Former Mexico Resident is Entertained During Visit Here
Mrs. Robert Nichols of St. Louis and formerly of this city, who has
been the guest of Miss Virginia Alexander here, left Friday for her
home. During her stay several delightful affairs were given in her
honor. On Saturday evening of the past week, Mrs. William Ford invited
eight guests in for an evening of bridge. A guest favor was received
by Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. L.S. Waterman was awarded the high score
A one o'clock luncheon was given by Mrs. Eugene Kent Wednesday for
Mrs. Nichols. Bridge followed the luncheon with favors going to Mrs.
Nichols and Mrs. J.F. Jolley.
Last evening Mrs. Nichols was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Vogt of the Vir-Mar apartments.
Are Hostesses At Luncheon Honoring Mrs. M.A. Bowers
Mrs. W.W. Williams and Mrs. J.N. Livingston were hostesses at a
luncheon Thursday at Mrs. Livingston's home, complimentary to Mrs.
M.A. Bowers of Omaha, Neb. The guests included: Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. W.G
Burks, Mrs. Blake Smith, Mrs. J.C. Wilkins, Mrs. J.A. Runyan, Mrs. B.B.
Bush, Mrs. W.L. Davenport, Mrs. J.G. Livingston, Mrs. Howard Pearson,
Mrs. Charles Clark, Mrs. C.C. Hammond, Mrs, T.E. Hook, Mrs. Rolla
McIntyre, Mrs. E.S. Cave and Mrs. B.T. Williams.
Hosts At Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Hook entertained as dinner guests at their home
Tuesday evening, the Reverend and Mrs. Robin Gould, Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Durkee, Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Emmons, Mrs. J.D. Randolph and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hook.
Mrs. Robert Clayton of Hannibal, formerly Miss Frances Wakefield of
this city is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Wakefield.
Judge and Mrs. W.W. Botts and Miss Virginia Creigh were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Caldwell in Vandalia Sunday.
Misses Mary Leach Carter and Mary Powell are attending the State
Teachers convention convenening in Kansas City today and tomorrow.
Mrs. Arthur D. Bond spent Friday afternoon in Columbia. She was
accompanied home for the week-end by Miss Rosaline Bond, who is
attending Missouri University.
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Lakenan returned Friday from a several weeks'
visit in Pueblo, Colo., with relatives.
Mrs. T.E. Hook will hostess to the D.A.AC. Chapter at 7:30 p.m.
Monday at her home, with Mrs. H.P. French of Martinsburg assisting.
The Board will meet at 7 o'clock.
Miss Virginia Wheeler arrived Friday to be the week-end guest of
Mrs. E. J. Madden.
Mrs. E.M. Morris returned Thursday from a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Frank Dearing at Brookfield.
Mexico High School PTA will present Susie's Kitchen Kabinet Band
Concert Tuesday evening, November 18, Emmons Hall. Tickets 25 cents.
Miscellaneous from page 1.
Captain H.E. Kelly went to Chicago Friday to spend the week-end
with his parents.
Mrs. Lucy Wilkins of Laddonia is the guest of M. and Mrs. Sam
Torreyson for an extended visit.
Dr. P.E. Coil of this city and Dr. Thomas Roselle of Hannibal are
in Louisville, Ky., attending a medical convention.
Billy Van Matre of this city, a Freshman at Westminster College,
Fulton, has been named to the first debate squad of the college, and
will probably take part in coming contests.
Frank Lee of Vandalia, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Lee of this city
has sold his shop in Vandalia to George Potter of that city and has
gone to St.Louis to reside where he has accepted a position with the
Shell Petroleum Co.
C.E. Green returned Thursday night from a trip to Bloomfield, Ia.