley, aged 1 year and 4 month. Scarlet fever. Buried in Benton City. p1 c2

          Mildred Haywood, 14, daughter of Mrs. Wesley Kilgore, was adopted by her uncle, Wm. Haywood of St. Louis. Has been returned to her mother in Mexico, Mo. p2 c4

          A daughter born ot Mr. & Mrs. Gene Tomlinson Mar. 29.  p6 c1

          Marriage license to Jeff D. Sims and Mary G. Phillips. p6 c1

          Prof. Isaac H. Brown, principal of the Columbia public schools, died Thursday of typhoid fever. p6 c1

          The 4 year old son of Willis Bush near Stoutsville, Monroe co. fell into a pile of burning brush Friday and his whole body was burned to a crisp. p7 c2

          Wm. H. Mitchell of Pike co. died in Louisiana Monday of heart disease. p8 c1

          Sam Brierly, 25, the only support of a widowed sister was killed by a runaway team at Monroe City Saturday. p8 c1

          Maria McCubbin, formerly of this city, but now of Santa Ana, Calif. was married Wednesday to a young business man of that place. Name not given. p8 c1

           Thomas Workman and Belle Baly, both near Rush Hill, were married Wednesday.

p8 c2


          Bowling Green, Mo. Jan. 13.-  Col. Wm. G. Hawkins died this morning from an overdose of laudanum, taken mistakenly for cough medicine. Remains will be buried at Pisgah church. p4 c5       


                                                                              April 11, 1889

          Walter S. Gregory, son of J.B. Gregory of this city, was recently promoted to the position of sergeant on the St. Louis Police Board. He is a native of Callaway co., Mo. p1 c6


          Funeral services of Dr. J.S. Maus who died Sunday. Deceased came to Mexico from Peoria. He was graduate of Transylvania College, Ks.  Enlisted in Union army as Capt. of the Third Ill. Cav., afterwards became Surgeon General in Lyons Command. About a year ago he was married to Mrs. Allensworth of this city and has since made his home in Mexico. p1 c6

          Married, Richard P. Hopkins, collector of Audrain co. and Mrs. Maggie Davis, at the home of the latter on West Love St. Thursday. p3 c3

          Young’s Creek items. Born to Mr. & Mrs. W. Marshall on the 28th of March, a son.

p6 c1 

          Born April 3d to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pratt, a son. p6 c1

          A letter from Elder J.W. Higbee of Waco, Texas, states that their little son, Moss, died April 1 of spinal meningitis.  p6 c1

          Mrs. Rowley, wife of Prof. W.J. Rowley, Supt. of  Clarksville public schools, died in that city on the 9th inst. P8 c2

          James T. Jones, Warrenton, will be married in Glasgow to Miss Mary E. Savage.

p8 p2


                                                                              April 18, 1889

          Libby Beechler was acquitted of the murder of Henry W. King in Omaha last Nov. 16. The late Mr. King’s wife is the daughter of Hon. Hugh C. Duffy of Louisiana. P3 c2

          Born to A.C. Roby and wife April 10, a son. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. & Mrs. George Wylde, Benton City, April 10, a son. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. & Mrs. J.A.Guthrie Thursday, April 11, a daughter. p6 c1   

          Marriage license issued to Geo. F. Bell of Boone and Octavia Bruner of Audrain. p6 c1     

          Orlando Foster, Wisconsin’s oldest Mason, age 74, died Friday in K.C. p6 c1

          Mattie Britt has brought suit against her husband, Sam Britt, for divorce. Sam is now confined in the penitentiary. p6 c1

          Aunt Nancy Reagan, colored, is 104 years old. She came here from Monroe. p6 c2

          Frank Ringo, the baseball player, died at K.C. of an overdose of morphine, taken with suicidal intent. p6 c2

          John Chambers, aged 25 or 26, died at Benton City Thursday…He was born and raised in Audrain co. p6 c2

          Died at the residence of her grandson, E.T. Thomas, in this place (Madison) last Saturday, Mrs. Rachel Thomas, aged 69 years and 10 months. Deceased was born at Holliday. p7 c1

          Cards are out announcing the marriage April 24th of Dr. John H. McIntyre and Miss Florence Lee, both of St. Louis. Miss Lee is a sister of Mrs. F.H. Mitchell and E.W. Lee.

p7 c2 


          John Miller married Nellie Foley of St. Louis. Lived in Mexico, Mo. a few years ago. She is daughter of John Foley. He left her but now is trying to locate her. p7 c2

          Geo. W. Carr petitions for divorce from Elizabeth Carr. p8 c1

          Mrs. Baker, wife of J.W. Baker, died Saturday. p8 c1

          Married yesterday, Sterling Price Dubray and Eliza B. LaRue of Laddonia. p8 c1

          Aunt Polly Crow, 98, Ashley, Pike co. died. p8 c1                                                                               

          Lula Gentry, adopted daughter of Prof. Gentry, formerly a teacher at Hardin College, married in Kirksville Monday to Eugene Link. p8 c1


April 25, 1889

          Joe Ware of this county passed through this city enroute to Lexington, Ky. with the remains of his sister, Narcissa Ware, who died Monday in Higginsville. Lexington is Miss Ware’s home. p1 c4

          Hatton. Born to Rev. F. Mitchell and wife, a daughter. Child died after 2 or 3 days.

p5 c3

          Born, to Joseph Stephens and wife, a son. p5 c3

          Born to J.D. McFarland and wife, a daughter. p5 c3

          Mrs. W.H. Whitledge, who lives near Vandalia, died Thursday of lung fever. p6 c1

          Mattie Palmer and John Clark, both living south of Sturgeon, were married last Thursday. p6 c1

          Ed Kombrink and Lizzie Berger will be married next Thursday. p6 c1

          Married, John Hageman and Eva Betts, on Thursday Apr. 25, at residence of bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. L.T. Betts. p6 c2

          Marriage of Maria E. McCubbin and George R. Holmes at Santa Ana, Calif. on the  4th inst. p6 c4

          Marriage of Jeff Mourning and Miss J. Abney Monday of Shamrock, Mo. p8 c1 

          Mrs. J.G. Miller nee Annie Burkholder died last Sunday at Marshall, Mo. p8 c2

          Miss Hattie Overton, formerly of Fulton, niece of Mrs. J.V. Williams of this city, died Sunday at Pomona, Calif. p8 c2

          Marriage to be Tuesday next, Frank W. Coatsworth and Ida Lee Myers. p8 c2

          F.B. Bradley of Callaway was in  town Tuesday. He came to Missouri from Ky. in 1832 and settled in Callaway. p8 c2

          “Uncle” Norris Hunter, the old colored man who lived in east Mexico, died Monday. P8 c2

          The illness of Miss Alice Shea, 19, terminated in her death last Tuesday. Funeral services at the Catholic church. p8 c2

          Dora Mays has filed a petition for divorce from Benjamin F. Mays. p8 c5

          Mary H. Shanks filed a petition for divorce from Richard L. Shanks. p8 c5


                                                                        May 2, 1889

          Mexico’s talkers. Those who can tell a story well or make a good speech. Sunday’s Post Dispatch contained the following in regard to Mexico’s talkers and story tellers.  Mrs. J.E. Moore, Mrs. G.B. Macfarlane, Mr. Ed Patterson, Mrs. S.M. Martin, Mrs. Mead White, Hon. W.H. Kennan, P.E. Locke, Dr. Pinckney French, Col. J.E. Hutton, J.W. Howell, Dr. T.S. Murdock, W.B. McIntyre, Miss Martha Sullinger, Judge W.O. Forrist, Mrs. J.M. Kelso, Mrs. R.M. White, Col. Green Clay, C.A. Keeton, Judge S.M. Edwards, J.H. Hayden, Dr. E.S. Cave, Uncle Abe Hitt (was a prisoner in St. Louis during the war), Rev. S.M. Martin, J.N. Roseberry, J.M. Marmaduke, George Marshall, County Clerk J.V. Williams, Mrs. M.L. Jones, Gov. C.H. Hardin, John Lane, Mrs. Rose Forrist, Mrs. John A Guthrie. p1 c4 & 5

          Charlie Carter, well known here, committed suicide at Williamsburg last week by shooting himself in the head with a shot gun. p6 c1

          George Emmerson, a C & A brakeman, was killed at Bowling Green Saturday by coming in contact with a bridge while setting brakes on top of a car. His home was at Slater. p6 c1

          Robert Kemp served 4 years under Price. In 1889 was employed by Lemp Brewing Co. Names A.O. Turner, D.H. McIntyre, Fent Sutton, Jake Tate, John F. Harrison, William Bedell. p6 c2

          Suicide of William Carter, who shot his own head off in his room at Antioch, 4 miles south of Williamsburg, Callaway co. taken from the Montgomery Standard, aged about 23. Nephew of Alex Carter of Audrain. p6 c4         

          Florence Lee, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lee, was married yesterday to Dr. John H. McIntyre in St. Louis. p6 c4

          Married Wednesday, Joseph N. Bybee and Mrs. Maggie J. Wiley, both of Laddonia.

p8 c2

          James Quisenberry and Miss Lee Johnson were married last evening at the home of the bride’s father, Tazwell Johnson, north of the city. p8 c2

          Marriage of Frank W. Coatsworth and Miss Ida Lee Myers took place Tuesday. Will reside on E. Promenade. p8 c2 

          Harry Roberts and Alva Thompson have gone to New Mexico to try their fortune.

p8 c4

          Bean Creek Budget. Boy born to Mr. August Hubert Friday. p8 c4


May 9, 1889

          Ralph Coatsworth, 70, born Montreal, Canada. Married in Rochester, N.Y. Sons Jay  and Elmer born there. Child, Frank, born of his second marriage. Died May 3, 1889.

Buried in Mexico cemetery. p1 c4

          Frank Hanna, an old and well to do farmer, 2 miles west of this city, died Sunday. Wife and 2 sons. p1 c4

          Hatton. Grandmother Black, 82, died last Sunday. Burial Concord. p5 c2

          Prof. J.M. Rouse and Miss Lucy Turner, both teachers in Centralia Public Schools, married Thursday. p5 c2

          Miss Eva Wilson, daughter of Prof Wilson of this place, has returned from Hamilton, Ohio, where she has been teaching a public school. p6 c1

          Miss Mira Hicks, who has been teaching this past winter in Stockton, Cedar co., Mo. arrived home some days ago.

          James H. Worsham (ex-Confederate) relates what he knows of the Independence affair. p6 c2

          Elocution Contest of MHS boys was won by Nathan Phillips. Other students in the contest were:William Harding,  John Arnold, Arnold McKee, Basil Brown. P6 c4

          H.L. Pledge of Benton City trying to procure necessary papers for placing Betty Sira in hospital for insane at Fulton. p7 c1

          Born, May 5, a son, to Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Chase. p8 c1

          Rev. John Jeffries, formerly pastor of the colored M.E. church here, attempted suicide at Fayette Saturday. p8 c2

          County court. Accounts allowed: J.P. Sigler, appropriation for Ben Hill; M.R.K. Biggs,   for J.H. Pitt, insane; Harvey Richardson, colored, for orphans. p8 c6


                                                                               May 16, 1889

          Last Sunday’s Post Dispatch contained a list of some of Mexico’s babies with comments:  Nellie Winslow; Gertrude Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morris; Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Lee’s  twin boys; Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Berry’s baby; Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Llewellyn’s children; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Day’s boy; Joe Ricketts, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Ricketts; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Paul’s baby; Dr. and Mrs. Winan’s boy baby; Mr. & Mrs. S.P. Emmons wee, bonnie bairn; Willie Purnell, son of Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Purnell; Mr. & Mrs. Will Chapin; Mr. & Mrs. Alf Rainey’s son; Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Edmonston’s daughter, Bertha;  Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Garrett’s two babies; Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson’s baby is a black-eyed little Democrat; Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mead White; son of Mr. & Mrs. __. W. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morris’ daughter; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Howell; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tomlinson’s daughter, Ora; Lily Ragsdale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ragsdale; Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McKee’s baby boy; Francers Frost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Frost; Mattie Garret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Garrett; Mitchell White, son of R.M. White; Carrie Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lee; son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Cummings; Beth Patterson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A.M. Patterson; Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wijscott’s boy; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Guthrie’s 4 four babies; Mr. and Mrs. Lan Morris’ little daughter, Blossom; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tucker’s daughter, Frankie; Mr. and Mrs. John Hill’s daughter; Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Houston’s daughter; Marie; Nat Emmons, 20 month old son of James Emmons; Nita Paul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C,. Paul; Virgil Williams, son of County Clerk Williams; Blanche, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W.V. Walker; son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Settle; Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Mitchell’s son; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wakefield; Maggie and Mattie Lupton, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Lupton; Virginia Yancey, daughter of Prof. A.K. Yancey, president of Hardin College; Mary Gartrell, niece of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown; Katie Vardeman, daughter of the Baptist minister; “Shorty’ McKean, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Mckean. p1 c1, 2 & 3

          Wedding of Robert Yowell and Lillian Peak of Santa Fe neighborhood. Miss Peak was a member of the class of 1885 of Hardin College. p5 c5

          H.O. Craig, teacher, Benton City school. p6 c1

          Marriage license issued to James W. Cooper of Cooper co. and Carrie E. Moore of Montgomery co. p6 c1

          Frank Hanna died last Sunday. Son, Julius Hanna, of Mobile, Ala. p6 c1

          Dr. A.M. Patterson has secured a home for the baby that was left homeless by the death of Mrs. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Boyd will adopt the child. p6 c1

          Married, Geo. A. Bleumm of Hannibal and Linnie M. Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins, at the residence of the bride’s parents in Laddonia. p6 c2

          Born May 11, son to Mr. and Mrs. Kiefabber. p7 c1 

          Born May 10, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E.W., Prussing. p7 c1    

          Miss Kate Johnson, niece of Mrs. Josiah Wright, will be married Wednesday to J.T. McMullin of Raymore, Cass co. p8 c1

          James Powell and Laura, daughter of Alex Carter, will be married Wednesday.p8 c1

          MHS Class of 1889. Misses Aggie Jackman, Gussie Turner, Minnie Wright, Callie Morris and Kate Duncan. p8 c2

          John Smith, brother of J.M. smith, found dead near Guthrie in Boone co. p8 c2

          Hubert Hawks, an ex-engineer of the C. & A., well known here, was shot and killed in Temple, Tx. Was city marshall and was trying to make an arrest. p8 c2


                                                                              May 23, 1889

          Students at MHS.   Thomas Baskett, class of ’92, Annie Steele, class of 1891, Nathan Philips, Class of 1890.  p1 c3

          List of patients from Audrain co. presently at the asylum for the insane at Fulton, with dates of admission.  J.H. Hurdle June 26, 1865; W.H. Hollis Dec. 14, ’74; E. Kilgore 

Nov. 9, ’83; D.T. Doolin  Jan. 30, ’85; G.F. Bird Aug. 25, ’86; Andrew Elliott Feb. 2, ’88; James Greer July 24, ’88; J.T. Logan Jan 29, ’80; Mrs. M.A. Bland Feb. 8, ’77; 

Mrs. M.J. ___  remainder illegible; Mrs. Fannie Shoots (col.)  ’88; Miss Fannie Kirtley

Nov. 8, ’70; Miss Mary Kilgore Sept. 29, ’87. p2 c2

          Vina Wolf, 115 years old, former slave, living in Monroe, Union tp. near Middle Grove. P4 c5

          Hatton Siftings. Died at her home near Hatton, May 4th, Miss Lourena Rudd. p5 c3

          Miss Amanda Lemon, well known here, was married last week to Dr. Corlew, of Brown Station. p6 c1

          John Morrisey, aged 75 years, was cut in two by a Wabash train running ovor him at Moberly Friday. p6 c1

          The Hardin College piano students who won the music contest, held at the Ferris Grand Theater last Friday, were: Ida Abbott, Mrs. Charles Buckner, Misses Georgia Guthrie, Mabel Hord, Minnie McDaniel, Leta Marshal, Lena Ricketts, Etta Ross, Elva Tannehill and Fannie Taylor. p6 c2

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Ernst, May 17, a son. p7 c1

          Charles T. Paxton and Miss Sallie Parker wre married in Centralia Tueaday afternoon. p8 c2

          Mr. Hensley, Madison, Mo. committed suicide on Sat. Morning by drowning. Pp c2

          Vandalia, Mo. May 20-Mrs. Ellen McPike, wife of Aaron McPike, who died Saturday was interred in the Vandalia cemetery yesterdy. p8 c2 

          Closing exercises of the colored schools were held at the Grand Saturday night.  Lula Henderson received the medal for best speaker among senior pupils. Among the primary pupils, Joseph White was selected as the best speaker.  p8 c4


                                                                   May 30, 1889

          Jack Cunningham and Marcus Hutchinson, colored, became involved in a difficulty at the Union Depot.  p1 c6

          A man killed in Oklahoma a day or two after the opening of the territory, whose name was given as S.T. Compis, was really Oscar Ehlers, who was sheriff of Franklin County during ’87 and ’88 and who left the office somewhat embarrassed financially. p2 c2

          Vandalia, Mo. May 23 – Mr. Marion Branstetter and Miss Cordelia , daughter of C.C. Butts, were married last night. p3 c2

          The remains of the lamented Maj. John N. Edwards were buried at the outskirts of the little town of Dover, about two miles from Higginsville. p3 c3

          Final concert at Hardin May 31. p3 c2 

          John Sullinger married in Fort Smith, Ark. to a young lady named Robinson. He now lives in Dallas, Texas. p6 c1

          Addie Jerman has filed application for divorce from John Jerman. p6 c1

          Samuel Bland, whose father and other relatives live at Paris, Mo. committed suicide at Albuquerque, N.M. by shooting himself through the heart. p6 c2

         William Dabney Kerr, Fulton, the first superintendent of the State Institute for the education  of the deaf and dumb, died this morning in his 82d year. p6 c4

         Marriage of Mr. Don Pedro Bartley and Miss Eva Bush to take place in Fulton, June 4. p8 c1

          Hatton Siftings.- John Griggs, son of Ben Griggs, took his own life by shooting himself through the body with a shot gun  last Thursday. No cause was assigned for the deed. p2 c3

          Charles H. Grasty married Wednesday to Mrs. Otie Perrin of St. Joe. Niece of Thomas Tootle and the late Milton Tootle. She is cousin of Mr. B.F. Dobyns of this city. p2 c3

          Judge B.P. Ritchie died at the home of his son-in-law, H.M. Long  esq. 4 mile northeast of Sturgeon Saturday June 1, 1889. Born Clark co., Ky. Aug. 12, 1813. Married Mrs. Sarah A. Foster nee Dedman. Of this marriage, seven children were born. All but one son survive him. Mary Lou to H.M. Long, Lizzie to G.W. Batterton, Sue E. to James Canada and Annie C. to ___ Daniel. Sons are John S.  and Wm. H. Ritchie. Buried Mt. Pisgah.

p2 c5 & 6

          Buried. Mrs. Henry Lee of Moberly, daughter of Thomas Mallory, at Antioch church near Rowena last Sunday. p5 c2

          Some pupils at Gatewood school 1889. Annie Doty, Nettie Berry, Belle McGee, Laura Berry, Nora Adams, Eugene Berry, Fanny Leeper, Charley Adams, Delora Dunning, Lucy Dunning, Zella Dejarnett, Bessy Doty, Ollie Campbell, Jessie Hill, Esther Campbell, Bert McGee. p5 c2

          George Kunkle and Myrtle Hopwood were married at the home of the bride’s cousin, Mrs. Jasper Bass, yesterday. p5 c3    

          Susie Marshall married in Bozeman, Montana, to wealthy rancher. p6 c1

          Fred Panhorst, Audrain, brother of Otto Panhorst, and Emma Braun, Jacksonville, Ill. to be married Wednesday. p6 c1

          Callaway Gazette. Cards are out for the marriage of John H. York, Las Vegas, N.M. and Willa Wilkerson at Carrington on June 6. p6 c1

          E.O. Morris left Friday for Butte city, Montana, to reside. p6 c1

          The funeral of Robert H. Lockridge, deceased, will be preached at New Hope 7 miles southeast of Mexico Sunday June 9. Burial Lockridge. p6 c2

          Ada Mason married Frank Egan, Chief Train Dispatcher of the C. & A. at Slater last week. p6 c2

          Hardin College Concert. Names musicians performing. p6 c3 & 4 

          W.G. Duncan, nephew of M.Y. Duncan, formerly of Audrain county, was murdered, supposedly by prisoners that escaped from him while he was a deputy sheriff in Oregon.

p7 c2

          Married last Monday, Mr. E.E. Claypool and Alice Cornelius, both of Illinois. p8 c1

          Clayton Miller, 22, died in St. Joseph Saturday. Services held Tuesday. p8 c1

          Graduation exercises of Class of 1889.  Names graduates. p8 c2 & p8 c5   


                                                                       June 13, 1889

          Death of Mrs. H.M. Ogle, manager of the Johnston, Pa. Telegraph office, and her daughter, who stayed in her office and continued to send warning messages until flood swept the town. p1 c1 & 2

          Lizzie L. White, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White, died Saturday night. p1 c2

          Monroe City, June 11.-John R. Warwick, who has been known here under the name of       

Yager, was arrested and charged with implication in the murder of C.D. Atchison at 

Monterey, Va. 5 years ago. p1 c2

          J.D. Pasten, col., was granted license to practise law in circuit court. p1 c5

          Annual celebration of Hardin College alumnae. Many names. p3 c2  

          Married June 5, Mason Tinsley and Eugie Jesse, daughter of Rev. Wm. Jesse. p6 c1

          John Reed died in the Benton neighborhood Tuesday.  p6 c1

          The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Champ Clark of Bowling Green died Thursday. Geo. Bennett is a brother of Mrs. Clark. p6 c2 

          Clayton Miller, born in Callaway July 3, 1866, died in St. Joseph June 1, 1889. p6 c4

          June 13, the services of Barney Dixon, col. adjudged a vagrant, was sold for six months to the highest bidder.  p7 c2

          Born to Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall, June 10, a son. p8 c1

          Cole Younger, a famous outlaw, was  drowned in Wyoming Saturday. Ernest Williams, who has been a partner in Younger’s escapades, was the only witness. p8 c5


                                                                     June 20, 1889

          W.F. Middlecoff of Clinton, Mo. and Miss Sutie Nichols, were married in Fulton

June 18. p1 c3

          Mrs. Elizabeth Givens, aged 83, died on the 14th at the residence of Albert Kidwell, near Auxvasse. Buried at Prairie Chapel. She was one of the oldest ladies in the county, a member of the M.E. Church South and a good Christian woman.  p1 c3

          St. Paul, Minn. June 12- Bob Younger, youngest of the  three Missouri outlaws who, with the James boys, robbed the Northfield bank and killed three or four people in 1875, now serving a life sentence, is dying of consumption at Stillwater Prison. p2 c1           

          Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Atkins, south of town, J.H. Colley of Moberly and Jennie Atkins. p3 c2


                                                                       June 27, 1889

          Trial of John Miller for the murder of Samuel Apgar. p1 c2,3,4 & 5

          Annie Boyd, of Fayette, Mo. tried to abandon her illegitimate infant son in Moberly but when found, took the baby and  returned to her parents’ home. The father of the child was alleged to be James Miller. p3 c1

          Married June 10 at the residence of Esq. Bass, Lewis Cline and Mary Bass. p3 c1 

          Death of George Ruloff, 22, on Sunday. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ruloff. p4 c4

          Julia Craig, teacher, has closed Stauffer school. p5 c1

          Born to Ab Dingle, Moberly, a daughter. p6 c2

          J.T. Lewellen died Thursday of cencer. p6 c2 

          A.L. Bruton named postmaster at Laddonia. p6 c2       

          E.O. Morris writes from his new home in Butte, Montana. p8 c1

          Miss C.C. Colgan, of Marlborough, Mass. died on the train here Monday. p8 c1

          Mrs. C.G. Baker of Worcester received word  Sunday of the death of her mother at Berea, Madison co., Ky. p8 c1

          Dr. A.M. Vandeventer formerly resided at Martinsburg, left Audrain a little over 2 years ago and now is of Syracuse, Mo.  p8 c2

          Mrs. James M. Harrison near Benton city died last Monday. Services at Benton. Lutie Harrison, daughter of the deceased, died 2 years ago of typhoid fever. p8 c4

          Mrs. Hiram Norton, formerly of Mexico, died in Columbia Monday of consumption. Brought to Mexico for interment. p8 c5


                                                                        July 4, 1889

          John Miller sentenced to hang. Mortimer sentenced to 50 years in prison. p1 c1 & 2

          Joseph Horner of Nevada and Miss Jennie Braham of Fulton were married at Fulton Wednesday. p6 c1

          John McDonald, brother of Joe McDonald, is now located at Pine Postoffice, Arizona. He left here in 1861. His wife if postmistress at Pine. p6 c1 

          P. Taylor Bryan of St. Louis and Miss Kittie Clark of Montgomery city were married at Montgomery City Thursday, Rev. J.A. Matthews officiating. p6 c1 

          Miss Engle, daughter of Hiram Engle, died last Thursday of cancer of the stomach.

p6 c1    

          Died, at her home near Thompson, June 27, 1889, Mrs. Wm. Bozwell (Boswell)

aged 53.  p6 c1

          Married at the residence of the  bride’s father, Mr. Simeon Bryant,  at Ashley, Mo.  F.S. Lonsdale of Columbia, Mo. and Miss Crow Bryant, on the 26th inst. p6 c1

          Rev. J.F. Smith, 76, of Mexico died at Keene, Ky. Thursday June 27. Elder James Franklin Smith was born in Jessamine co., Ky. May 7, 1811, married Mary A. Dingle, daughter of a Baptist preacher, Elder Edward Dingle. p6 c3

          Fulton, June 28 – Mrs. John Anderson, wife of a well-to-do citizen of Fulton, committed suicide by taking “rough on rats”. p7 c2

          Vandalia, June 26 – Married last evening at the home of W.J. Hughes, Charles Owens, about 21, and Mary A. Turner. Both are native of Wales. p8 c2  

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Sannebeck June 30, a son. p8 c2

          Dr. R.W. Berrey will move to Thompson and take over the practice of Dr. Varnon who will move to Colorado. p8 c2


                                                                             July 11, 1889

          Ray Phillips, formerly of Hazen, Ark. was married here July 4 to Nannie L. Key. p1 c2

          J.T. Byrns, who moved to Spokane Falls, Wash. several months ago, has bought city property there. p2 c1

          Mrs. Sullivan, 75 years of age, mother of John Sullivan, who lives about 4 miles north of town, went to the harvest field and took a hand in piling up the sheaves.  p2 c3

          About 4 miles west of Guthrie in Callaway county lives “Aunt” Dinah Jacobs, an old colored woman, about 130 years old. Her home is with her youngest child, Bob Jacobs, 70 years old. p5 c4

          Born, a son, July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Franke. p6 c1

          Mrs. J.L. Sappington, after a long illness, died in Centralia on the 4th.  p6 c1

          Miss Mamie Henderson, aged 24, sister of James and Lillie Henderson and niece of Rev. W.H. Hogan of this city, died Sunday June 30. Miss Nettie Henderson, sister of the deceased, is very low with consumption. P6 c2

          Fulton Globe July 16 - Marriage of Howard Sutherland, sson of J.W. Sutherland, and Miss Effie Harris of Fulton May 28 last. p1 c1 & 2.

          Funeral services for James Callaway. p1 c3

          James Callaway born April 24, 1816 in Warren co., Mo. Married Mary J. McKinney. Surviving children: Rebman Callaway and Mrs. H.A. Ricketts. Mrs. Callaway died Mar. 29, 1887. p3 c3 

          Married at Red Bud, Ill., Joe Beckett, fomerly of this city, and Miss Lizzie Hertz.  Joe Beckett is a cousin of Hubert Schmidt. ertz. Joe Beckett is a cousin of Hubert Schmidt. p6 c1

p6 c1

          Mr. and Mrs. H. Precht thank friends for kindness at the death of their little daughter,Bertha Rosa. p6 c1

          Rev. J. Frank Smith died in Ky. last Friday week while there on a visit. Remains buried at McCredie, Callaway co. p6 c4

          Hatton Siftings. J.T. Porter died July 6 at the residence of his brother, Ben. Burial Richland Baptist Church. p7 c2

          Next Tuesday Miss Daisy Edwards and S.D. Wilkerson will be married at New Bloomfield. p8 c1

          Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. McKinney died Sunday. p8 c1

          Howard Sutherland, who was secretly married to Miss Effie Harris in May, is the young man who accidentally shot and killed a young man named Moulton in Callaway

2 years ago. p8 c2

          Miss Nettie Henederson, aged 22, sister of James and Lillie Henderson and niece of Mrs. Wm. H. Hogan, died in St. Louis July 11. p8 c2

          Died near Winchester, Ky. July 30 (June?), Mrs. Frank M. Ford, aged 45. Deceased lived in Arkansas from 1870 to last fall. Survived by husband and two sons. p8 c5


                                                                          July 25, 1889

          Dr. George H. Dunbar, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Dunbar, died at his home in Rush Hill Saturday July 20, 1889. Born Oct. 18, 1863 in Moscoutah, Ill. Married Mar. 10, 1886 to Kate Jones. Only child, Lizzie. Burial Elmwood. p1 c4

          Winchester, Va. July 15 – E.C. Jordan died this morning   from Blood poisoning from the bite of a pet squirrel about 2 months ago. p2 c4

          Clinton, Mo. Democrat- Died Sunday July 14 in California, a former resident of Concord, John C. Games. Deceased was an uncle of S.S. Craig of this city. p3 c3

          John B. Gordon, Springfield, Mo. died last Friday. He is uncle of J.N. Baskett. p6 c1

          Isaac D. Kemp and Martha A. Pasley, cousins, married a year earlier than planned before law prohibiting the marriage of cousins went into effect. p6 c3

          Hallie Holt applied for a divorce from Octave Holt  and restoration of her maiden name, Hallie Paul. They were married July 12, 1888.  p7 c2

          The 7 year old son of Elijah Self was killed near Farber Friday when he was run over by a self-binder. p7 c2

          S.D. Byrns is back from Idaho and expects to remain here. P8 c4



                                                                               Aug. 1, 1889

          Dead body of a man found on Hickoey Creek about 8 miles south of Farber. Identified as Ples Shannon, col. who had been raised by W.O. Shannon. p1 c4 & p5 c5         

          J.W. Howell notified of the death on Friday of Mrs. J.C. Wyatt of St. Joe. Mrs. Wyatt was a sister of Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Leslie Ferris of this city. p2 c4

          Announcing the coming marriage Aug. 13 of John R. Scott of Martinsburg vicinity to Katie Dickey, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. G. Dickey, of Wellsville  p4 c4

          Will be married. Thomas Scott of Martinsburg and   Mary G. Bradford of Morrisonville, Ill. on Aug. 14. p4 c4

          Wedding of Emmett H. McDonald and Dora Daniel at home of her parents, and John C. Daniel and Virginia C. Cogswell at her parents’.  Both couples reside in Thompson area. p5 c1

          P.G. Edwards and Daisy Edwards married in Fulton Thursday. p6 c1  

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnett July 27, a daughter. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Pasqueth July 27, a daughter. p6 c1        

          Willie, oldest son of Chalmers Henderson, died last Tuesday. Burial: Bethel Church. p8 c1


                                                                                  Aug. 8, 1889

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Renfro Gibbs, Aug. 2, a daughter. p6 c1

          Mr. & Mrs. S.P. Reynolds were married in Franklin county Friday at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. T.W.B. Crews. Mr. Reynolds’ home is in Calif. p6 c2

          The 7 year old son of Jas. Spears, Monroe co., was killed by a horse falling on him. 

p6 c2

          Mrs. Lou L. Asbury of Saling is serving a 100 day jail sentence for abuse of her 7 year old adopted  daughter. Child is a niece of Al Patton. p6 c4

          Jeptha Boulware, Fulton, died Friday. He was a cousin of Mrs. Acuff of this city. p8 c1          

          Mrs. W.P. Hagee, who  resided in Mexico for several years, died at her home in St. Louis Sunday.  Maiden name was Belle Lewis, daughter of D. Lewis of St. Chas. co. Married M. Price Hagee of St. Louis, about 3 years ago. Two children, Mildred about 2 years of age and a 3 weeks old infant. p8 c1

          Elliott Smith was killed by a train near Hopkinsville, Ky. Friday. Burial at Elmwood beside his father. p8 c3

          Thomas Cripps  was killed Tuesday by a tree falling on him while he was chopping wood north of town. p8 c5


                                                                              Aug. 15, 1889 

         Teachers of Audrain schools this coming year. Henry Dodge, Mt. Carmel; S.T. Davis, Martinsburg; T.J. Clark, Benton City; L.R. Rebman, Young’s Creek; Ada Overbaugh, Martinsburg; Mary Wilson, Molino; Addie Edmonston, Molino; Goodwin Creason, Thompson; J.R. Braden, Progress; C.W. Edwards, Jones; H.E. Brown, Lawson; Nettie Givens, Erisman; Hattie Kimball, Hisey; Susie Stevenson, Fair View; Letha Baley, Hildebrand;  O.P. Farrington, Black; Gussie Turner, Macedonia; J.N. Cross, Maple Grove; Minnie Wright, Cedar Grove; Callie Morris, Cauthorn; J.W. Groves, Western Grove; Sallie Jesse, Post Oak; W.S. Angell, Pisgah. p1 c3

          Hatton Siftings. Sidney Lafon died last Wednesday and was buried at Westminster church. p3 c3

         Vandalia Aug. 19 – G.M. Page, one of the oldest citizens of this town, died last night. p4 c3

          Steven Yager was married to Miss Vance last week. p5 c2

          Thomas Cripps,. who was killed by a falling tree August 6, came to Audrain co. shortly after the war and settled on Littleby where he followed farming until 1873, when he came to Mexico…p5 c2

          Married in Hannibal Aug. 13, E.W. Corner of Worcester, son of W.L. Corner, and Miss Minnie F. Lear of Hannibal. They will make their home in Worcester.  p5 c4               

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.L. McDonough, Aug. 13, a daughter. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Mathews, Aug. 13, daughter. p6 c1

          Wm. Patrick, for many years a resident of Mexico, died in Slater last week. p6 c1

          Married Friday in Moberly, Lawrence Murray, Randolph co. and Miss Hattie Clark of Hutchinson, Ks. P6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ricketts, Aug. 18, a daughter. p8 c1

          Rev. Miller went  down to Farber Tuesday to preach the funeral of Mrs. Hurst, who died Monday. p8 c1

          Dr. T.B. Murdock and family left Monday for Detroit, Mich. to remain permanently. p8 c1

          Miss Mary Watts, daughter of Dr. Watts of Auxvasse, was married last evening to Prof. S.P. Bradley of Doniphan, Mo. p8 c2

          The marriage of Miss Linnie Steele of Mexico, and Edward Henry Clayton will take place Aug. 27. They will reside in Lincoln, Neb. p9 c2


                                                                    Aug. 29, 1889

          John Rodgers adjudged insane in the killing of George Woods and will be sent to the asylum, Fulton. p1 c1,2,3 & 4

          Martha Saunders, daughter of ex-Postmaster John Saunders, will be married to A.M. Rice of Santa Ana, Calif. Sept. 3. Will live in Needles, Calif.  p4 c5

          In Memoriam. Resolution on the death of Charles J. Maxwell of Rush Hill by Wheel No. 457. Signed J.W. Middleton, J.P. Veerkamp and W.H. Woolwine, Comm.

          Mrs. Stover died at the home of her sister, Mrs. E.B. Keath, yesterday. p5 c3 & 4

          Born to Oscar Alexander and wife, a son, Aug. 24. p6 c1

          J.N. Bentley of Glasgow and Anna Brown, daughter of Rev. W.H. Brown of Centralia, were married Aug. 6 in Mexico. p6 c4

          Engineer Rettor and Fireman Barnard were killed in a wreck on the M.K. & T. railroad near Sedalia. Both men were of Hannibal. p7 c1 

          Lakeport, Calif. Democrat – Married in Lakeport, Calif. on Aug. 11, Geo. W. Mallory and M. Blanche West. Mr. Mallory came to Lakeport from Audrain co., Mo. The bride is also a native of Mo. p7 c4

          John C. Cope, brother –in-law of W.L. Craig of near Benton City, died at his home 12 miles east of Montgomery City Aug. 23, aged 62. p8 c1

          Stella Hereford, formerly attended college at Hardin. Married Aug. 20 in K.C. to R.E. Ball.  p8 c4


                                                                         Sept. 5, 1889

         At the residence of the bride’s father, J.J.Gilmer, Mr. A.G. Smith and Mollie Kirkpatrick were married Aug. 28. p1 c2

          Killing at Pendleton, Tx. of Henry Brown, well known here where he has relatives. Was killed by Bob Blankenship. He and his brother, J. Sam Brown, conducted a dry goods establishment at Pendleton and Henry Brown was also the postmaster. Henry was 39 , unmarried. His aunt is a sister of Mrs. M.E. Botts of Mexico, Mo. p1 c3 & 4





          Andrew M. Penn, aged 19, son of County Clerk Penn of Fulton, was accidentally killed by a pistol shot to the head.   p1 c4

          Thomas Cox of Vandalia was bound over to appear at circuit court on a charge of having shot Jerry Tipton last July. p1 c4          

          Twenty four years ago John Anderson LaRue and Miss Belle Morris were married in Randolph co. and 4 years after were divorced. They had a daughter named Mary. Mrs. LaRue remarried to a man named Crosswhite and now a widow, she has moved to Mexico. Mary’s father, LaRue, now lives in Monroe co. and has been reunited with his daughter Mary. p1 c5

          Monroe City News – Perry Thrall who died at Macon city, Mo. confessed on his death had that in 1864 he murdered William Vandeventer and his wife at their home at Florida, Mo. Bill duly, a colored man, was hanged for the crime in Paris, Monroe co. a few months after the murder. He was the only criminal ever legally executed in Monroe at that time.

p2 c3

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Paul Aug. 28, a daughter.  p6 c1              

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Wilcox, near Rush Hill, Aug. 29, a daughter. p6 c1

          License to wed. Fred Hickman of Audrain and Miss Callie Clements, Monroe.  p6 c1

          Henry A. Loomis and wife were remarried. p6 c1

          Fatal illness of Mrs. Bell Stover, sister of Mrs. E.B. Keath, mother of three children, 10, 7 and 5 years of age.  p6 c1

          John Preston, 25, lving near Molino, died Friday and was buried at Mt. Zion. p6 c1 

          James Wainright, formerly of this city, was killed by a C. & A. train at Vandalia Wednesday.  p6 c1

          Died at Fulton, Mo. Aug. 25, at the residence of her son, Chas. A. Patton, Mrs. Amanda E. Patton, aged 83. Deceased was the mother of J.W. Patton, J.E. Patton and Mrs. H.P.S. Willis of this city. p6 c2 

          Marriage license to Geo. F. Mays and Laura May Gallop near Thompson. p8 c1         

          Capt. Ward L. Smith and Mrs. Lou L. Clemson, both of Scott co. were married at the M.E. Church South last Monday. p8 c2


                                                                      Sept. 12, 1889

          Death of Miss Mamie Cason, daughter of John D. Cason, in Pomona, Calif. p1 c5  

          The remains of Miss Mamie Cason were interred in the cemetery at New Bloomfield, Callaway co. p6 c1

          Henry Shootman, 45,  son of Mrs. E.A. Shootman, died Sept. 12. Born in Callaway in 1844. Drove the stage and carried the mail between Mexico and Paris to Mexico and Fulton. He was unmarried. p6 c4

          Mr. and Mrs. Orpheus Harding were married in Ohio last week. p6 c4

          Garland M. Sims, 63, died at his home near Centralia last Friday. Born in Boone co. son of Elias Sims, a Kentucky pioneer who located in that county in 1825. Buried at Liberty church. p6 c4

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Wilson Sept. 17, a son. p8 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Smothers Sept. 18, a son. p8 c1

          The remains of Luther Wallace who killed Mrs. Ross and then himself at Califoria, Mo. was interred near Cedar City. p8 c1

          Mattie, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Corner of near Worcester died last Tuesday. p8 c2


                                                                           Sept. 26, 1889

          Samuel Northern, 10 miles southwest of town, fell from a third story window of the Ringo Hotel and was killed. Leaves wife and 4 children. p1 c1

          Married  at Boydsville, Callaway, Sept. 19, Mr. T.J. Petty and Addie Bowman. p8 c1

          Geo. Rightsdale and Miss Laura Riney, both colored, were married Thursday. p8 c2       

          Remains of Bob Younger, the outlaw, who died in the Stillwater Penitentiary last Monday, was buried beside his mother in the cemetery at Lee’s summit. His sister, Ritta.

p8 c2

          Louisiana Sept. 19 – Samuel Murray, aged about 50 was shot and killed by his son, John, aged 18. Another son is Alfred. p8 c4

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Rixey Sept. 25, a young Odd Fellow. p8 c1

          Married, John Conklin and Mary Triplett  at the residence of W.H. Triplett Sunday.

p8 c1


                                                                             Oct. 3, 1889

          Died, Sept. 18, 1889, at the home of her parents. Myrtle, adopted daughter of Robert and Mattie Boyd. p1 c3

          Married, E.E. Ferris, formerly of this city and Lena Neukomn of Fulton Friday. p6 c1

          Died, Oct. 1, 1889, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purnell. p6 c1

          James Caldwell married Kate Sutton Wednesday at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. M.T. Sutton, near Farber. p6 c1  

          Gant, Mo. Married on Sunday Sept. 29, Judge M.L. Laftery of Laddonia and Mrs. Mary A. Pennock of Saline county. p1 c6


                                                                           Oct. 10, 1889

          The Laddonia Herald says that Larkin Gaines, formerly of Lick Crick, this county, was shot and killed in Texas the other day on the charge of stealing cattle. p8 c1

          Willis Strother and Jeff Wilkerson, both colored, in Callaway. Strother struck Wilkerson with a stick of stove wood of which he died. p8 c2

           Joseph C. Douglas died  at his residence 3 miles south of Benton City last Friday…of typhoid fever…Funeral…Saturday at Unity church… Deceased was the son of Wm. B. Douglas who died in Loutre township in Dec. 1880. Joseph was born on the old homestead in Loutre in June 1842 and was 47 years of age. On the 8th of December 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Serrilda Ridgway. After marriage he settled on the farm on which he lived until his death. p8 c3

          Born Oct. 7, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Josh Bunton. p8 c1  erald Herals                                                                                    

          Born Oct. 5, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Johnson. p8 c1

          Mrs. A.M. Rice and wife, nee Saunders,  are guests of Mrs. Rice’s father, John Saunders. They are returning from Calif. on their bridal tour. p8 c1

          Mrs. Fred Hickman nee Clements died near Santa Fe last Tuesday. Mrs. Hickman was married only a few weeks since. Funeral at Santa Fe. p8 c1

          Charlie Lee Bass, little 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Bass, died last Tuesday of congestion of the bowels.  p8 c2


                                                                             Oct. 17, 1889

          Martha A. Morgan and William Harper lived at Warrenton except ’48 and ’49 they spent at Rocheport. Married Oct. 17, 1839. To Mexico in 1863. p1 c6

          Letter to S.S. Reily (of Auxvasse0 with word of the death by her own hand of his niece in Calif.  May, the only child of Dr. Jos. R. Reily of Fresno, Calif. ended her life with a dose of strychnine. p2 c3  

          Hatton Siftings. Geo. W. Bright, one of the old settlers of this community, died last Sunday. The remains were interred in Pleasant Grove cemetery. p5 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLoney Oct. 10, a son. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Poague near Thompson, a son. p6 c1

          Married. Victor V. Peters , brother of Prof. F.N. Peters, married in Clarence, Mo. last Tuesday to Miss Nora Spicer. p6 c1     

          Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, who visited Mrs. R.W. McClelland in this city, and who is well known here, died in Millersburg, Ky. Sunday.  p6 c1

          Miss Myra Hicks, a graduate of Mexico colored school, has accepted a position in the public school at Columbia. p6 c1

          Capt. Peyton Morris Miller, cousin of Geo., Joe and Wm. Morris of this city died in Paris, Ky. last week. Deceased was born in this city 55 years ago. Served the confederacy. Buried Paris, Ky. p6 c3

          Marriage of John F. Hudson and Miss Nannie E. Tretchel, daughter of W.H. Tretchel, near Benton last Wednesday. Ceremony by Rev. Younger. p6 c4

          R.B. Worrell, Confederate. p7 c1

          Born Oct. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. James Kemp, a son. p8 c1

          Married, G.W. Kelly and Miss Stella M. Tate on the 10th in Centralia. p8 c1

          Miss Mary Moss, Columbia and Mr. McHunton of Ft. Smith, Ark. will be married in Columbia Oct. 28. p8 c1

          Error in reporting the death of Joseph C. Douglas. Mrs. Joseph Douglas was Lucy T. Dawson, not Ridgway. Jacob Douglas married Miss Ridgway. p8 c2

          Married Oct. 15, 1889, James M. Wallace and Mary E. Prell, both of Audrain. p8 c5


                                                                                 Oct. 24, 1889

          Died yesterday, R.D. Alexander, aged 65. Born in Ky. in 1824, emigrated to Mo. in 1854, located in Mexico and embarked in the nursery business.  Of late  years he was the proprietor of a small grocery store and greenhouse on West Love St. He was unmarried.

p1 c4

          Married today, Charles Hager and Elizabeth Hutchins, colored. p1 c4

          Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, formerly a resident of Martinsburg, died at the home of her son in law, Robert Farthing, in Dennison, Texas Oct. 13, 1889. aged 76 years and 27 days. Mrs. Hall was the mother of John William and Noe Coil, deceased, and Jas. Coil and Mrs. Farthing, now residents of Texas.  Mrs. Hall was born in Harrison co., Ky. in 1813 and married in 1829 to Mr. Noa Coil until his death in 1844. She married A.O. Hall and in 1874 moved to Texas where Mr. Hall died in 1883.  p1 c6

          Marriage of W.C. Higley of Coolville, Ohio, and Leslie B. Orear last Wednesday, at the residence of B.F. Orear. Will reside at Coolvile, Ohio. p2 c3

          Worcester Warblings.  Born to the wife of C.A. Harrington on the 19th inst. a daughter. p5 c2

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Winscott Oct. 19, a daughter. p6 c1

          B.W.B. Madison, one of the prisoners of the state, died at his home near Vandalia.

p6 c1

          Lute Diggs of Frankford and Mollie Stillwell of Laddonia married Thursday. p2 c1

          _____ Houck, editor of the Howard County Advertiser, was accidentally shot by W.C. Arlin while hunting and died Thursday at his home in Fayette. p6 c2

          Married at the residence of the  bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Ware on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1889, W.C. Jesse and Miss Laura Ware. p6 c2

          Married, Miss Aggie Walker, daughter of ex-auditor of the state John Walker, Thursday at Columbia to W.E. Brotherton of Jefferson City. p6 c2

          James L. Pollard (Capt.) of Florida, Monroe co. was a member of Cockrell’s company all through the war and left a leg as a sacrifice to the terrible struggle. p6 c4

          Born Oct. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cordner, a son. p8 c1

          Born Oct. 18 to Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Berry of Thompson. p8 c1

          John P. Wise and Annie Hall married Oct. 21 at Concord Monday. p8 c2

          Married at McCredie Oct. 21, W.Y. Hitt and Jennie Wise. P8 c2


                                                                                          Oct. 311, 1889

          Mrs. W.H. French died Sunday at her home east of town. She was daughter of Maj. John Harrison, deceased, of Callaway. She was born in Boonc co. and was 64 years and 5 months old. Leaves husband and 3 daughters, Mrs. John Field, Mary and Emma French.

p1 c4   

          James M. Bush died Saturday. Lived in Clark co., Ky. and Missouri. Born in Howard co., Mo. Mar. 12, 1832. Mrs. Bush is the only sister of W.P. Quisenberry. 8 children. p1 c5

          John Green left Higginsville Thursday in a two horse wagon for home, and later in the evening was found dead on the railroad track. p3 c3.

          St. Joseph, Mo. Oct. 25-Last evening John R. Lewis, Jr. son of a prominent physician of St. Joseph,  married Miss Louise Quarles, who is his  first, second and third cousin. Some years before the late war, Charles Quarles and John R. Lewis Sr. who were first cousins married two sisters named Johnson in Charlottesville, Va… p4 c4

          Charles Mildred and Miss Julia Craig were married on Oct. 20 and attended church at Pleasant Grove. p5 c3

          Married Oct. 29, ’89  Francis M. Hardesty and Mary Wakeman. p5 c3

          Felix Wunch  who was at one time proprietor of a brewery in this city, died in Monroe City last week. p6 c1

          Squire Franklin Burt dropped dead at his home near Auxvasse Thursday. Buried Grand Prairie. P6 c2

          Mr. Everett Gillespie and Miss Date B. White were married in Palmyra Tuesday. p6 c4       

          Minnie Russell of St. Louis was married last week to Joseph D. Thomas of Paris, Texas. p7 c2           

          Married at Stephens Store Oct. 24, Henry Morris and Lena Rodman. p9 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Blum, a daughter. p8 c1

          Ed S. French, formerly of this city, and Miss Prella Sherwood, oldest daughter of Judge Thomas A. Sherwood of the State Supreme Court were married at the Christian Church, Springfield, Saturday evening. p8 c2


                                                                               Nov. 7, 1889

          The remains of Robert Ragsdale who was run over and killed by a South Branch engine Saturday were interred Sunday…had been a brakeman for many years…leaves a wife and a daughter 5 years of  age. p1 c4

          Paris, Mo. Nov. 4 – The case of the State vs Joseph Glahn, charged with the murder of Judge Joseph Hunolt in Shelby county in 1886 came  up in the circuit court today…defendant was discharged. p1 c6

          Columbia, Mo. Oct. 30 – Married this evening, John M. Harris, a banker of Nortonville, Kans. and Miss Susie Oldham,  daughter of President Oldham of the Christian college. p2 c1

          Mr. J.L. Scott, a victim of the terrible boat disaster on the lower Mississippi two weeks ago was a brother of Mrs. C.H. Cauthorn of Laddonia, and a nephew of Judge Sumner of this city…He leaves a wife and three children. p3 c3

          Died, Mrs. Adam Rodemyre, 50, wife of the editor of the Centralia Guard, Monday.

p3 c5

          Born to Edward Machin and wife, Friday, a son. p6 c1

          Married Oct. 30, 1889, Richard Smith and Miss Mary Baskett by Rev. Burt Baskett. All colored.  p6 c1

           Died in Jefferson City Tuesday, Richard S. Tarlton. He was an artillery officer in the Confederate army. p6 c2

           Married at the residence of the bride’s father, Squire J.C. Reynolds of Guthrie, Callaway co.. Dr. J.D. Hodgen of Woodland, Calif. to Miss Abbie Reynolds. Their future home is in California. p6 c2

          C.P. Hale of near Auxvasse and Mrs. Sarah Bradley of this city were married Tuesday Oct. 29. Their home is in Auxvasse. p7 c2

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bennett, a son. p8 c1

          Married at the home of the bride’s father, Judge Harris, of Saling, Samuel W. Downing and Miss Mary G. Harris. p8 c1


                                                                            Nov. 14, 1889

          Married Nov. 12, 1889, Jas. M. Martin and Gertrude Eldred, both of Centralia. p1 c6

          Mr. Lewis Roberts and Miss Skelly married at Rush Hill Nov. 7. p2 c2


          Married at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J.C. Douglass, near Benton City Thursday Nov. 7, Robert L. McClure and Miss Mary L. Dawson.  p2 c2

          Resolution of respect for the late Post Dept. Commander, Col. Elbert E. Kimball, by the W.S. Hancock Post of the G.A.R. Signed by A.F. Reid and B. Baldwin, Committee. p4 c5

          L. Schuchmann’s  little wooly horse. p5 c3

          Robert Vaughn, 19, was instantly killed in a runaway at Slater Friday. p6 c1

          Married Friday, Wm. L. Faulkner of Ralls co. and Miss Hamilton of Audrain. p6 c1       

          …a shooting affray occurred in Chariton co. near Glasgow Sunday between Wm. Lee and Thomas Maddox in which the latter was killed. p8 c2

          Dr. Charles Easter, only brother of Mr. Henry Easter, formerly of this city, died of typhoid fever Oct. 28th. He contracted this fever while nursing a  brother-in-law, Mr. King of Jacksonville, Ill. and the double funeral  took place in that city. p8 c2

          The trial of George Hill, who killed James M. Brown at Jonesburg in 1888, terminated at Danville last Friday. Hill was found guilty of manslaughter…

          Farber, Mo. Nov. 11 – Married last Wednesday, Nov, 6th, Robert Painter of Farber and Laura Elzea. p8 cv5    


                                                                              Nov. 21, 1889

          Auxvasse, Mo. Nov. 15 – Married at the   residence of the bride’s uncle, Wm. Eller, Nov. 18, Mr. T. Arch Boyd and Miss Mary LaRue. p5 c1

          Sheriff Adams went to Rush Hill yesterday to arrest  the family of E.A. Collins who was murdered at his home 2 miles from that town Sunday. p5 c2

          Married Tuesday, Jacob Baker and Miss Bettie Cartlander, both of Farber. p6 c1

          Mrs. Alexander Carter Sr. died suddenly Thursday. Born near Louisville, Ky. in 1829 and came to Mo. when about 8 years of age. p6 c3

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. L.N. Ketter Nov. 15, a son. p8 c1

          Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Patterson, who were married in Fayette Wednesday, are the guests of the groom’s father, Dr. A.M. Patterson.

          Died in St. Louis on Monday, Mrs. Herbert Morris. Mrs. Morris was well known here as Miss Mollie Tarlton, she having boarded with her uncle, B.L. Locke, while attending school. p8 c6


                                                                                  Nov. 28, 1889

          A  telegram was received here yesterday from Jeter Walthall announcing the death at Salinas, Calif. Tuesday Nov. 26 of Dr. E.G. Complin, brother–in-law of Mrs. Dr. French and Mrs. Dr. Potts. Interment at Hollister, Calif. Dr. Complin left in 1874  for Calif. where he practiced medicine. He was born in Boone co. in 1843. Twenty-five years ago he married Miss Mary Quisenberry, sister of Mrs. Potts and Mrs. French.  p1 c6

           Martin (illeg) whose parents reside near Thompson was run over and killed by a switch engine at K.C. Saturday. p1 c6

          Born, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Davenport. p5 c1

          Mrs. Kate O’Callaghan died Monday and was buried at Mexico. p5 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lierheimer on the 19th inst. a daughter. p5 c2

          Married Nov. 27, Mr. Charles Decoster of Louisiana and Miss Fluella Yager, daughter of B. Yager of this county. p5 c3

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Jesse Nov. 20, a son. p6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Abbay Nov. 23, a daughter. p6 c1

          Marriage in Fulton Wed. Nov. 20, 1889, of Jesse L. Maughs and Mary B. Curtis. P6 c4

          Married in Auxvasse, Wed. Nov. 20, Frank Buckner and Miss Alma May Swon. p7 c2

          Born Nov. 24, a daughter to Joseph Armstrong and wife. p8 c1

          Mrs. Henry Altepeter died in St. Louis Saturday. p8 c1               

          Slater, Mo. Nov. 25 – Tim Strother, Negro boy 12 years old, shot and killed his father, Edward Strother…p8 c2

          Col. Isaac N. Hathaway died at his home south of Mexico Sunday afternoon. Born in Lockport, N.Y. March 1_, 1825. Served in Union 6th Ohio. Came to Audrain in 1875. Son is W.S. Hathaway and Mrs. Lucy Haislip is his only daughter. p8 c6


                                                                                      Dec. 5, 1889

          Prairie View. Nov. 29 – Married at the  residence of the bride’s parents Nov. 27, Mrs. E.M. Roberts and Stella Crockett.  p2 c2

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Cook Nov. 30, a son. p6 c1

          Born to Rev. and Mrs. A.A. Wallace Nov. 30, a son. p6 c1

          Married Nov. 27 in Vandalia, Will McCune, brother of John McCune, who lives near Laddonia, and Miss Belle Sisson.  P6 c1

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Glandon on Thanksgiving Day, a son, who has been christened Joseph Pemberton Glandon.  p6 c1

          Kit Baldwin, Cincinnati’s famous catcher, was married in Quincy, Ill. this week to Miss Mamie Gilliger. P6 c1

          Married Sunday Nov. 23, J.Dudley Griswell of Oroville, Calif. and Miss Carrie E. Price of this county.  p6 c1

          Married  Wilburn F. Hannah and Miss Stella Dingle in Moberly Wednesday Nov. 27. p6 c2      

          Married at the home of the bride in this city,  Mr. James Woods and Miss Ida May Sommers. P8 c1

          Died, Mrs. M.J. Rainey, wife of Jas. R. Rainey, at her home on W. Promenade Street Sunday. Mrs. Rainey came to Mexico from Cambridge, Ohio, in 1873. Leaves two sons, Silas and Alfred. She was born May 17, 1833 in Cambridge. Ohio. Married Dec. 29, 1853. p8 c5


                                                                                       Dec. 12, 1889

          Jefferson Davis died at New Orleans Friday. Born in Ky. June 3, 1808. When his state seceded, he was elected president of the Southern confederacy. At the time of his death, his residence was in Mississippi. p2 c3

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hollis Dec. 5., a son. p6 c1

          Married in Minneapolis, Kansas, Dec. 5, W.H. Coons of this city and Grace B. Parker of Minneapolis. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coons. p6 c4

          Mrs. Evans, aged 53, died of consumption Sunday at her home on West Jackson.

p8 c1

          Vandalia, Mo. Dec. 5 – Jesse Irvine and W.H. Scofield, his brother-in-law, reside about 7 miles southeast of this place in Pike co…A difficulty arose which resulted in Irvine’s drawing a revolver and emptying four chambers, two charges entering the back of the  retreating Scofield…p8 c2

          …Scofield died…last Friday of his injuries…p8 c6


                                                                                       Dec. 19, 1889

          …from Venita, Indiana Territory, dated Dec. 16, 1889. Dock Scaggs and Miss Lottie Considine of Centralia, were married here this evening by the clerk of the Cherokee Nation. The bride and groom live in the vicinity of Centralia… p1 c4

          Among the personal  effects of the late R.D. Alexander was found a copy of the Missouri Ledger, now The Intelligencer, of date 1861. W.D.H. Hunter’s name is on the masthead as editor…The following persons were practicing law here: Craddock and Barlow, Reed and Martin, G.O. Yeiser, Hiram McVeigh, Thomas Vansweeringen, C.C0. Ricketts, James M. LaRue, John M. Gordon, Robert J. Henry, Mortimer McIlhaney. The doctors were W.H. Lee, E. Radcliff, and J.O. Burnham. John P. Clark and Silas Wilson were land agents and conveyancers. John H. Martin flourished as a  stone cutter. Thomas Fagan was the leading architect. Ward and Russell were the only lumber dealers. Richberg and Bros’ conducted a general store. A.R. Ringo was the agent for the Home Insurance Company of New York. Joseph Armstrong’s wholesale and  retail grocery was a big thing. J.D. Morris advertises a No. 1 log wagon for sale, price $40.  Silas L. Dobyns was a retail grocer and T.P. Mooney dealt in groceries, boots and shoes. Michael Truby was a silversmith, doing business on the south side of the square. J.D. Morris and John Gregg conducted the largest general store in North Missouri. Joseph Lupton was the only cabinet maker and then transacted  business in the building, now a dwelling, opposite the Intelligencer office. Charles Russell, having purchased George Watson’s shoe shop, was prepared to make all kinds of boots and shoes; gentlemen’s fine boots $15 per pair. Silas Wilson was circuit clerk and Alex Carter Sr. Sheriff. “Hamilton Hall, Shoemaker” was a sign that hung in front of an establishment on the east side of the square. James Carroll advertised bleached domestic at 5 cents per yard, calico 10 cents, children‘s shoes 35 cents, women’s shoes 50 cents, men‘s boots $1.75.  W.P. Rodman advertises two valuable Negro men for hire…Prof. Shelton was then principal of Audrain Female Seminary,  situated where Hardin College now stands. Col. Jeff Jones of Callaway and Hon. John B. Henderson of Pike were advertised to speak at the   court house on the all absorbing topic of the day – union or disunion...p3 c1

         Miss Fannie B. Erskine, niece of Mrs. George A. Morris, and Mr. W.W. Cloon, deputy city clerk of K.C. will be married Dec. 25. p4 c2

          The remains of W.F. Smith, who lived on the old Kunkel place on Bean Creek, were interred Monday. Funeral services at Bean Creek church. Deceased came to Audrain  from Trenton, Ill. about a year ago. p4 c3

          …the shooting of Julius Hofer by Miss Epperson near Barkerville, Callaway co…The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. p4 c4

          Mr. Hy Aaltepeter of the firm of Roden and Altepeter has just returned from St. Louis where he was detained owing to the death of his wife…one of his children, Verena…p4 c6

          Wade Harris, St. Louis, and Miss Baker of Callaway were married Dec. 12. p6 c1

           Some students at Hardin in December 1889. Virginia Yancey, Katie Vardeman, Jennie Caldwell, Ida Cocke, Jane Eastman, Nina Smith, Mrs. A.K. Yancey, Ada Stalcup. p6 c3

          Born to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Fete, a daughter. p8 c1

          Mr. S. Price Guthrie and Miss Annie French were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. French last Tuesday. Groom’s father is Joel Guthrie. p8 c5

          From Auxvasse Review. Mrs. Charlotte Evans, wife of Mr. Evan Evans, died in Mexico at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Woods, Sunday Dec. 8. Born in Hartford co., Maryland, March 30, 1839. Her maiden name was Ricketts. She was married to Mr. Evans June 22, 1858 in Baltimore. Nine children, 5 boys and   4  girls, all living except the oldest boy who drowned in Pa. in August 1881 in his 13th year. Mr. Evans and family lived in Baltimore until June 1865, then in Pittsburg, Pa.until March 1882. They then moved to near Mexico and remained until March 1889 when they moved to Auxvasse, Callaway co. p8 c5


                                                               Dec. 26, 1889

          Mexico young ladies in carnival, representing Mexico businesses. Names and full descriptions of their costumes.   p2 c2, 3 & 4 .

          Died, Charles Henry Hardin White, 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White Thursday. p3 c2

          Minnie Hill and John Sharp married Wednesday Dec. 11 at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Tom Hill. p3 c3

          Died, Edward William Marshall Dec. 16, 1889, about 27 years of age. Born in Audrain co. Married Debbie A. Pendleton.  p5 c2

          George Hill was granted a new trial at Danville in Montgomery co. for the killing of Mont Brown. p5 c4       


 Pupils of Liberty school with average grades of 90 or above: Lena Shfer, Florence Woods, Eina Myers, Anna Kirkpatrick, Annie Cox, Minnie Mills, Callie Woods, Della McGarvin, Lena Toalson, Dulcie Foster, Mamie Watts, Fannie Stuart, Jno. Woods, Luther Sims, Ranie Myers, Sam Cox, Ernest Niemann, Jerry Shahan, and Armbur Smith. p5 c4


 Dr. David Prince, the famous surgeon, died last Friday in Jacksonville, Ill. He was well known here. p6 c1


George W. Whitecotton, the talented young P.A. of Ralls, was married Nov. 26 to Miss Lily B. McAttee of Hannibal. p6 c1


 Mrs. Wm. H. Baker died at her home in Rush Hill last week, aged 24 years. p6 c1


 Marriage at Vinita, Indian Territory, of Doc Sskaggs and Miss Lottie Considine, both of Centralia area.  Elopement. p6 c3


Mrs. Mitchell of Auxvasse died Monday. p8 c1


 Charles Peterson and Miss Smith were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Smith. p8 c1