Contributed by Bart
Missouri, Friday Afternoon, December 5, 1952
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Reprinted with permission from the Mexico Ledger
Arrives From France To Visit Mother Here
Mrs. Donald V. Beck and daughter, Linda, arrived here Thursday for a
several weeks' visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Barley Nichols.
Mrs. Beck and her 19-month old daughter have just returned home from
Paris, France, where they have been residing for the past 15 months.
Mr. Beck, who is remaining in Paris to continue his studies in art,
will join his family here later. The former, Miss Elizabeth Nichols,
Mrs. Beck and daughter visited in Cleveland, O., before coming to
Call 7 For Jan. 12 Draft in Montgomery
Montgomery City - Seven Montgomery County men have been mailed orders
to report for induction in the armed forces by the Montgomery
selective service local board, for January 12. The seven are: William
Harvey McClain, James Lewis Craig, Wellsville; Russell Dean Clark,
West Plains; Lewis Colleen Moore, Bluffton; Cecil Carl Hamilton, East
Peoria, Ill.; Gene Francis Fine, Bellflower; and Alvin Ray Schmidt,
Bobby McBride Wins Audrain Corn Crown (in part)
Bobby Dale McBride is the champion corn grower in Audrain County in
the 15th Annual DeKalb National Select 5 Acre Corn Growing Contest. He
had an average yield of 109.76. Bobby was one of seven corn growers in
Audrain County to enter DeKalb's contest. He was one of over 5000 to
enter the contest in the United States. Other entries in Audrain
County was Wayne Power, Thompson, 108.11, Douglas Erdel, Laddonia,
96.35, Hugh Miller & Son, Centralia, 94.85, Irvin Gruer, Laddonia,
81.92, E.E. Erdel, Laddonia, 82.88, Walter Boyd, Vandalia, 76.06 per
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Mrs. Charlotte Holtmann is convalescing in Lutheran Hospital in St.
Louis, after undergoing a very serious operation November 29.
Mrs. Tillie Zimmerman became the bride of Bruno Stock, of near High
Hill, on Thanksgiving Day November 27th, at the Evangelical Church in
Warrenton with the Rev. Ritter reading the service. Their attendents
were her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Jessel, and husband of St. Louis. They
will make their home on the grooms farm near High Hill.
Word has just been received that Miss Janis Wilhelmi of West Plains
formally of Montgomery City, became the bride of Russel Dean Clark of
New Florence last November 15th, in Hardy, Ark. Janis is now a senior
in West Plains High school, and Russel has been a distributor for the
Pepsi Cola Company for the past two years. They will make their home
in West Plains.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dawson celebrated their silver wedding
anniversary at their home in New Florence on Thanksgiving Day. There
were 60 guests calling between 2 and 5 o'clock. They received many
beautiful gifts. Punch and cake was served. Those attending from a
distance were: Miss Nancy Dawson of Hannibal; Miss Joyce Myers of
Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wilson, Claude Wilson of Kansas City;
John T. and Harry Wilson, of Bowling Green; Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Mirts of
Guthrie; Mr. and Mrs. Billie Myers and Gwen of Hannibal; and Rev. C.C.
Riley of Fulton.
LADDONIA - Mrs. Logene Thomson accompanied Mrs. Jack Stuart and
daughters to Savannah Saturday to visit Mr. Stuart who is a patient at
Nichols Hospital there.
Mrs. J.H. Brown returned Tuesday from a three months visit with her
daughter Mrs. Stuart Smith and family at Hollywood, Calif.
Georgia Mae Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenkins
underwent a tonsillectomy at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Hannibal this
past week and has recovered sufficiently to be able to re-rnter school
this Wednesday.
Miss Lorrayne Kelly who teaches at Baring, Mo., spent the holiday
weekend with homefolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Slater and Mrs. Jerry Fowles and Connie visited
relatives in Fulton Sunday.
John Bruno of Cedar Rapids, Neb, was the overnight guest of the
Jess Summers family one night this past week. The Bruno family lived
in this community several years ago.
Mrs. Helen Schruggs underwent an operation for gall stones at St.
Elizabeths Hospitl in Hannibal last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris who own a farm just east of Laddonia have
bought two other farms in this area this past week. They bought 80
acres with improvements from Mrs. Zoda Bailey and 40 acres with
improvements from Jess Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn have
moved to the Summers farm. He is the son-in-law of the Harrises. They
will get possession of the Bailey farm now occupied by Mrs. and Mrs.
Cecil Dungan on March 1.
Mrs. Lake Dillard went to Ravenswood, Mo. Thursday evening for a
weekend visit with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Martin and family.
Mrs. W.G. Bailey accompanied her niece Mrs. Virgil Walkup and
family of Montgomery City to Center for a family dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Howald on Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Roberta Burns spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Boyd
and Mrs. F.T. Thomas in Perry.
Jimmy Charles Howdeshell left Tuesday evening for Grandview, Wash.
for a holiday visit with his mother, Mrs. Raymond Browning.
Charles Grainge of Waterloo, Ia, who had spent the past two weeks
with his brother, Edwin Grainge departed Tuesday for his home.
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Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Edmonston left Friday for their home in
Milwaukee, Wis., after a visit here with the former's mother, Mrs.
Cortez Edmonston.
Miss Marlene E. McGinnis, daughter of Mrs. John Kraus, of Auxvasse,
became the bride of John W. Plybon, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.T. Plybon of
Auxvasse, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The double-ring ceremony
was performed by the Rev. A.F. Larson, Christian Minister, at his home
in Fulton.
The couple was attended by Miss Janet Kraus of Auxvasse and N.T.
Plybon, Jr., brother of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Plybon wore a gray suit with black accessories for her wedding.
Her corsage was a white orchid.
Miss Kraus wore an aqua uit with brown accessories and a corsage of
white carnation. After a short wedding trip, the couple will reside in
Mexico, where both are employed by the A.P. Green Company.
Mrs. V.F. Capper of Melbourne, Australia, was honored at a farewell
card party and surprise handerchief shower Thursday night given by
Mrs. W.A. Buckman. A guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas A. Duncan and family for the past several months, Mrs.
Capper is planning to leave December 20 for her home.
Prizes at cards went to Miss Beatrice Fecht and Mrs. Capper, and
later refreshments were served.
Other guests included Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Stanley Deardorf, Mrs.
Margaret Story, Mrs. Harold Hendrix, Mrs. Maurice P. Griffin, Mrs.
Robert McCurran, Mrs. Thomas Sweaney, Mrs. Robert Milelr, Mrs. E.C.
Garlock and Mrs. Adrain Engle.
MEXICO MAN AND BRIDE (This is the caption under a picture of
the bride and groom: bw)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson Gibbs following their wedding Sunday
afternoon in the sanctuary of the First Christian church. Following a
wedding trip to New Orleans, La., they will return to Mexico to make
their home at 1003 North Clark street. Before her marriage, Mrs. Gibbs
was Miss Ada Lee Beatty, daughter of Mr. and MRs. Francis beatty of
1214 East Monroe street. Mr. Gibbs, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Gibbs of south of Mexico, is employed at the Gibbs Service Station
while his bride is at Radio Station KXEO. (Toalson Studion Photo).
VANDALIA - Miss Ethel Campbell Weds Robert Mechlin
Miss Ethel Campbell of Vandalia became the bride of Robert Mechlin of
Laddonia in a single ring service read by Rev. John Hall, at his home
at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The couple was attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Williams.
The bride was attired in an aqua dress with black accessories and
had a white gardenia corsage.
Mrs. Mechlin has been with the Vandalia Hotel for sometime, and the
bridegroom is a farmer of the Laddonia community. They will make their
home on his farm.
After the ceremony they left for a short honeymoon.
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Members of the Mt. Zion Baptist church Auxiliaries met at the church
Friday for a mission study. The book, 'Clash of Swords', was presented
by Mrs. J.H. Weaver to the folloinwg members: Joan Lincoln, Zelma
Cline, Elaine Lincoln, Nell Ellis, and Mrs. Clarence Pulis, councelor.
Mrs. David L. Fisher was in charge of the study for the RA group
and Junion GA group based on the book, ' The Birthday Wiseh'. Members
of these two organizations attending were: William H. Talley, Walter
Lewis Williams, Jon Mundy, Carol Diene Mudd, Mille Jo Kotsenburg.
Dorothea Lee Williams, Martha Jane Weaver, Mary Opal Yates and
their leaders, Miss Betty Hagedorn and Harold Caryle.
Mrs. Roy Heizer taught the book, ' A Lei for Malcolm', for the
Sunbeam group and the leader, Mrs. Elmer Kotsenburg. Members of this
group present were: Sheryl Pulis, Dana Pulis, Bonny Jones, Carol J.
Yeates, Helen Joan Weaver, Robert Wayne Yates, Velma Mae Mudd,
Patricia Coose and Clarence Jarvis.
The regular monthly meeting and Christmas party for members of the
Littleby Busy Bee 4-H club was held in the auditorium of the memorial
The meeting, called to order by Fred Fairchild, was opened with the
4-H and American pledges.
Mrs. T.A. Menefee was named chairman to fill o ut the year books.
A basket supper preceded the regular meeting and later games were
Other members present were Karen Conklin, Billy Fairchild, Martha
Conkiln, Frances Conklin, Raymond Hildebrand, Lonabe Conklin, Billy
Dunn, Mary Conklin, Margaret Dunn, Evelyn Luckner, Everett Menefee,
Norma Menefee, Kenneth Menefee, Wayne Merry and Evelyn Merry.
Guests included: Mrs. Menefee, Miss Addie Fairchild, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Luckner, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dunn, Mary Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Fairchild, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Conklin, Billy Conklin, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hildebrand and Mr. and Mrs. William Merry
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham, who were recently married, were honored
Thursday evening when a group of their friends surprised them with a
chariavar and wedding shower at their home on South Missouri Avenue.
After a surprise 'trip around the square' refreshments were
enjoyed. About 20 friends were included in the guest list.
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FARBER - Local deer hunters left Wednesday for Carter County to set up
camp quarters for the opening of the deer hunting season. There were
three groups of them: Claude Adams and Raymond Arndt; Ralph Hogue,
Eddie Bent and E.W. Culwell; Walter Fillback, Roy Hogue and Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Crow and Mr. and Mrs.
Al Herman attended the funeral service of Mrs. R.T. Lantz at
Evangelical and Reformed church at Fulton, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bannister have been visiting of evenings the
bedside of her brother, Roy Lee Woodhurst at St. Elizabeth hospital.
Roy Lee fell into the power wood saw and received a severe cut in the
back of his head by the saw Monday morning. This happened while his
father, Walter Woodhurst, was at the house. They were cutting wood
into stove lengths.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reading attended the funeral of James Summers
Wednesday morning at the Catholic church in Vandalia.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Vassos and son next Tuesday are celebrating their
12th anniversary as owners of Mom and Pop's Coffee Shop on South
They came to Mexico on December 9, 1940, from Des Moines, Ia., and
after operating five restaurants in different states settled down here
and stayed because they liked it so much. They have had 35 years
experience in the restaurant business.
According to Mr. Vassos all the other restaurants in town have
changed hands since we have been here. He said, 'Our business success
is due to and relys on the merchants and patrons of Mexico and
vicinity. On our anniversary we want to thank each and everyone for
their patronage and hope to serve them better for years ahead.'
14 New Students Enroll at Academy
Fourteen new students have enrolled at Missouri Military Academy
during the past two weeks, according to Major E.R. Jackson, director
of admissions.
They are:
John McDougal, Poplar Bluff, Missouri: 5th grade,
Donald McKee, Mammoth Springs, Arkansas; 6th grade,
Burton Ashely, Edwards Illinois, William Sproat, Wadsorth, Illinois:
7th grade
Walter Cromwell, Alton, Illinois; John Dickey, Chicago, Ill; Ronald
Krieger, Peoria, Illinois: 8th grade,
Jimmy Springer, tulsa, Oklahoma; 9th grade,
David Jardine, Des Moines, Iowa; John Thompson, Chicago, Illinois;
10th grade,
Garcia Gutierrex, Havana, Cuba; James Thompson, Chicago, Illinois;
Glenn Tews, Chicago, Illinois; 11th grade.
CENTRALIA - Mrs. J.T. Young was given a surprise party honoring her
birthday Thursday evening, those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Potts, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Squires, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Squires, Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Davis, Mr. and MRs. John Scholl and Mr. Young.
Those from this city who attended the wedding of Miss Ada Lee
Beatty and Charles Gibbs in Mexico Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. P.R.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. henry Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nevins, Mr. and
MRs. Charles Stowers and sons, Mrs. Mary Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. B.B.
Daniel and Mrs. Dora Wilmot.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowen of Humeston, Ia. announce the birth of
their first child, a son born in that city November 25. He weighed 5
lbs, 14 oz. and has been named Stephen Mark. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bowen
were teachers in the Centralia High Schools for several years.
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At City Hospitals ---
Audrain, December 5, admitted: Dr. Jack Kinder, Mrs. William Schutte,
Alan Browning, Sally Browning, Joseph Quisenberry, Mexico: William
Dollens, Thompson, Harry Snell, Paris; Dismissed: John Cowley, Mrs.
Minnine Gould, John Pulis, Betty Bonsal, Mexico. General, admitted,
December 5, Otis Young, Mexico. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Landis,
Benton City, a daughter, 6p.m. Thursday, weighing 11 pounds and eight
ounces and named Vickie Gean.
Magistrate Court---
Carl Willis Preston fined $75 and costs on charge of careless and
reckless driving while drinking, on Highway 54, November 30 and fined
$10 and costs on charge of driving without driver's license.
Breaks Wrist in Fall
Mrs. Claude Bonney, who sustained a fractured right wrist in a fall at
her home at 1022 S. Calhoun St., is recovering satisfactorily at her