Circuit Court Abstracts.1




1. Stephen Burts vs John H. Epperson. 1845. Suit for Damages

 2. James Beatty vs George W. Wilson. 1848. Debt

 3. Audrain County vs James W.B. Davis, Thomas Ficklin, John Turner & Jackson Turner.  1844. Debt

 4.  Jacob Baum and William McPerry vs James E. Fenton. 1838. Debt

 5.  David Bond vs John Dollins. 1847. Debt

 6. William B. Beebe vs Robert C. Mansfield & James H. Smith. 1841. Debt

 7. Robert S. Barr, Caleb Fenton and Jesse Turner vs James Parker, Josiah Parker, Oliver Parker, Emaline Parker, Mary L.  Parker, James C. Page and Mariah Page, infant heirs of   Oliver Parker, dec'd. 1845. Estate Matter

 8. James C. Anderson, Admr. of I.B. Grant vs Daniel McSwain and Daniel Galbreath.        1837. Debt

9. Caleb Fenton vs O. Parker. 1845. Deposition of Joel Fenton 

 10. J.D. Bergin vs John G. Muldrow. 1846. Note

 11. David M. Bond vs Harrison Norvell, Hezekiah J.M. Doan, Isham C. Kilgore, John H. Kilgore. 1839.

 12. William J. Bridgeford vs Joseph E. Beatty & John J. Lindsey. 1846. Debt

 13. Shorten Blankenship vs David Norton. 1847.

 14. Virginia Beach nee Fugate vs Stanley C. Beach. 1847. Divorce. Married Mar. 25, 1847. One child, John W. Beach

 15. William Broadwater vs Thomas Kilgore, Johnson Kilgore, Isham   Kilgore, Isham T.W.  Kilgore, Thomas D. Kilgore & William Williams. 1840. Debt

  16. Audrain County vs Alfred Powell, George W. Cardwell, William Woods & John  Pearson. 1844. Debt

 17. Joseph E. Beatty vs John J. Lindsey. 1846. Debt




  1. Reuben Fugate & William Young vs Peter Carter. 1839. Debt
  1. Samuel T. Craig vs Lewis Russell & Augustin Damrill, Elisha P. Damrill & John Ballard. 1844.  Debt

3.  James C. Beatty & William W. Beatty vs Thomas M. Jopling, Jacob Bruce, & William    B. Evans. 1838. For Debt, interest & costs

4.  William G. Brown vs William C. West. 1844. Assault

 5.  William Boggs vs Sarah Boggs nee Johnson. 1845. Divorce.             Married Dec. 6, 1842 in Adair co. One female infant child

 6.  Edmond Butler vs David Hatton. 1844. Attachment

 7.  David Hatton & Jonah B. Hatton vs Edward Butler, Elisha R.             Damrill & John Strahan. 1846.

 8.  William B. Beebe vs Jonah B. Hatton. 1842.


TILL  #3


1. Stephen Greenwood vs David I. Fort. 1839. Slander

 2. Jared D. Fyler vs John Fike and Ausey H. Fike. 1846. Debt

 3. John Davis vs Josiah Fugate. 1843. Debt

 4. James E. Fenton vs John A.S. Anderson. Debt

 5. William H. Fisher & others (John D. Nevins, Mary Jane [Fisher] Nevins, William Carrington, Susan Clark [Fisher]   Carrington, Isabella T. Fisher & Elizabeth T. Fisher vs             Audrain County Court. 1841. Thomas Fisher died intestate in   Callaway, Admr. Joseph Fisher, James Humphries is gdn. of Elizabeth & Isabella Fisher.

 6. Hezekiah J.M. Doan vs Johnson W. Eubanks & Alfred Howe. 1845. Debt & trespass

 7. James E. Fenton vs Truman Day. 1837. Note

 8. Caleb Fenton vs James E. Fenton. 1840. Petition and Notes

 9. William B. Evans vs his Creditors. 1841. Debt

 10. William B. Evans vs Napolean B. Tapscott. 1840.

 11. Robert George vs Thomas M. Jopling. 1841. Debt

 12. H. J. M. Doan vs Joseph Esham & Margaret Sims, Admr. & Admx. of Estate of James Sims. Margaret Sims, widow. 1847. Real             Estate Matter


13. Carter B. Dingle vs Thomas M. Barnett. 1841. Debt


14. Ackley Day exec. vs Lewis Day. 1840. Debt


15. H. J. M. Doan vs George W. Goddard. 1845. Bill in Chancery


16. John Davis vs Andrew Still. 1843. Arbitration


17. Elisha R. Damrill vs George W. Grayson. 1843. Real Estate             Matter






TILL  #4


1. Samuel B. Gass vs Elijah Adams. 1843. Debt


2. John Griffin & Frances P. Canterberry vs Augus Galbreath. 1841. Real Estate Matter


3. Thomas J. Chowning vs Elijah B. Hall. 1841. Debt. Six year old negro girl ordered sold to settle debt but was claimed by Sallie Hall as her personal property 


4. Elisha S. Gross & Zenas C. Robbins vs Edward Jennings & James             E. Fenton. 1837. Debt


5. William B. Evans vs Elijah B. Hall. 1841. Debt


6. Reuben Fugate vs Henry Glascock. 1840. Debt


7. Elizabeth Gass nee Carter vs David Gass 1842. Divorce. Married Mar. 25, 1838 in Monroe co., Mo. Copy of marriage certificate in file. David Gass, father of said David Gass,   died testate and his son, Samuel Gass, is Admr. of estate. Elizabeth Gass sues for support and maintenance and share in husband's part of estate. Copy of will of David Gass in file. Names daughter, Jane, and deceased sister of Jane,  name not given), daughter Polly, son James. Names Janes's brother-in-law, Geo. Evans, and speaks of Thaney but does not give her relationship. Names negro woman Betty and negro man, Fielding.


8. Samuel B. Gass, Exec. of David Gass vs Neil Blue. 1843. Debt. Names Duncan G. Blue


9. George W. Grayson vs Lewis Russell. 1842. Debt


10. Thomas R. Gant vs Thomas Stricklin. 1844. Trespass, assault &             battery


11. Samuel B. Gass vs Joseph Brown, William G. Brown & William             Pearson. 1844. Debt


12. George W. Grayson vs Daniel McSwain & Neil Blue. 1843. Debt


13. Henry Glasscocke vs Reuben Fugate. 1841.  Debt


14. Roy L. Sims, vs Elijah B. Hall. 1841.  Debt



TILL  #5


1. Hannah Hardin vs John W. Barnett, Thomas M. Barnett &             Hutchens Barnett. 1841. Debt


2. James Jackson, assignee of James H. Milliken vs Wiley Talley.

            1842. Debt


3. John Connelly vs Madison B. McMullen. 1848. Debt


4. William James. 1844. Permit to Build a Dam


5. B.G. Hall vs Edward Frields. 1841. Debt. Appeal


6. John A. Henderson for Audrain County vs James H. Smith & Henry B. Gale. 1839. Debt


7. E.B. Hall vs Edward Frields. 1841.


8. Thomas E. Hambleton & Thornton C. Durham vs Alfred Cauthorn. 1844. Debt


9. Benjamin J. Coil vs Alexander Thomas & Joseph D. Lorton. 1847. Injunction


10. J.P. Cadell vs William Sims. 1846. Appeal


11. Jonah B. Hatton vs David Eubanks. 1841. Debt, damages & costs


12. Jonathan Kirkbride & Joseph B. Howard vs John Turner. 1842.             Petition in Debt


13. Hay & Yates vs William L. Wayne. 1840. Names Archibald A. Wayne


14. Abraham E. Inlow vs John A. Pearson. 1854. Warranty Deed


15. Audrain County vs Henry B. Gale. 1843. Motion to Dismiss


16. George W. Cardwell vs Henry B. Gale. 1843. Debt


17. John Cissel vs Henry L. Berrey & Osburn W. Berry. 1842. Bond. Debt


18. James Harrison vs Lewis Day. 1843. To revive lien


19. William Jewell vs Daniel McSwane, Barnett Kewkirk & James

            Jackson. 1841. Petition in Debt


20. William M. Jones vs William H. Metcalf. 1841. Attachment


21. William C. Jones vs Christopher C. Newkirk. 1845.  Damages















TILL  #6


1. Barnett McDonald vs Harrison Norvell & Thomas Hook. 1838.             Petition in Debt


2. John Lee, Eliott Lee & Jesse G. Lindell vs James E. Fenton &             Hezekiah J.B. Doan. 1838. Debt & damages


3. John C. Martin vs James E. Fenton. 1841. Appeal


4. Sinclair Kirtley vs James E. Fenton. 1841. Petition in Debt


5. George F. Muldrow vs James E. Fenton. 1841. Attachment


6. Jonathan Kirkbride & Joseph B. Howard vs John G. Muldrow.             1845. Petition in Debt


7. Hughe Kilgore vs Thomas D. Kilgore. 1841. Appeal


8. Dorris Lorton vs William Lorton. 1846. Lost Note


9. Bailos E. Kilgore vs T.J. Triplett. 1847. Debt


10. John Lorton vs L.R. Turner. 1845. Bill in Chancery


11. Thomas J. Moore vs William Still. 1840. Trespass


12. Hughy Kilgore vs James H. Milliken. 1841. Motion for new             trial


13. James Kelly & Zadok Riggs, Admr. of Wilken A. Weldon, dec'd. vs James E. Fenton. 1838. Note


14. Drury D. Mayse vs Jeptha D. Shields & Abram B. Tinsley. 1843.             Note


15. Jonathan Kirkbride & Joseph B. Howard vs John G. Muldrow.             1845. To revive lien of judgment


16. Charles W. McIntyre vs John G. Muldrow & George F. Muldrow.             1843. Debt on a promissory note


17. George F. Muldrow vs Alfred Cauthorn. 1843. Motion for a New             Trial


18. Thomas J. Martin vs Jeremiah Shephard. 1845.


19. James Lynn vs Samuel Still & Rachel Still, his wife. 1844.             Bill in Chancery


20. David McGowan vs Thomas Kilgore et al (Isham B., Thomas D.,             & Johnson Kilgore, Wm. L. Williams, & John W. Barnett) 1841.             TILL #7


1. Joseph Northcut, assignee of James E. Fenton vs Clarke             McDonald. 1839. Attachment


2. John G. Muldrow vs James Beatty. 1849. Note


3. John H. Morehead, Admr. & Nancy Peery, Admx. of Moses Peery             vs Minor Peery. 1847. Suit for return of $200 of goods to             the estate


4. Basil Z. Offutt vs Calvin M. McCarty & Benjamin McCarty. 1847.   Debt collection


5. Harrison Norvel. 1839. Bond to keep the peace.


6. Elizabeth Miller vs William Miller. 1846. Divorce. Married

            Feb. 13, 1846 in Audrain co., Mo. Her former husband was             John Minor. She has 4 children by her marriage with John    Minor, ages 10 down to 5. William Miller's children are             mentioned and said to be in Indiana.


7. Harrison Norvell vs James Willingham. 1837. Attachment


8. Vincent Moore vs William Still, Andrew Still, Spencer Daviss, John Daviss & Francis Wisdom. 1840. Suit for $1000 damages for assault and battery of Mrs. Nancy Moore and             larceny of pltf's Property.


9. Joshua Norton, assignee of M. Walton, H. B. Gale & James E. Fenton vs George F. Muldrow. 1840. Debt


10. Christopher Newkirk vs William C. Jones. 1845. Damages


11. Alfred Orr and William Orr vs Thomas Eustace, Esther Olmsted,             Charles W. Flanagan, James Poague, Ebenezer W. McBride & Priestly H. McBride. 1845. Bill in Chancery. Change of Venue from Monroe co. Suit to Collect $500 for Labor on the             Presbyterian Church at Paris


12. Daniel McSwain vs William B. Evans. 1844. Foreclosure














1. A list of Creditors and Inventory of property of Baylor Davis  dec'd. 1839.


2. Thomas Lorton vs his creditors. 1840.


3. Thomas A. Purdom vs Robert C. Mansfield & James H. Smith. 1839. Petition in debt


4. John N. Parsons vs Stephen Hill, Admr. of Abraham Hill, dec'd. 1843. Change of venue


5. Moss Prewitt & Richard C. Branham vs Jefferson D. Shields,             William Jesse & Abraham B. Tinsley. 1845. Promise to pay


6. Robert I. Brown vs William N. Pledge. 1840. Note


7. The Bank of the State of Missouri vs Robert H. Stone, William             W. Stone, John H. McDonell. 1836. Judgment for damages


8. Joseph A. Peery vs Calvin McCarty. 1846.


9. Baylus Kilgore vs His Creditors. 1840. Debt


10. Benjamin Proctor vs his creditors. 1839. Judgment for debt


11. Felix Brown vs Joseph Pearson. 1843. Appeal to Supreme Court


12. Edward Baty vs Augustin Creed. 1846. Mortgage Foreclosure


13. Joseph McDonald. 1839. Seeks permit to erect a mill W 1/2 of   SW 1/4 Sec 25 T52 R9W.


14. Joseph Pearson vs William L. Williams. 1840. Action in             trespass


15. William P. Peery, a minor who sues by his next friend, Minor Peery vs Thomas Buckley. 1848. Slander. William P. Peery             is a son of Minor Peery


16. Joseph Brown. 1839. Seeks permit to build a dam and to erect             a mill on the Beaver Dam Fork of Salt River


17. Moss Prewett & Richard Branham vs John Willingham, Baylus             Kilgore, William Wood, Caleb Williams, Harrison Norvell,             James E. Fenton & Reuben Pulis. 1840. Debt & damages


18. William Pledge vs Robert J. Brown. 1837. Attachment




TILL  #9


1. James L. Rollins vs James E. Fenton. 1839. Appeal


2. Joseph A. Peery vs William Peery, John Peery, Thomas Peery,             Elizabeth (Peery) Harrison, Thomas Harrison, Matilda (Peery)             Donalson & William Donalson, and Sarah Peery, widow of             Solomon Peery. Infant children of Elizabeth Harrison dec'd. are Sarah Ann Harrison, Calvin Harrison and Matilda             Harrison. 1847. Bill in Chancery


3. Lewis Russell vs Samuel T. Craig, Joseph W. Thompson &             Augustin Damrell. 1846. Bill in Chancery


4. John Peyton, Admr. of Jarrett K. Johnson vs James H. Smith. 1840. For possession of property & damages


5. Allen Reynolds vs David Kilgore & Isham B. Kilgore. 1845.             Action in promissory note


6. Powel Riggins vs John H. Wilson. 1843. Action on note


7. Lewis Russell vs Augustin Damrell, Elisha R. Damrell & Joseph              Hepler. 1843.


8. John Russell & Giles Lindsey vs James E. Fenton 1839. Motion             for new trial


9. James R. Payne vs James H. Smith. 1837. Suit for attachment


10. Joseph Pearson vs Felix Brown. 1843. Motion for new trial


11. Joseph Pearson vs Alfred Powell. 1842. Appeal


12. Moss Prewitt & Richard Branham vs James E. Fenton. 1837.             Judgment for debt

















TILL #10


1. George W. Smith vs John S. Bishop. 1853. Debt


2. Garland M. Sims, Assignee of William M. Sims vs John A.             Bishop. 1853. Debt


3. William Woods et al (William Stone) vs William Kirtly et al     (John H. Slaughter & John P. Clark) 1851. Debt


4. William M. Sims vs Littleberry Sublett. 1855. Debt


5. William Smith vs Meredith Myers. 1849. Slander


6. John A. Snell & John H. Harris vs Joel Haynes & George M.             Turley. 1843. Debt


7. Caleb S. Stone vs William Leach. 1849. Debt


8. James A. Stuart vs William G. Brown. 1852. Debt


9. Robert W. Sinclair, Jesse S. Sinclair & Charles A. Samuels vs             William S. Sinclair & Jemima Sinclair, infant heirs of James

            T. Sinclair & unknown heirs of Jesse Samuels. 1849. Will


10. Christian Straube vs Alexander Scott. 1851. Debt


11. Mary E. Spires nee  Morris vs Thomas Spires. 1853. Divorce.

            Married Sept. 29, 1846.


12. Thomas L. Spires vs Thomas T. Stone. 1847. Forcible entry


13. William Sox vs William B. Douglass, John W. Douglass & Andrew

            J. Douglass. 1846. Petition for partition


14. William Scott vs William Wigginton. 1848. Debt


15. Matthew H. Smith vs John H. Epperson & Ambrose P. Edwards.             1847. Debt














TILL #11


1. George W. Turley vs John G. Muldrow. 1852. Mortgage             foreclosure


2. Susanah H. Wilson vs David Wilson. 1844. Bill in Chancery.

            Alleges Abuse by husband, David, and his son, John Wilson.


3. Thomas J. Triplet vs Josiah Gant. 1852. Property dispute


4. T. J. Triplet vs William Dollins. 1845. Arrest of William             Dollins for arson in burning of building on property of             Phoebe Dollins, dec'd.


5. George W. Turley, County Treas. vs James H. Smith & Henry B.             Gale. 1839. Petition in debt


6. Judith Tally vs William C. Jones. 1845. Names Berry Tally,             Christopher Newkirk, John DeJarnett, Wiley Tally, Calvin             McCarty.


7. John Winn vs James E. Fenton. 1838. Debt


8. George W. Turley vs Thomas Kilgore, Ishum B. Kilgore, Isham D.             Kilgore, John Willingham & William Willingham. 1840. Debt


9. Polly Throckmorton alias Mary Throckmorton vs Robert             Throckmorton. 1841. Attachment


10. James Tutt vs George W. Turley. 1847. Debt


11. Henry Thomas vs Solomon Shepherd. 1844. Debt


12. Joseph F. Tureman vs Thomas F. Stone. 1844. Debt


13. Wiley Talley vs Esom Hannon. 1842. Debt


14. Joseph D. Thompson vs John Haley. 1845. Partition


15. Tate & Nolley vs Nathaniel Pearson. 1843. Debt


16. James Tate, James Henderson & John H. Cook vs William             Cardwell. 1851. Debt


17. James Turner, Admr. & Elizabeth Sims, Admx. of Irvin Sims vs             William Sims. 1843. Note. Irvin Sims died 29 June 1841 in             Boone co., Mo.


18. Jacob Trumbo vs John Willingham, Sheriff. 1840. Debt


19. William Van Arsdall vs William Brock. 1851. Petition in             ejectment

TILL #11 continued


20. Christopher Talbot vs John S. Bishop. 1853. For damages.             Pltf. purchased negro woman, Lucinda, about 22 years of age,             in Marion co., Mo. in 1835.  Says she is not sound in body    and mind as she was claimed to be


21. Tate, Henderson & Cook vs Elijah B. Hall, Louis Day & Charles

            McIntyre. 1841. Action in debt on bond


22. L.R. Turner vs John Lorton. 1845. Notes


23. A.R. Thompson for J.D.N. Vest vs Thomas J. Carter. 1842.             Subpoena


24. Jeremiah J. West vs James Allen. 1841. Attachment





































TILL #12


1. Walter M. Walker vs Isaac Herrick. 1837. Attachment


2. Wilkinson & Talley vs Thomas M. Jopling. 1841. Debt & damages


3. James H. Woods, Caleb R. Harris & Moses M. Payne vs Daniel             McSwain. 1841. Debt


4. John Warburton, Hezekiah King, Job P. Doane & Ulyllis King vs             Margaret Muldrow. 1841. Note


5. William Welch vs Amanda Welch. 1841. Divorce. Married 1838 in

            Monroe co., Mo.  Decree in file


6. Henry J. Williams vs Alfred M. Petty. 1842. Declaration in



7. J. J. West vs Richard Willingham & Andrew Willingham. 1852.   Theft


8. John Willingham vs Neil Blue. 1843. Debt on note


9. Neil Blue vs John Willingham. 1844. Debt


10. William White vs James Beatty. 1848. Note


11. Lucian P. Woolridge vs Albert Chance & Lackin P. Perry. 1852.             Note


12. Isham Willingham vs Jeptha D. Shields. 1844. Appeal


13. John S. Wilson vs Perry Malone 1849. Ejectment


14. John S. Wilson vs Elijah Francis. 1849. Ejectment


15. George Williamson vs Joel Haynes. 1843. Debt


16. Isaac McCord vs White, Knight & Herring. 1850. Debt


17. John S. Wilson vs Thomas D. Patton. 1849. Ejectment


18. John Warburton, Hezekiah King, Job P. Doane & Uyllis King vs

            James E. Fenton. 1840. Mortgage









TILL #13


1. John Bishop vs Thomas J. Harrison. 1847. Debt


2. Mary Young vs William C. Jones. 1849. Debt


3. Martillous Bybee vs Alfred Galbreath. 1847. Debt


4. William Woods & William Stone vs William White, William D.             Harrison & Charles McIntyre. 1852. Debt


5. William C. West vs J. W. Reynolds. 1847. Debt


6. H. Wickersham vs George W. Turley & B. Solmons. 1854. Debt


7. John S. Bishop vs George W. Smith. 1853. Land Debt


8. Armistead T. Botts, assignee of Carter Cauthorn, who is             assignee of William Emmons vs William H. Nichols. 1851. Debt


9. Enelien C. Yosti & Planson Dickson vs James E. Peery & George             Peery. 1855. Debt


10. Thomas Buckley vs Minor Perry. 1851. Debt


11. Enelien C. Yosti vs Jacob Harlinger. 1855. Sheriff's sale


12. John S.Bishop, assignee of S. A. Young vs Eliza Boggs. 1855.             Attachment


13. William H. Bast, George N. Nilig & George Y. Bast vs Jacob             Herlinger. 1854. Note


14. Neil Blue vs William Emmons. 1851. Assault of slave, Bob, by        the Pltf.


15. Wm. B. Beebe vs George W. Turley. 1842. Notes


16. Churchill Allen vs Robert C. Mansfield & George W. Turley.             1844. Debt


17. Eliza Boggs vs William P. Harrison. 1855.  Breach of promise             to marry


18. Collins D. Bradley vs Daniel Bishop, Greenberry Bishop & John    S. Fisher. 1847. Breach of Covenant. Transcript from Trigg             co., Ky. restraining defts. from removing from its             jurisdiction three slaves, Milly, Bob and Patrick.


19. Nathaniel Biggs vs Joseph G. Turner, Robert W. Sinclair.             1853. Debt


20. John C. Abbott & Samuel H. Peake vs George M. Turley &             Napolian B. Salmon. 1848. Petition in debt


TILL #14


1. Lawrence F. Canterberry, Admr. of the estate of Monroe Powell             vs Thomas Young, John Gregg & Christopher C. Newkirk. 1855.   Note


2. Charles E. Watson, by his guardian & curator, O.H.P.             Ledford, Thomas Butler, Elizabeth Butler, his wife, & James             M. Butler. 1867. Partition. John H. Watson, late of Ralls             co., died intestate, possessing lands (desc.) in Audrain co.             Left surviving him was his wife, Elizabeth Watson, now             intermarried with Thomas Butler, and 2 children, Elizabeth             Baylis and R. Watson, and his brother, Charles E. Watson.


3. James Eagan, Admr. of Henry J. Jameson, dec'd. vs Joshua             Gentry. 1849. Trespass


4. Commonwealth of Kentucky vs David M. Gass. 1839. Intent to             kill David Thomas in Madison co., Ky. on Mar. 8, 1837 by a             ball from a rifle gun.


5. Coroners return on William M. Oslen. 1844.


6. William N. Clark vs Samuel M. Burch. 1848. Injunction


7. Lawrence F. Canterberry, Prosecutor for the State of Missouri             vs Thomas F. Stone & Meredith Myers. 1844. Assault with             intent to kill L. F. Canterberry


8. Joseph B. Douglass vs Daniel McSwain, James E. Hicks & Absolom             Hicks. 1853. Note


9. Henry Ess vs George Littrell. 1852. Land dispute


10. William H. Dyer vs James O. Johnston. 1855. Note


11. John S. Weaver, Lewis Crigler & Julia Crigler vs Lewis H.             Weaver & James Weaver. 1852. To settle land title. John S.             Weaver was the husband of Ann Weaver, now dec'd. and Lewis             and Julia Crigler were her parents. Ann Weaver died about  July 8, 1847. Ann Weaver was the mother of Lewis H. & James             Weaver, both under 14 years of age.


12. William English vs William Frazer. 1854.


13. James Davis. 1852. Seeking permit to build a dam


14. Coroners return on John W. Ricketts. 1857.


15. William L. Craig vs William N. Clark. 1852. Note


16. William N. Clark vs Madison B. McMullen. 1845. Damages


17. Jacob Coons vs William O. Johnson. 1854.


TILL #15


1. William House vs William Marshall. 1851. Petition in debt


2. Nelson Fike vs Ausey F. Fike. 1853. Petition for damages


3. William P. Harrison vs Ambrose Hulen. 1851. Garnishment of         John S. Bishop


4. William D. Flood vs Daniel Cox. 1855. Appeal


5. William P. Harrison vs John S. Bishop & H.J.M. Doan. 1854.             Petition to foreclose mortgage


6. Franklin Hart vs George Littrell. 1855. Pltf. purchased             Hannah, eleven year old negro girl, supposed to be sound of             body and mind. He said that she was of no value to him and      he asks $700 damages


7. Thomas J. Heron vs John Faucett. 1852. Note


8. Daniel & Elizabeth Hackard vs Peter Carter et al (Daniel,             Sarah, William & Nancy, minor children of John Minor). 1851.   John Minor died in spring of 1845. Elizabeth Minor, now             Elizabeth Hackard, was his widow and claims dower right.             Peter Carter has bought land of John Minor's estate.


9. J.W. Reynolds vs J.J. West. 1859. Appeal from J.P.


10. Jana D. Fyler vs Ausey H. Fike & John Fike. 1847. Land             transaction


11. Harrison & Clark vs William Cardwell & George W. Cardwell.             1852. Note


12. Joel Fenton vs James E. Fenton. 1840. Note


13. Caleb Fenton, Sr. vs James E. Fenton. 1840. Note


14.  Hill & Others. 1854. Bill of costs of a partition


15. Edward Hurdle vs George W. Hurdle. 1855. Partition of real      estate (desc.) Mary Hurdle, gdn. of John H. Hurdle, Josiah             L. Hurdle, and Margaret D. Hurdle, infant heirs of Thomas             Hurdle.








TILL #16


1. Meredith Myers, Nancy P. Myers & Josephine Myers, by her next     friend, Meredith Myers vs Sarah H. Myers, widow of Silas             Myers, dec'd., Benjamin S. Myers, Mary E. Smith, Edward             Smith, Gabrilla T. Penny, John E. Penny, Margaret R. Myers,             Missouri D. Myers & Frances C. Myers, heirs of Silas Myers.             1847. To obtain title to Audrain co. lands. Defts. live in Ky.


2. Jefferson F. Jones vs J.T. Webb & P.D. Johnson. 1854. Note


3. Samuel Kilgore vs H.J.M. Doan. 1854. Note


4. George F. Muldrow vs Gideon P. Williams, Barnet McDonald,             John Goatly & William Sims. 1851. Debt


5. John H. Kilgore, Garneshee of G. F. Williams vs John A.             Martin. 1852. Action of debt


6. George D. Little et al (Charles H. Olcott) vs James E. Peery

            et al (George Peery). 1855. Promissory note


7. James C. Louderman et al (John H. Louderman, Noah Walker,             Samuel Caughey & John H. Caughey) vs James E. Peery et al             (George Peery). 1855. Note


8. James Lowry vs H.J.M. Doan et al.  1855. Petition of             partition


9. H.J.M. Doan vs James Lowry. 1855.


10. Dr. William J. McElhany vs James Anderson. 1854. Dispute             survey


11. George D. Little vs Jacob Herlinger. 1855. Sheriff's Sale


12. William J. McElhany vs Thomas Wilson. 1854.


13. Edmund H. McCabe vs Loyd D. Northington. 1849. Partition of             land












TILL #16 continued


14. Antoine Soulard of St. Louis county. Aug. 22, 1826. Don Tenon             Trudeau, Lt. Gov. of Upper Louisiana, gave Soulard 10,000             arpens of land in (now) state of Missouri, Terr. of             Arkansas, in consideration of service rendered to the             Spanish Govt. Surveys located this land on a branch of the             Cuivre River about 70 miles north of St. Louis and 15 miles             west of the Mississippi River. Surveyor: Don Santiago             Rankin. Survey was recorded 8 Mar. 1804. Soulard said             original decree was lost or mislaid or destroyed, and he             erroneously neglected to file notice of his claim and failed   to have his title recorded, according to an act of Congress             1805. By Sept. 1824 Soulard had died intestate. His heirs,             Julia Soulard, widow, and his children, Jas. G. Soulard,             Henry C. Soulard, Eliza Soulard and Benjamin Antoine Soulard             sued to get title to the land. After several appeals the             court found against the plaintiff.


15. Isaac G. M. Metcalf vs James Lynn. 1849. Bill in Chancery


16. George W. Miller vs Thomas A. Scott. 1851. Debt


17. Edmund McCabe vs Daniel Motley. 1848. Trespass and ejectment





























TILL #17


1. William J. McElhany vs Richard White & Julia Ann White. 1853.   Debt


2. William J. McElhany vs Thomas Wilson. 1853. Debt


3. William J. McElhany vs John Oliver. 1854. Ejectment


4. Washington Watts, Admr. of the estate of Richard Netherland vs             John H. Hughes & A. H. Buckner, Admr. estate of Zachariah             Bell, dec'd. 1849. Title Bond


5. Barnett Newkirk vs Peter Brooke & Alfred Powell. 1854. Debt


6. William Mosely vs William D. Marney et al (James C. Heicks,             Absalom Heicks & William W. Stone) 1854. Petition of debt


7. Edmund H. McCabe vs Davis Stewart. 1849. Trespass & ejectment


8. Edmund H. McCabe vs James Brown. 1849. Trespass & ejectment


9. Samuel Morris vs Green B. Bishop. Male slave Horis. 1854.   Note


10. Samuel B. Murray vs Thomas Stone. 1853. Debt


11. Thomas M. Northcut vs James Vest. 1855. Debt


12. M. B. McMullin vs James N. Rodman. 1854. Debt























TILL #18


1. Samuel Riggs, Nancy Riggs, wife of said Samuel Riggs, late             Nancy Dollins & Thomas Pulis vs William, John & James             Dollins, heirs of Jeremiah Dollins, dec'd. 1848. Petition             for partition. John and James Dollins are children of             Jeremiah Dollens dec'd. and are residents of Ky. Phoebe             Dollins died intestate possessing lands (desc.) Phoebe             Dollins' heirs are Nancy Riggs, John Dollins, James Dollins,             Wm. Dollins & Wm. T. Dollins. Wm. T. Dollins has sold his             interest to Thos. Pulis.


2. John E. Penny & Gabrilla T. Penny, his wife, late Gabrilla             Myers vs Edmund F. Smith, Mary R. Smith his wife, Benjamin             S. Myers, William N. Penny & Missouri, his wife, Margaret R.             Myers & Frank C. Myers. All heirs of Silas Myers, dec'd.             Partition. Edmund Smith resides in Audrain co. and the             others in Anderson co., Ky. 


3. Joel Z. Ryan, Admr. of Samuel H. Hays vs James Hays. 1850.             Embezzlement. Samuel Hays was brother of James Hays


4. Thomas W. Pate vs Harrison Green. 1854. Damages. Cattle broke             fence and ate corn, property of pltf.


5. James M. Parks vs John Helms. 1850. Land dispute in Court of             Chancery, Pike co. Change of venue to Audrain. Land in             question was part of original land purchase of Walter             Caldwell Mar. 25, 1828, later was sold to James M. Parks.             David A. Briggs also entered some land in Dec. 1829. James             M. Parks was dec'd. by Oct. 1852 and James Waddell is Admr. Eliza B. Parks was wife of James M. Parks. In 1836 she lived             in Pike co. and John Helms in Ralls co.


6. James E. Fenton, Fenton & Ramsey, McCampbell, Morris & Evans vs William Woods. 1838. Note


7. John Helms vs Parks & Heirs of Walter Caldwell. 1850. Land             Dispute. Walter Caldwell's heirs are Larie, wife of John    Helms, Matilda, wife of Flerry Kemp, Mary wife of Hammond             Caldwell. The Heirs of Green V. Caldwell. The Heirs of James             D. Caldwell are Robert C., Samuel K., C. William Caldwell,             John C. Caldwell. Change of venue to Audrain


8. Minor Peery vs Thomas Buckley. 1851. Appeal from J. P. Court


9. John A. Pearson vs A. E. Inlow. 1855. For damages for cutting             and hauling timber without consent





TILL #19


1. James Sims vs James Allen. 1841. Petition in Debt


2. Matthew Smith vs Josiah Fuget. 1842. Appeal from J.P.


3. James H. Smith vs John Peyton, Admr. of Garrett Johnson,             dec'd. 1840. Estate matter


4. William T. Rodman vs H.J.M. Doan. 1854. Debt


5. Barton W. Hall, Agent for Abigail Adams, widow & Relict of             Alexander Adams dec'd. vs James Lockridge. 1859. Bond of             debt


6. George W. Samuel & Samuel Moore vs James E. Fenton. 1837.             Note


7. Harvey Scott vs Rowland Watts. 1841. Action of trespass


8. Francis T. Russell vs J.T. Webb & P.D. Johnson. 1854. Debt


9. Thomas T. Stone vs John H. Kilgore. 1839. Action of trespass             & assault


10. John W. Ricketts et al (James P. Rodman) for use of James N.             Rodman vs Nathaniel Allison. 1855. Debt


11. William Scott vs William Sox, Jr. 1843. Debt


12. John Riggins vs Reuben J. Pulice (Pulis). 1852. Debt


13. James N. Rodman vs Madison McMullin. 1854. Debt


14. George L. Smith vs Madison Dysart. 1839. Debt


















TILL #20


1. John Strahan, Admr. of the estate of William Strahan vs             Elisha R. Damrell, Edmund Butler, David Hatton, Milton             Hatton & Jonah B. Hatton. 1845.  Bill in equity. William             Strahan of Grant co., Wisc. died intestate, his wife died             before him. 2 children, both under 21. John Strahan is a             brother of William Strahan.


2. John A. Snell vs Elijah S. Barnes et al (Ashley Carter).             1844. Debt, damages & interest


3. Anthony Houpt vs James H. Smith et al (Henry B. Gale, agent             for defense). 1839. Appeal


4. William C. West vs William G. Brown & John O. P. Pearson.             1844. For Damages for injury to pltf.'s hog by deft.'s dog


5. Charles A. Day vs Thomas D. Kilgore et al (Thomas Kilgore,             Isham Kilgore, J. W. Kilgore, & John Willingham). 1839.   Appeal from J.P. Court


6. Charles A. Day, assignee of Ackley Day vs William B. Evans &

            H. J. M. Doan. 1839. Action of Debt on promissory note


7. Isham C. Kilgore vs Beverly R. Frields. 1838.  Appeal


8. Beverly Frields vs William Woods. 1842.  Appeal


9. Thomas M. Jopling vs Matthew Walton. 1839.  Account


10. Morris & Lavaugh vs Thomas Turner. 1839. Appeal


11. William Broadwell vs H.J.M. Doan. 1840. Appeal from J.P.


12. James Hobbs, Alford (Alfred) Howe & A.B. Tinsley, indebted             to R.B. Overton vs James H. Hobbs & Alford Howe. 1844.

            Appeal from J.P.


13. James E. Fenton vs John Lorton. 1838. Appeal from J.P.


14. Augustine Damrell vs Thomas T. Stone. 1843. Appeal


15. William H. Dyer vs Lycurgus L. Ramsey, H.B. Gale. 1840.

            Appeal from J.P.


16. Hiram Harvey vs Reuben Pulis & Thomas Kilgore. 1839.

            Promissory note


17. William Hall vs John C. Cassidy. 1843. Appeal


18. R.C. Mansfield for the benefit of John W. Barnette vs John    T. Brown. 1842. Appeal

TILL #20 continued


19. John Hutchison vs Vincent Hoover & John Willingham. 1839.



20. Augustine Demeral (Damrell) vs John Bullard & Elisha R.             Damrell. 1847. Debt


21. James E. Fenton vs Baylus Kilgore & John H. Kilgore. 1839.

            Judgment satisfied


22. James H. Smith vs John Peyton, Admr. 1840. Garrett K.             Johnson, dec'd. Summons


23. Caleb Fenton, Assignee of M.A. Violette, Assignee of James             H. Hobbs vs John G. Muldrow. 1843. Debt & damages


24. William B. Evans vs Joseph Pearson. 1838.  Appeal


25. Adam Fickas vs James H. Smith & Henry B. Gale & Robert C.             Mansfield. 1839. Appeal to circuit court


26. R. M. Canterberry vs John Perry (Peery). 1840. Failing to             work on a road when notified by overseer. Appeal


27. James L. Stephens vs Henry B. Gale. 1841. Debt, damages &             costs. Appeal


28. John Willbourn vs Madison B. McMullin. 1842.  Appeal


29. Daniel Boulware vs John C. Cassidy. 1841. Debt & interest.             Appeal





















TILL #21


1.  Robert Anderson for the benefit of B.W. Hall vs D.G. Blue.             1839. Suit on account. Joseph R. Mallory named


2.  James H. McClure vs Lycuyus (Lycurgus) L. Ramsey & Henry B.             Gale. 1839. Note


3.  John B. Morris vs William Wood, Harrison Norvell, Isham C.             Kilgore, John W. Barnett & John Willingham. 1839. Action of         debt. Appeal


4.  John B. Kilgore vs Phebe Kilgore. 1839. Judgment for debt &             costs


5.  Michael Perkins assignee of John Young vs Philip Lute &         Joseph Dulaney. 1838. Debt & damages. Appeal from J.P.


6.  John B. Morris vs David Myers. 1838. On account


7.  John A. Pearson vs William M. Evans & James H. Milleken.             1839. Trespass


8.  John C. Martin vs Thomas T. Stone. 1839. Debt on account


9.  John B. Morris vs Thomas T. Stone. 1839. Debt & damages


10. Cissel & Roberts vs Elijah Gray. 1839. Judgment for damages


11. Willis Snell, assignee of Ackley Day vs Caleb Williams &             Thomas M. Jopling, William L. Williams & Thomas Kilgore.              1839. Appeal bond


12. William Williams vs John Lorton. 1840. Appeal


13. William C. West vs Joel Haynes. 1838. Appeal


14. Lawrence Boggs vs William C. West & Jeremiah West. 1839. Debt    & damages


15. William C. West vs Clarke McDonald, Archbald W. Mullins,             Joseph McDonald & John Willingham. 1840. Debt & damages


16. Caleb Williams vs Thomas R. Gant. 1839. Appeal from J.P.


17. William Wood vs Charles McIntyre. 1838. Appeal from J.P.


18. William Wood vs Joseph Pearson. 1840. Appeal


19. Jeremiah J. West vs Joseph & John Brown & Eli Smith. 1839.   Appeal


TILL #21 continued


20. William L. Williams vs Charles R. Ward. 1839. Appeal


21. James L. Stephens vs H. J. M. Doan 1840. Appeal


22. James Perry & George Davidson. 1840. Appeal. William C.             West, Solomon Peery, Joseph A. Peery, Polly Peery, John    Peery & Calvin Harrison, witnesses for the deft. For the       Pltf. James Harrison, R. M. Canterbury, John C. Canterbury,             Thomas Peery & Thomas Harrison.


23. Joseph Northcut vs George L. Smith. 1839. Appeal from J.P.


24. Joseph Pearson vs Henry B. Gale & James E. Fenton. 1840.   Action in Trespass. Appeal. Pltf.'s witnesses: Francis             Armistead, Edward Beatty, Joseph Beatty, Thomas Hook.


25. William L. Williams. 1840. Failure to discharge his duty as             Constable

































TILL #22


1. H. J. M. Doan vs Thomas T. Moss. 1853. Suit on note. Appeal to             Supreme Court


2. James Cauthorn vs William Marshall, Sr. 1855. Appeal from

            J. P.


3. Hugh Dillard vs John S. Bishop, John W. Ricketts & James             Rodman. 1854. For recovery of personal property


4. Elizabeth Blue, D. G. Blue, Emaline Blue, Garrett Stephenson &             Effiah, his wife vs Beal Muir & Margaret Muir, his wife,

            William L. Hay & Elizabeth Hay, his wife. 1853.  Petition             for Dower


5. John Bybee, Jr. vs Robert C. Mansfield. 1851. Promissory note


6. Allen H. Ambrose vs Augustus Turner. 1851. Slander


7. James Carter vs James McClintock & William McClintock. 1859.  Appeal from J.P.


8. John A. L. McQueen vs Auguste Chouteau heirs & Representatives        of Rene Paul. 1849. In chancery. On 29 June 1829, Rene Paul,             Gabriel Paul, Thomas T. Smith, Gabriel S. Chouteau & Henry             Chouteau entered in Pike co. a League Square of land granted             to Auguste Chouteau from the Spanish government.  Gabriel S.             and Edward Chouteau, heirs of Auguste Chouteau, sold to John             J. Grimes a tract of this land, under an agreement that             Grimes would clear and improve as much of each quarter             section as would entitle heirs to a pre-emption or             settlement in case the claim of said heirs should not be             confirmed.  In 1832 Grimes sold his possession to McQueen.              The title to the League Square was confirmed by the Supreme             Court of the U.S.  By Aug. 20, 1845, Thomas T. Smith was             dec'd. Frederick W. Beckwith is summoned as Admr. of Smith, also he is gdn. of Louis C., Thomas F. and Philomena Smith,             children and heirs of Smith. Gabriel Paul is dec'd. by June             1847 and his heirs are Adolph Paul, who is also Admr. of his       will, Estelle Ulnice, formerly Estelle Paul, now wife of             Richard Ulnice, and Therise Taylor, formerly Therise Paul             and now wife of George R. Taylor. Heirs are contesting             Grimes' claim to land as compensation for the improvements,           saying that he removed and sold much timber, therefore his             conveyance of land to McQueen was not a valid transaction.              Most of the heirs reside in St. Louis county.






TILL #23


1. Wright Crunk vs James M. Sims. 1859. Appeal


2. Alexander Campbell vs William L. Shackelford. 1855. Mortgage             foreclosure


3. Joseph E. Beatty vs Jonathan Kemper. 1855. Damages for assault


4. Marion Barnes vs Elijah Vansandt. 1855. Appeal from J.P.


5. Wright Crunk vs Cyrus Barnes. 1855. Debt. Appeal from J.P.      This file contains an account of Pltf.'s charges of $25 for             5 months work for Cyrus Barnes by negro girl, not named. 


6. Samuel R. Dyer vs James M. Scott. 1856. Promissory note.


7. Peter Burns vs Nathaniel Allison. 1856. Appeal


8. John Beauchamp & Margaret Beauchamp, his wife, John N.             Campbell & Mary T. Campbell, his wife, Martha B. Smith,             Thomas J. Smith, Belldeirra L. Smith, Rosa S. Smith & Julia    H. Smith by their guardian & curator, Rosa Ann Smith &             William P. Harrison vs. John W. Ricketts. 1855. The Pltfs.    are the heirs of James H. Smith. Civil matter concerning             city lots in Mexico, Mo. platted by James H. Smith and             Robert C. Mansfield. Petition for change of venue to             Montgomery co.


9.  Willia__H. Dyer vs Harrison C. Green, Thomas J. Davis &             Cyreneus Barnes. 1856. Promissory note.


10. J. E. Beatty, for the use of John Goatly vs Enoch Hooton &             Edward Rackleff. 1856. Appeal from J.P.


11. David D. Dismukes vs Robert A. Noel. 1856. Mortgage             foreclosure. Names Martha A. Noel, wife of Robert A. Noel.


12. Alexander Campbell vs Thomas Norris. 1856. Appeal from J. P.


13. Alfred Cauthorn & Carter Cauthorn vs Ferdinand F. Williams.

    1856. Promissory note


14. John N. Ball vs Neil McSwain. 1853. Judgment for debt









TILL #24


1. Nathaniel L. Fish vs James Vest & Thomas M. Northcutt. 1855.   Real estate matter. Quit claim deed.


2. George F. Johnson vs James O. Johnston & Philip Dash. 1856.   Appeal from J.P.


3. C. C. Gant vs George Bruce. 1855. Appeal from J.P.


4. Joel Haynes vs George W. Adams & Walter S. Adams. 1855.             Promissory note


5. Harrison C. Green vs Edward H. Weaver. 1855. Promissory note


6. Joel Haynes vs Lewis Crigler & William Marshall. 1855.             Promissory note


7. Charles Harris vs Madison B. McMullin & Campbell St. John.   1855. Debt for flour, sugar and bacon and loan of horse,             mule with pack saddle and lash ropes. This transaction was      in Eldorado co., Calif. on Weaver Creek in 1850.  No payment             has been made and horse and mule have not been returned.


8. Silas J. Gilliland vs James Kincade & Francis Kincade. 1855.              Damages for property destroyed by fire set by Defts.


9.  William Frazer vs Silas Steel, John Bishop, B. F. Doan, A.             Carter & H. Neill. 1856. Promissory note


10. William P. Harrison, Admr. of the estate of Richard P. Adams             vs John A. Adams. 1855. Petition for conveyance of land.


11. Joel Haynes vs Josiah Whitesides, Samuel C. Gilbert & Thomas             Dowler. 1855. Civil suit. Promissory note.


12. P. H. Estes vs John M. Canterberry. 1855. Debt & damages


13. William P. Harrison, Admr. of Richard P. Adams vs James             Nichols. 1855. Petition to foreclose mortgage.


14. William Hendrix vs Thomas R. Winn & John W. McRoberts. 1855.             Petition in attachment.


15. William J. Jerman, next friend, Thomas J. Jerman, Thomas M.             Faucett & Mary A. Faucett, his wife, & Samuel W. Jerman,             Nancy J. Jerman & Belinda E. Jerman vs Garland M. Sims.             Edward Jerman, dec'd. 1856. For recovery of certain real             estate. Samuel W., Nancy J., and Belinda E. Jerman are             infants under 21 years of age.  



TILL #25


1. Isaac Johnson & Lesanders Johnson vs. Barnett McDonald. 1852.   Pltf. asks judgment against deft. for false accusation and             causing him to be arrested.


2.  Richmond Pearson vs Green B. Bishop. 1855. Damages for             Assault and Injury. Names pltf's daughter, Susan.


3.  William H. Lee vs John Bishop. 1855. Note


4.  Rubin Pulis vs Isaac N. Hockaday. 1855. Petition in Debt


5.  James G. Kelly & William D. Kelly vs John Rockford & Absolom             Hicks. 1855.  Note


6.  Samuel Murray vs John W. Ricketts & James N. Rodman. 1855.             Petition for Debt


7.  Thornton M. Northcutt & William H. Northcutt vs James B.             Dill. 1855. Petition in Debt & Attachment


8.  Roland McIntyre vs Shelby Clark. 1854. Note. Appeal


9.  C. M. McClung, C. L. Thompson, Y. H. McClung & A. H. McDonald             vs John S. Bishop. 1856. Petition in Debt


10. Milton Jones vs Dan Ryan. 1856.  Assault and Battery


11. Amanda Middleton vs Archibald Middleton, William B.             Middleton, Mary A. Middleton, Elizabeth J. Middleton, Joseph             Middleton, George A. Middleton, Martha E. Middleton, Josiah             C. Middleton & Alexander Jackson. 1855. To set aside deed.             Pltf. intermarried with William B. Middleton in Pike co.,             Mo. April 15, 1852. William B. Middleton died about April    23, 1855 in Audrain co. The Defts. are his children, named,             and Alexander Jackson, the brother of his first wife. All             the children are minors.  William B. Middleton, before his             death, had deeded his land to his children and pltf. said             she is illiterate and infirm and did not realize that she             was relinquishing her dower rights when she signed.     


12. T. M. Northcutt & Co. vs Eli Smith. 1856. Appeal


13. T. M. Northcutt vs Silas S. Hickerson. 1855. Appeal


14. M. Klien vs Jacob Herlinger 1855. Promissory note. Sheriff's             Sale


15. Barnett McDonald vs John Wood & Martha Wood. 1856. Civil    action


16. H. F. King vs William J. Williams 1856. Note. Appeal

TILL #26


1.  Tilden R. Selmes vs Slaughter and Hubbard (John H. Slaughter             & Harry S. Hubbard). 1855. Promissory Note. Summons served             in Callaway co.


2. John W. Ricketts vs James N. Rodman. 1855. Suit on account.             Sheriff's Sale


3.  Jackson Sox vs William Sox, Samuel Sox, individually and as             Admrs. of the estate of William Sox, dec'd, Timothy Barney &             Catherine Barney, his wife, William Meriwine & Sarah             Meriwine, his wife, Coonrod Ensland & Polly Ensland, his       wife, James Campbell & Simon Reno, son of Eliza Reno, dec'd,             & Catherine Herlinger, Armitta Herlinger, Sarah Herlinger,             William Herlinger, Frances Herlinger & Julia Ann Herlinger,             infant children of Caroline Herlinger, dec'd. 1855. Lost     deed. All named Defts. are heirs of William Sox, who died in             July 1854.  Wm. Sox was father of Samuel Sox.


4.  Robert Sinclair vs Daniel McSwain. 1855. Attachment


5.  James M. Sims vs Thomas R. Winn. 1855. Petition in debt and             to foreclose mortgage


6.  James N. Rodman vs James O. Johnson. 1856. Appeal from J.P.


7.  J. W. Ricketts vs Samuel Murray. 1855. Appeal


8.  James C. Smith, Greenville Floyd & Joseph Surber, Admrs. of             the estate of Adam Surber, dec'd. vs David Hubble. 1855.   Debt and damages. Appeal


9. John B. Smith vs John Rockford. 1856. Promissory Note


10. James N. Rodman vs John W. Ricketts. 1855. Petition in Debt


11. James N. Rodman vs Green B. Bishop. 1855. Promissory Note


12. James H. Stephens vs James N. Rodman. 1856. To foreclose             Mortgage


13. William R. Sims vs Thomas R. Winn & William Hendrix. 1855.



14. Peter J. Sowers vs James H. Lewis. 1856. Promissory Note







TILL #26 continued


15. James Riggs, Admr. of the estate of William Northcutt, dec'd. vs William H. Northcutt. 1855. For recovery of 2 slaves,             Daniel about 35, worth about $800 & Moses, a boy about 10             years of age, worth about $600. Said negroes belonged to the       dec'd. Deft. has possession of the two without right and has             detained them for about 20 days. Change of venue to Callway.


16. Lewis W. Robinson vs John Chick et al (Thomas Chick). 1856.             Petition in Debt










































TILL #27


1.  William H. Smith vs James E. Hicks & Absolom Hicks. 1856.             Promissory Note


2.  William White, Deputy Sheriff to Joel Haynes, Sheriff. 1855.


3.  William White vs William Hubble, David Hubble, James C.             Smith.  1855. Petition for costs.


4.  Thomas B. Winn, Adm. of the estate of Sidney Winn, dec'd. vs             John Rockford & William W. Stone. 1856. Petition in Debt


5.  James Willingham, by next friend Richard Willingham vs John    C. Pritchett. 1855. Appeal


6.  Jeremiah J. West vs Elisha R. Dameral (Damrell). 1855. For             Damages for Slander


7.  Abram B. Tinsley vs James B. Dill. 1856. Petition in Debt 


8.  Alex Thomas vs John Fish 1854. Deft. unlawfully entered upon             lands of Pltf., cut down and carried away 2400 rails and 415      timber trees. For judgment and damages


9.  Thomas T. Stone vs Silas W. Davis & John W. Ricketts. 1856.   Civil Action. Note.


10. Sinclair (St. Clair) Wilburn vs James N. Rodman & Banks B.             Hall. 1856. Promissory Note.


11. State of Missouri vs William Hendrix, Richard W. Bourn &             Charles C. Ricketts. 1856. Debt


12. Charles R. Ward vs Hezekiah J. M. Doan & John S. Bishop.             1856. Debt.


13. Mary A. Young vs Mary Young. 1855. Estate matter. Pltf. is             daughter of the late Benjamin Young, who died in 1833             possessing 160 acres, then in Monroe, now in Audrain.             Letters of Administration granted to Henry Kinote and deft.             Final settlement May 2, 1837. Samuel Young, one of the       heirs, filed sometime in the month of ___ 183_ for dower,             also for the partition of said real estate among heirs.   Pltf and 3 others of heirs were under 21. The deft, Mary             Young, is mother of pltf. On 19 June 1837, deft was             appointed gdn. and curator for Sarah Young, Rachel Young and      Moses Young, all under 21. 


14. James W. Mills vs Martha J. Woods & William W. Stone. 1855.             Promissory Note


TILL #27 continued


15. Alexander Thomas vs Thomas Stevens & John Fish. 1856. Dispute             over land title. All parties are of Callaway. Names Abraham             Brandenburg.


16. Joseph R. Turnstall vs George W. Miller. 1857. Promissory             Note













































TILL #28


1.  State of Missouri vs Vincent Moore. 1840. Larceny. Took 1             head of cattle. Vincent Moore served in Adair co.


2.  State of Missouri vs Richard Bryant & Samuel Mounce. 1837.   Theft of Henry, a slave


3.  James M. Fuget vs Ambrose Edwards. 1846. Bond. Names Wm. B.             Middleton, Wm. Sox, John Epperson and Daniel McHoney


4.  State of Missouri vs William L. Williams. 1839. Indictment             for Forgery against Chas. R. Ward. Names James McMormack


5.  State of Missouri vs Thomas Stricklin. 1844. Assault to kill             Thomas R. Gant


6.  State of Missouri vs Hiram Harvey. 1842. Perjury. 


7.  State of Missouri vs Richard Bryant. 1837. Larceny.             Indictment by Grand Jury for theft of a negro man named             Henry from Abraham I. Williams of Boone co. Witnesses who             claimed mileage from Monroe co. to Audrain co. court were             Margaret Bryant, Catherine Bryant, Allen White, Charles             Eales, James C. Ford, Richard Lanham, Robert George, Elijah             Fitzpatrick, Asaph E. Hubbard, Emanuel Damrell, Jas. W.             Herndon, John Newsom, Abraham Clement, Philip Winans,             William Bryant, Enoch Fruit, Milton Wilkerson, Cave Ecton,             Wm. Bybee, Lawrence Boggs, Hugh Melvin, John Ellis, John             Baker, Hiram Beazley, A. J. Williams, James M. Harris,             Augustine Creed, Richard Gentry, Anderson Ivy, Sally Ivy,             Allen Newsom, Alexander Newsom, Nathan Newsom, John Denton,             Samuel Carpenter, Esom Harmon. 


8.  State of Missouri suing at the relation and for the use of             Audrain County Circuit Attorney James M. Gordon, vs John             Willingham, Thomas M. Barnett, Diloney Willingham, Isham             Willingham and Joseph McDonald Jr. 1841. It was alleged that             John M. Willingham, Collector of State and County Revenue             for 1840, detained from the county and state money which             came into his hands by a settlement made by him with the             county court. The other defts. are sued as his securities.


9.  State of Missouri vs William C. West. 1842. Perjury. Swore that Harrison Norvell in an indictment for gaming was             playing for amusement and that the money on the table was             used as counters. Names numerous witnesses.


10. State of Missouri vs Alexander Thomas. 1847. Assault with     intent to kill Joseph Proctor with a pistol



TILL #28 continued


11. State of Missouri vs Spencer Davis. 1847. Deft. assaulted             David Davis in a menacing and threatening manner. Victim             says that Spencer Davis has formerly made threats and has             done harm and injury by killing his dogs. Warrant was served             Aug. 28, 1847 and while prisoner was giving bond to keep the       peace, he escaped the guard and could not be found to be             served with escape warrant. Claims for having taken part in             the search were presented by: Christian Straube, Jackson             Sox, John H. Epperson, William H. Epperson, William H.             Straube, William Fields. Subpoenaed in this case in             Montgomery co. were John Davis and Patsy Davis.


12. State of Missouri vs Robert L. Thompson. 1845. Peace             disturbance


13. State of Missouri vs David J. Fort 1847. Attack with a knife             on Thomas Lakin


14. William Bybee vs James H. Smith 1837. Action on account. Hire             of two negroes, Moses & Sally.  Deft failed to furnish said             negroes clothing.  Appeal by deft.


15. State of Missouri vs William B. Evans 1841. For Resisting             Sheriff by force and arms in the serving of a process.



























TILL #29


1.  State of MO vs William Dollins 1846. Threatened to take life             of William Haynes & David McLean.


2.  State of MO vs Alexander Thomas 1846. Threatened to kill             Thomas Lakin. 


3.  Daniel T. Day vs State of Missouri 1841. Bond with James             McClanahan & James H. Jameson as additional sureties.


4.  State of MO vs Charlotte Cadwell 1845. Assault on Catherine             C. Meadors' children. A daughter, Lockey and a son, Rosso.


5.  State of Missouri vs Thomas Lakin 1845. Rape of Sarah Thomas.              Names of numerous witnesses.


6.  State papers in case of Hall & others 1841. Includes             indictment of Joseph D. N. Thompson for gaming, Isaac H.        Baker and Robert Carter on his Recognizance Bond; Elijah B.        Hall for gaming and selling spirituous liquors, Charles             McIntyre, Lewis Day and B. W. Hall on his Recognizance Bond; and Daniel T. Day of Callaway, charge not given. His             securities are Jas. McClanahan and James H. Jameson. 


7.  State of MO vs Charlotte Cadell 1848. Threatened R. L.             Thompson and his family.


8.  State of MO vs Zebulon M. P. Hand 1842. Playing poker


9.  State of MO vs Elizabeth Newton 1841. Keeping a bawdy house.

            Names her daughter, Fanny Newton.


10. State of MO for the use of Jacob M. Claypool vs Thomas             Kilgore, Johnson Kilgore, Isham T. W. Kilgore, Isham B.             Kilgore, Thomas D. Kilgore, William L. Williams & Isham C.             Kilgore, their surety 1841.  Thomas Kilgore is Constable of             Salt River Tp., other defts. are his sureties. Jacob             Claypool claims he has been damaged and that Kilgore refuses             to pay over money due him. 


11. State of MO vs Henry J. Williams 1842. Owed money for a colt      to Hiram Henry


12. State of MO vs Benjamin Hall 1841. Gaming


13. State of MO vs Elijah B. Hall 1841. For permitting gambling             and for selling liquor.





TILL #29 continued


14. State of MO vs William B. Evans 1841. Assault with intent to             kill Abram B. Tinsley. Abram B. Tinsley as sheriff was             attempting to levy on a saddle as the property of James H.             Milican to satisfy an execution in favor of Hugh Kilgore,             and Wm. B. Evans struck Tinsley with a big stick, injuring             him considerably.  


15. State of MO vs Samuel Wilson 1846. Stealing of spectacles             from Samuel Muldrow 


16. State of MO vs James H. Hobbs 1845. Selling liquor.


17. State of MO vs Richard R. Lee 1842. Gambling


18. State of MO vs Daniel T. Day 1841. Gambling


19. State of Mo vs James Hall 1841. Murder of Samuel Dingle


20. State of MO to the use of Thomas A. Purdom vs John             Willingham, Harrison Norvell, James E. Fenton & Reuben             Pulis 1840. Overdue note.






























TILL #30


1.  State of MO vs Lawrence Boggs 1850. Labouring on Sunday.             Alleged to have cut, loaded and hauled logs to the saw mill             of John P. Beatty with an ox team.


2.  State of MO vs Thomas Lorton 1852. Assault with intent to             kill Joseph Conley. Did shoot at the said Joseph Conley with             a gun.


3.  State of MO vs Thomas Stevens 1855. Deft executed and             delivered to one John Fish a deed to a certain tract of land             whidh he had previously deeded to one Abraham Brandenburg             and to Alexander Thomas with intent to defraud.


4.  State of MO vs John P. Beatty 1847. Neglecting to perform his             duties as overseer of the road district known as District             Number one.


5.  State of MO vs Edward Adams 1845. Assault on John Bishop.             Threw a stone and struck John Bishop in the back of the             head. Deposition of Danl. S. Hays, given in Hopkinsville,             Christian co., Ky. John S. Bishop, commonly called Sanders             Bishop and his brother, Greenberry Bishop and their father,             Daniel Bishop. Abram Stites in his deposition said that when             they were confined to the jail in Christian co., Ky. on a                      charge of swindling, one, John, broke jail.


6.  State of MO vs George Pulis 1850. Selling liquor without             license


7.  State of MO vs John Bishop 1847. Edward Adams believes his             life is endangered


8.  State of MO vs John Willingham 1850. Selling liquor without             license


9.  State of MO vs Claud J. Pettibone 1850. Gambling.


10. State of MO vs William Johnson 1850. With force and arms took             mare belonging to John P. Beatty.


11. State of MO vs Alexander Thomas 1847. Selling liquor without             license


12. State of MO vs Harrold Saunders 1846. Gambling. Change of venue from Pike to Audrain co.


13. State of MO vs Samuel Murray 1847. Trespass.  Cause dismissed.


14. State of MO vs Benjamin McGee 1847.


TILL #30 continued


15. State of MO to the use of William White, Admr. of John C.             Martin, dec'd. vs Hezekiah J. M. Doan & securities, John             Goatley & Samuel B. Gass  1847


16. State of MO vs Marius Oury 1847. From Pike County. Gambling


17. State of MO vs John Lorton. 1847. Selling liquor without             license


18. State of MO vs William Scott 1852. Assault with a knife with     intent to kill William J. Brown.  Depositions of Richmond             Pearson, L. H. Hunter, Martha Dixon, Thomas Stone and A.J.             Surber


19. State of MO vs Samuel Murray Jr. 1854. Disturbing public             worship. Assaulted James Tucker.


20. State of MO vs Charles A. Muldrow 1854. Disturbing public             worship


21. State of MO vs Green B. Bishop 1852. Ran Samuel Murray's             cattle, set dogs on them and threatened to shoot them


22. State of MO vs Peter Updyke 1854. Disturbing public worship



























TILL #31


1.  State of MO vs John W. Ricketts & James Rodman 1854. Exposing             goods to sale on Sunday.


2.  State of MO vs Jonathan T. Webb & Paul D. Johnson 1855.             Larceny. Stealing 9 Negroes belonging to estate of William             Taylor, dec'd.


3.  State of MO vs Hart, a slave 1854. Warrant for murder was             issued against Hart, a slave, upon the affadavit of John             Crosswhite, for administering poison to said Crosswhite's             slaves in 1848 and 1852. File includes statements of slaves Amy, Thomas, Sam and Joe.  Names Eliza, one of Crosswhite's             slaves. Dr. C. A. Sames attended Eliza when she became ill.             Hart is the property of the heirs of John Young. Amy was the             slave of George Littrell.


4.  State of MO vs Thomas Carlisle 1855. Assault with a scythe             blade with intent to kill Silas Baysinger


5.  State of MO vs Thomas T. Stone 1852. Failure to perform duties as road overseer.


6.  State of MO vs Joseph E. Beaty. 1855. Abuse of Martha J. Beaty & Edward Francis Beaty.


7.  State of MO vs John S. Bishop, John W. Ricketts & James Rodman.              1855. Conspire to defraud H. B. Dillard.


8.  State of MO vs Jeptha D. Wainscott. 1855. Charge of arson in             the nighttime


9.  State of MO vs Green B. Bishop. 1855. Breach of peace of             Richmond Pearson.


10. State of MO vs Daniel Ryan et al (Frank Ryan, Mr. Crowson,             James Roland, Thomas Hocum, Patrick Falvey, Michael Crawley,             James Henderhem) 1856. Attempted to break into James Smith's             house and that of Jacob Coons. Daniel Ryan shot one Milton             Jones with intent to kill. Named James Smith, George Smith,             Jacob Coons and Mary Ann Coons.


11. State of MO vs Thornton Young, Madison Davis & James Davis.

            1855. Threatened to kill John Mathews.


12. State of MO vs John Hargrove, Monroe County 1855. Wm. Marshall             said his son's mare was stolen by John Hargrove.


13. State of MO vs Silas L. Hickerson. 1856. Failure to keep road             in repair.


TILL #31 continued


14. State of MO vs John W. Ricketts & James Rodman. 1854.             Indictment for selling goods to slaves without first having             obtained written consent of the master, owner or overseer of             said slaves.   


15. State of MO vs Joseph E. Beaty 1855. Threatened to kill by             shooting Thomas J. Harrison. Depositions of John Edwards,             James Lewis, Cyrenius Barnes, Wm. Frazier, Thomas W. Gant,             Barnett McDonald, Edward Beatty, C. C. Ricketts, and Mrs. Mary             J. Fulkerson.


16. State of MO vs John Fish. 1855. Indictment for receiving second             deed for real estate knowing first was in existence.






































TILL #32


1.  Parker, Barr & Co. (Oliver Parker, Robert S. Barr & Josiah W.             Wilson) vs James E. Fenton. 1840.  Note. 


2.  Asberry R. Vest for the use of J.D.N. Thompson vs Thomas             Carter. 1842. Debt on note. Named Henry R. Keeton


3.  Enoch Turner & Jesse Turner vs James E. Fenton. 1840. Petition             on note


4.  Nimrod Canterberry, Assignee of Barton Gilbert, Assignee of             Leonard Davis vs William B. Evans 1838. Debt on Promissory             note.


5.  John McDonald vs James Reed. 1849. Suit upon account


6.  George W. Smith vs Hezekiah J. M. Doan. 1854. Petition in Debt


7.  Greenup Snell vs Robert J. Brown. 1837. Debt and damages.


8.  State of MO vs Daniel Ryan. 1846. Assault with intent to kill

            Milton Jones


9.  State of MO vs John B. Kilgore. 1840. Larceny of a horse             belonging to Thomas J. Carter. Statements of Wm. L. Williams,             Harrison Norvell, John Cresey, John Allen, Caleb Williams,             Peter Cresey, Thomas Kilgore and Thomas J. Carter.


10. State of MO vs Thomas Stricklin. 1839. Assaulted Joseph Cook.


11. State of MO vs James E. Fenton. 1838. Assault and battery of             John B. Kilgore. Appeal.


12. State of MO vs C. P. Trainer. 1840. Breach of the peace in an             affray with W. S. Adams.


13. State of MO vs Banks B. Hall. 1847. Fail to perform duties as             road overseer.


14. State of MO vs James Henderhem. 1857. Disturbance of the peace             of the family of Joseph M. Coons.


15. State of MO vs William Cornett. 1856. Obstructing road.


16. State of MO vs Joshua C. Moore. 1856. Not keeping road in             repair


17. State of MO vs Augustus Tapscott. 1856. Obstructing road




TILL #32 continued


18. State of MO vs Frank Ryan. 1856. Disturbance of peace of the       family of Joseph M. Coons.  Named Collins Holcum, Patrick             Falvey and James Henderhem.


19. State of MO vs Walter S. Adams 1856. Breach of peace


20. State of MO vs William B. Evans 1859. Neglecting to keep road             in repair


21. Hugh Crockett vs Nancy Crockett et al (Samuel F. Crockett,             Mary E. Crockett, Philander Crockett, Dabney H. Crockett &             James W. Crockett). 1856. For sale of real estate and             partition. Samuel H. Wright and his wife, Nancy, of Boone co.             conveyed to Mary Ann K. Crockett, late Mary Ann K. Wright,             real estate in Audrain co. (desc.) Nancy Ann K. Crockett died             in the year 18__, leaving 2 children: Nancy R. Crockett and             Margaret Ann Crockett and that Margaret Ann Crockett died in             the year 1850, leaving as her heirs her sister, Nancy R. and             her father, Hugh Crockett, and Samuel F., Mary E., Philander             M., Dabney H. & James W. Crockett, the last 5 defts. half             brothers and sisters to the said Margaret Ann Crockett,             dec'd., all infants under 21 years.


22. State of MO vs Thomas Turner 1838. For assault on David             McCormack, for gaming house, for poker & for betting at poker 

23. State of MO vs Samuel Turner 1838. Betting at poker
























TILL #33


1.  Thomas J. Triplett vs Balis E. Kilgore. 1849. Appeal Bond


2.  State of MO vs Truman Day. 1838. Betting at a game called poker 

3.  State of MO vs Samuel Turner. 1838. Playing at a game  called             poker


4.  B. W. Hall vs George W. Turley & Thomas M. Jopling. 1838. 

            Show cause. George W. Turley, J. P. did not issue execution on             Hall's judgment obtained against Jopling 


5.  State of MO vs Thomas R. Gant. 1840. Neglect of duty in office             as constable of Wilson township


6.  Grandison F. Williams vs Hezekiah J. M. Doan. 1840.


7.  Samuel M. Burch vs William N. Clark. 1848. Execution of             judgment for costs


8.  State of MO vs John Turner. 1842. Bet a large sum of money on        a game called poker


9.  State of MO vs George W. Turley. 1838. Gaming house


10. State of MO vs Pinkston W. Pearson. 1838. Assault & battery of             Joshua Myers


11. State of MO vs Caleb Williams 1838. Assault & battery of             Charles McIntyre


12. William Ferguson vs Robert Powell. 1849. Did not deliver a             slave Negro child named Levi. Names George Ferguson


13. State of MO vs Oscar B. Barbour. 1841. Gaming at poker


14. State of MO vs Lycurgus S. Ramsey. 1838. Betting


15. State of MO vs Thadius Clendenen. 1841. Gaming


16. John A. Henderson, who sues for use of Audrain County vs James             H. Smith & Henry B. Gale. 1840. Judgment against John             Willingham, late sheriff of Audrain co., for money which said             Willingham received for property ssold by virtue of an                 execution in favor of pltfs.


17. State of MO vs Reubin Pulis. 1838. Betting


18. State of MO vs Daniel T. Day. 1839. Fine


19. State of MO vs John W. Barnett. 1840. Not keeping road in         repair as overseer

TILL #33 continued


20. State of MO vs James Boone. 1839. Indictment for larceny.             Stealing hog from William C. West


21. State of MO vs Gideon P. Williams. 1838. Assault & battery of             Charles McIntyre


22. State of MO vs Harrison Norvell. 1838. Betting


23. State of MO vs Harrison Norvell. 1838. Assault & battery of             William Sims


24. State of MO vs James L. Stephens. 1840. Selling of whiskey of             less than a gallon as a merchant


25. State of MO vs John H. Kilgore. 1841. Gaming


26. Charles McIntyre vs William Wood. 1841. Judgment satisfied


27. James H. McClure vs William Sims, Lycurgus L. Ramsey, & John             Goatley. 1839. Debt, damages & costs recovered against defts,             securities


28. Elijah M. Byers vs William Wood & William B. Evans. 1839.             Motion


29. James H. Millican (Milliken) vs James L. Stephens & William             White. 1840. Motion to restrain


30. State of MO vs Lycurgus L. Ramsey. 1839. Execution of fine


31. Charles A. Day vs John Willingham. 1840. Judgment. The said             Willingham did not pay over to the said Charles A. Day,             assignee of Ackley Day, a sum collected by Willingham, sheriff             of Audrain co., upon a suit of execution.  


32. State of MO vs John Willingham. 1839. Misconduct in office.


33. McDaniel vs Muldrow 1841.


34. State of MO vs Joshua Myers. 1838. Assault & battery of William             Harper


35. State of MO vs James Y. Kilgore. 1838. Betting at a game called poker 


36. State of MO vs Joseph Pearson. 1840. Indictment for fraud in             office


37. State of MO vs Joseph Brown. 1840. Gaming


TILL #33 continued


38. State of Mo vs Vincent Moore. 1840. Betting


39. State of MO vs William C. West. 1839. Neglecting to keep road             in repair. Betting on poker


40. State of MO vs William Wood 1841. Gaming


41. State of MO vs John G. Muldrow. 1841. Betting at poker


42. State of MO vs George W. Turley. 1839. Indictment for keeping             gaming house


43. State of MO vs Vincent Moore. 1838. Larceny. Stole a heifer             from Greenberry Johnson. In same file, playing at a game   called three-up


44. Jonathan Kirkbride & Joseph B. Howard vs John Turner. 1843.

            Debt and damages


45. William C. West vs John Willingham & Hezekiah J.M. Doan. 1840.             Judgment for debt and damages


46. State of MO vs Josiah Keaton. 1844. Assault upon Isaac Johnson             with intent to kill.  Subpoena of Margaret Johnson. Witnesses             Henry R. Keeton, John Haley, James Reed, David Wilson, Richard             Dollens, David H. Woods, Thomas Hurdle, Wm. Reynolds, Parson             Cadwell, John Wilson, Thomas J. Keeton.


47. State of MO vs Joseph Cook. 1838. Assault on Thomas Stricklin 

48. State of MO vs Joseph Thompson 1841. Indictment for gaming


49. State of MO vs Gideon P. Williams. 1838. Assault & battery of             Thomas T. Stone. Other defts. are William L. Williams, Caleb             Williams, and Granderson Williams. Defts. placed under bond to             preserve peace.


50. State of MO vs Samuel Still 1842. Threatened J.J. Jackson.             Deposition of Hugh M. Jackson   


51. Alexander Thomas & Jas. L. Lorton vs Benjamin Coil, S.B.             Anderson, George W. Coil. 1847. Judgment for costs satisfied









TILL #34


1.  State of MO vs Monroy (Monroe) Powell. 1840. Indictment for             murder of George Eubanks by striking him upon the back part of             the head with a weeding hoe. Depositions by M. Walton, John    Peery, Johnson M. Eubanks, William Harper, Franklin Russell,             George Davidson. David Norton and Wiley Talley named.


2.  State of MO vs Alfred M. Carnes. 1859. Murder of George W.             (Washington) Crane by shooting him. Statements of Wm. R.             Martin, Pinkney French, Thomas E. Peery, a practicing             physician, B. D. Brown, a practicing physician, Mary W. Crane,             widow of George Crane, C. Brown, Morgan H. Collins, and John             Romans. Names Thomas Crane and wife and A. Graham and wife.


3.  State of MO vs Benjamin G. Hall. 1841. Levy against for             personal property for fine.


4.  State of MO vs George W. Wilson, S.B. Murray & T.G. Dillon.

            1848. Judgment satisfied.


5.  State of MO vs Abraham Pool. 1854. Assault of James Moad with     a deadly weapon with intent to kill.  Deft. discharged


6.  State of MO vs John Bishop. 1847. Bill of costs.


7.  John Griffin et al (James N. Griffin) vs Daniel Galbreath &             Angus Galbreath. 1843. Debt. John Griffin, a merchant in Santa   Fe, Mo. trading under the name of J. & J.N. Griffin.  Deft.    agreed to buy the pltf's entire stock of goods, part of                         purchase price to be discharged by conveying a certain negro             woman named Nancy and her child to pltf.  Deft. has not             delivered the negro woman and child nor has he given his bond    with 2 good securities for the residue of the sum. File             contains depositions of Sarah W. Blue and Napoleon B.                           Tapscott.  Names William Griffin. 


8.  State of MO vs Isaac & Lesanders Johnson. 1853. Assault. Defts.             discharged.


9.  State of MO vs L.F. Canterberry. 1843. Action before J.P.             Execution returned not satisfied.


10. Alexander Thomas vs Joseph Proctor. 1848. Execution returned             not satisfied, there being no good chattels or real estate             found in Callaway on which to levy.


11. State of MO vs John P. Beatty. 1847. Indictment for neglect of             duty as road supervisor.




 TILL #34 continued


12. John Griffin vs Daniel Galbreath & Angus Galbreath 1841. Bill             in Chancery. File contains a promissory note to Martha T. Dye,    dated April 1835, signed Daniel Galbreath, and notes to John    Martin and Peter G. Glover, dated 1835 but signature has been    torn off. Depositions by John P. Martin, James H. Driskill,             William Wilkinson, Edward G. Berry, William H. Bailey, Thomas             B. Dyer, John Curd and George Kibler, all of Callaway county.













































TILL #35


1.  David Eubanks vs William Davidson. 1856.  Action on debt.             Appeal from J.P.


2.  Robert P. Barnett vs William Cochran. 1857. Petition in             attachment


3.  John M. Davis vs John S. Bishop et al (Silas Steel, Green B.             Bishop, John W. Ricketts & Silas W. Davis). 1856. Petition in             debt on note


4.  Alfred Cauthorn et al (Carter Cauthorn) vs William H. Hepler.             1857. Petition to foreclose mortgage.


5.  William L. Erving et al (William Erving, Albert G. Edwards,             Nathan Cole Philips, W. S. Steerman & Fredrick Berthold) vs             Presley Wilkerson & William O. Wilkerson. 1856. Promissory             note.


6.  John W. Ricketts vs James H. Lewis. 1856. Names Peter Sowers.


7.  James R. Covington vs Ann M. Covington. 1857. Divorce. Married             Oct. 26, 1854 in Audrain co., Mo. Ann M. Covington's maiden             name of Ann M. Gilbert restored. Decree in file.


8.  Thomas Cleary, aged 40. 1856. Declaration of intention to             become citizen. Native of Ireland.


9.  O. T. Crawford vs Francis A. McVeigh. 1856. Note. Attachment.


10. Henry Wolf vs Lewis Mays. 1855. Suit on account. Appeal.


11. Caleb J. Perkins vs John W. Hudson 1855. Assault with a knife.


12. Christian Zshoppel, aged 36. 1856. Declaration of intention to             become citizen. Native of Prussia.


13. Richard Roundtree vs William P. Harrison. 1856. Assaulted, beat     and bruised pltf. For damages.


14. Silas W. Davis vs Thomas T. Stone. 1855. Debt.


15. Anson Williams vs Thomas J. Powell. 1856. For damages for trees             taken from pltf.'s land


16. Henry C. Douglass vs William Marshall. 1856. Civil matter.             Breach of peace.


17. Alfred Cauthorn vs Robert Carter & James T. Carter. 1856. Civil    action on note.



TILL #35 continued


18. Benjamin F. Douglass vs William Marshall 1856. Civil matter.             Breach of peace. 


19. Thomas P. Cochran vs John C. Myers. 1856. Claim on account.


20. Philip Dash (Dasch) vs James N. Rodman & J.S. Bishop. 1856.














































TILL #36


1.  John P. Clark et al (Mary L. Clark, his wife, Sarah J. Muldrow             & John J. Muldrow vs Charles Muldrow, George H. Clark & Mary   B. Clark. 1855. For partition. John P. Clark Gdn. ad litem for             George H. & Mary Bell Clark, infant defts and George F.             Muldrow, Gdn. ad litem of Charles A. Muldrow. Mary L. Clark &             Sarah J. Muldrow are daughters of George F. Muldrow and             Margaret Muldrow is his wife. 


2.  John M. Gordon vs William M. Derbins. 1856. Petition in debt.


3.  Polly S. Hardesty, widow of Kinza Hardesty, dec'd. Benjamin F.

            Hardesty, James Menefee, Sarah A. Menefee, his wife, Kensey             Hardesty, Mary Hardesty, Henry C. Hardesty & George Hardesty             vs Edward C. Hardesty, a non-resident. William L. Hardesty and             Jacob Hardesty, infants under 21. Edward C. Hardesty lives in             California. 1855. For sale of real estate and division of             proceeds, and for assignment of dower. Names William Dinge.


4.  William Croswhite vs John B. Smith & F.P. Vance. 1856.             Petition in debt on note


5.  Charles W. Green & Jonas W. Green vs Francis B. Powell. 1857.             Note, debt, damages & costs


6.  William H. Edmonston vs James N. Rodman. 1856.Petition for       title and possession


7.  George W. Gordon vs William W. Stone. 1856. Promissory note


8.  James Flynn. 1857.  Declaration of intention to become a             citizen. Native of County Roscommon, Ireland.


9.  N. A. Harvey, G.W. Zimmerman & A.J. Reid vs James O.             Johnston. 1857. Promissory note. Sheriff's Sale


10. John M. Gordon vs Churchill Allen. 1856. Appeal


11. William Frazier vs James N. Rodman & John P. Clark. 1856.             Promissory note.


12. Charles W. Burks vs Caswell Snell. 1857. Promissory note


13. William H. Bast, George W. Wiley & George T. Bast vs John             Rockford. 1856. Promissory Note.


14. Albert T. Humphreys vs Alfred Powell. 1857. Petition in debt


15. Bank of MO vs John Rockford & William W. Stone. 1856. Debt,             damages & costs



TILL #36 continued


16. John Ellis, Admr. of estate of Thornton Young, dec'd. vs James             N. Rodman. 1857. Note. Sheriff's sale.


17. Jane Harper & William Harper vs Joseph Hepler & Peter Jones.              1857. Debt on note, damages & costs


18. Thomas Alfrey vs James O. Johnston, Elkany Brooks & Landon D.             Craig. 1857. Appeal from J. P.


19. Richard S. Felps (Phelps) & Jesse W. Shepard vs Enoch Hooten.              1856. Judgment for debt, damages & costs


20. George W. Gordon vs Charles Deer & William W. Stone. 1857.             Promissory note.


21. A. A. Sparks, Gdn. of the infant Mollie Sparks, only heir of             Sarah J. Sparks. Bond



































TILL #37





















































TILL #38


1.  Katherine Norvell vs Samuel B. Gass. 1855.  Ejectment.             Katherine Norvell's land entry at Land Office at Palmyra             (desc.). Pltf says she has patent issued to her by U.S.  Copy             of deeds conveying property to James Fenton & Fenton to Smith. For dower rights.


2.  John G. Jackson vs Barnet McDonald. 1856. For judgment for             damages for the wrongful taking and detention of pltf's             wearing apparel in an attachment.


3.  John W. Jeffries vs B.M. Gains. 1857.


4.  Patrick McGown (McGowan). 1857.  Declaration of intention to             become citizen. Native of County Roscommon, Ireland 


5.  Neil McSwain vs A. J. McDonald. 1856. Attachment.


6.  Hayden F. King vs Neil McSwain. 1857. Promissory note.


7.  Loring Fiske & Co. vs John W. Ricketts & Silas W. Davis. 1856.


8.  John H. Kilgore vs John S. Bishop. 1857.


9.  Heyden F. King & Robert C. Gibbs vs Silas L. Hickerson. 1855.

            Petition for debt.


10. Nathan C. Kouns vs William H. Edmonston & George Edmonstson.             1857. Note.


11. William North & William P. Scott vs William H. Edmonston &             George W. Edmonston. 1857. Promissory note.


12. William Kemp vs Alfred Powell, Peter Brooke & Alfred Cauthorn.             1857. Promissory note.


13. Israel Lander vs John P. Clark & Nathaniel Allison. 1857.             Promissory note.


14. Richard Johnson vs Thomas Hitt. 1857. Promissory note.


15. Joseph Armstrong. 1857. Intention to become a citizen. Native             of County Tyrone, Ireland










TILL #39


1.  State of MO vs Emily, a slave. 1856. Infanticide. Emily             belonged to the heirs of Thomas Lakin. Witness statements by

            Lucy E. Powell and Lydia, a slave.


2.  State of MO vs James N. Rodman. 1856. Forgery.


3.  Joseph Rutledge vs James N. Rodman. 1857. Promissory note


4.  State of MO to the use of Thomas R. Winn vs William R. Sims,

            Charles C. Ricketts & John W. Ricketts. 1855. For damages on             attachment bond


5.  State of MO vs John Kearney & Rick McGrath. 1856. Recognizance             to keep the peace.


6.  Martin Traicy. 1857. Intention to become a citizen. Native of

            County Tipperary, Ireland


7.  State of MO vs Peter Keeland. 1856. Larceny.  Forcibly stealing             money from James Delany. Depositions of B. T. Northcutt and             John B. Dejarnett.


8.  State of MO vs Rich (Richard) McGrath. 1856. Recognizance bond.


9.  Jeremiah J. West vs Thomas J. Davis & Thadeus F Clendening.             1857. Joint promissory note.


10. Z. J.  Ridgeway, Adm. of the estate of William P. Harrison,             dec'd, vs Alfred Powell, Peter Brooke, Alfred Cauthorn &             George W. Cardwell. 1857. Promissory note.


11. Reuben Pulis, Guardian of infant heirs of Elijah Davis, dec'd   vs Littleberry Sublett & Thomas J. Davis. 1857. Joint             promissory note.


12. Moss Prewitt & Richard Branham vs David Leach. 1857. Promissory             note.


13. State of MO vs Lazarus N. Hunter. 1856. Attempted abortion on             Martha J. Walton. 


14. Charles C. Ricketts vs William P. Harrison. 1856. Libel.             Publish false, scandalous and defamatory statements about   pltf.


15. State of MO vs Martha J. Walton. Burglary or petty larceny of

    Silas Hickerson.


16. Hiram Phillips vs William W. Stone & John Rockford. 1857.             Promissory note.


                                                            TILL #40


1.  Thomas S. Sneed & Achillis F. Sneed vs John G. Sneed & Sarah E. Sneed. 1857. Mortgage foreclosure.


2.  Elizabeth Blue vs Meredith Myers, Emeline Myers formerly             Emeline Blue, & Daniel Galbreath. 1857. Debt, damages & costs.

3.  Sarah Willingham vs Thomas M. Barnett & William Uzzell. 1856.             Assignment of dower. Isham Willingham departed this life on or             about 20 Nov. 1853, possessing lands (desc.). Sarah (Mary)             Willingham is his widow. 


4.  Franky Simms vs George C. Evans & Elizabeth A., his wife, John             Thornsberry, and Polly Ann, his wife, William Hopwood & Sally             Thomas, his wife, William Roberts & Francis Amanda, his wife,             Martha Isabella Sims, Henry C. Sims, William H. Sims & Greenup             Snell. 1858. For assignment of dower. Franky Sims intermarried             with William Sims, dec'd. on the 3 May 1850. He died Oct. 6,             1856. Martha, Henry and Wm. H. Sims are minors under 21. 


5.  Jacob Trumbo vs John Israel Jackson. 1856. Note.


6.  Thomas T. Stone vs James O. Johnston & Isaac N. Hockaday. 1856.   Action of debt.


7.  John Cues & Peter Jennings vs City of Mexico. 1857. Appeal.


8.  State of MO vs John McGregor. 1856. Recognizance to keep the             peace.


9.  Hiram Wammock & A. J. Reid vs James O. Johnston. 1857. Debt,             damages and costs.


10. J. F. Jones vs Eliza Evans & others. 1860. Appointment of             commisioners to partition property of Tyra Evans, dec'd. in             Callaway and Audrain.


11. Lawson Thomas vs William H. Edmonston & George W. Edmonston.             1857. Promissory note


12. William Hendrix vs John W. McRoberts. 1856. Petition for debt.


13. Thomas L. Spires vs Mary E. Spires. 1857. Divorce. Married             Sept. 29, 1846 in Audrain co.


14. Garrett J. Wood vs William W. Stone. 1855. Appeal.


15. John T. Smart vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1857. Pltf. says deft.             assaulted and beat pltf.'s son, David P. Smart, who was at the             time a minor under 21 years old.



Till #40 continued


16. State of MO. vs James N. Rodman. 1857. Indictment for murder of             John W. Ricketts by shooting him with a pistol.


17. William Boone vs John C. Carter & William Hall. 1857. Action             for land. Pltf. says deft. took without leave a certain             blacksmith shop with the land whereon it stands, in Lincoln             co. It is within 100 yards of the residence of David Diggs and      about 250 yards from the water mill commonly called Diggs             mill. It is on land embraced by the U.S. survey in April 1818,             under the direction of the Surveyor General. Land was granted             to Auguste Aristedes Chouteau by patent dated March 1823.                Change of venue to Audrain co. Names Thomas and Charles             S.             Hempstead, Bernard G. Favor, Richard Hall & John C. Carter of             Pike co.





































TILL #41


1.  State of MO vs Craig Games. 1857. For failing and neglecting to             keep St. Charles Road in Audrain co. in repair as overseer. 

            That part of road lying in Audrain co. was obstructed by trees    and limbs of trees and many stumps exceeding 8 inches in             height and many small water courses and wet ground so that             horsemen and carriages can not pass in safety.


2. State of MO vs James Dunn. 1857. Exposing goods to sale on             Sunday.


3.  State of MO vs Jeptha Baker. 1857. Contempt for failing to             report to court as juror.


4.  State of MO vs Charles Turpin. 1857. Gaming.


5.  State of MO vs Henry S. Clark. 1857. Gaming.


6.  State of MO vs Thaddeus F. Clendenin. 1857. Gaming.


7.  State of MO vs John H. Kilgore. 1858. Gaming.


8.  State of MO vs William H. Edmonston. 1858. Gaming.


9.  State of MO vs Harland Kilgore. 1858. Grand larceny of a horse.             Names Tom Davis. Depositions of Zachariah Tippett, William             Campbell, J. W. Pulis and John B. Dejarnatt.


10. State of MO vs Charles A. Muldrow. 1857. Gaming


11. State of MO vs James Dunn. Dealing as a merchant without             license. Littleberry Sublette


12. State of MO vs Lewis R. Veneble. 1857. Fine for non-attendance             as Grand Juror


13. State of MO vs James O. Johnston. 1857. Gaming.


14. State of MO vs Samuel Fenton. 1857. Gaming.


15. State of MO vs Simon Murray. 1857. Gaming.


16. State of MO vs Samuel Dooly. 1857. Gaming.


17. State of MO vs Samuel Kilgore, Harlin Kilgore, Marion Kilgore,

            John Mathews, Richard Willingham, James Willingham & Andrew             Willingham. 1855. Assembling to commit assault.


18. State of MO vs John Lowry. 1858. Assault with intent to kill             Bethuel Eubanks


                                                            TILL #42


1.  Cyrenius Barnes vs Thomas J. Davis , T.F. Clendenin & John G.             Muldrow. 1857. Promissory Note.


2.  Joseph E. Beatty vs Jonathan Kemper. 1854. For damages and             return of personal property.


3.  William H. Dyer vs. Christian Winckler. 1857. Prommisory Note


4.  Berdit C. Blanton vs Harrison C. Green & Littleberry Sublett.             1858.


5.  Charles H. Barton, Agent. 1858.


6.  John S. Bishop vs John S. Doan. 1857. For possesion of personal             property, about 300 fence rails. Appeal


7.  Hiram M. Brown vs Frances Carbine. 1857. Debt on account.              Appeal


8.  John S. Bishop vs Elisha R. Damrell. 1857. Debt by note.    Appeal


9.  William Frazer vs James W. Douglas, Thorton M. Northcutt &             William H. Northcutt. 1857. Promissory note.


10. Elisha R. Damrell vs James D. Sumner. 1857. Civil action on             note.


11. William Baker vs Cyrenius Barnes. 1857. Dissolution of co-            partnership formed for purpose of feeding and grazing cattle.

            Civil action on account.


12. Elisha R. Damrell vs John S. Bishop. 1857. For damages. Pltf.     bought negro man named Lewis from deft., who warranted him to         be sound of body and mind, except for minor infirmities, when             actually he was soon almost entirely helpless and unable to             render any service to pltf.


13. John Ellis, Admr. of Thornton Young vs Iredell Green, L.B.             Sublett, H.C. Green. 1857. Promissory note











                                                            TILL #43


1.  Elizabeth T. Howe, Mary J. Howe & Robert M. Howe by their             guardian & curator, John P. Beatty vs William W. Sims, John P.             Beatty & Margaret C. Beatty. 1854. Partition & sale of real             estate


2.  Copy of Alfred Howe's will. 1854. Simon, black man, bequeathed             to Margaret Howe, wife of Alfred Howe


3.  John P. Beaty & others. 1854. Dower. Margaret Beaty, formerly             Margaret Howe


4.  George D. Little & Charles H. Alcott vs Thomas S. Sneed &             Achilles F. Sneed. 1857. Promissory note


5.  William Hendrix for the use of Thomas D. Kilgore & Mary M.             Kilgore, his wife, Jesse Barnett, Martha Barnett, John             Barnett, & Thomas Barnett vs T.W. Gant & John G. Muldrow.               1858. Promissory note


6.  Mary E. Harrison vs Rhodin H. Hord. 1857. Suit on account


7.  H. C. Green vs E.H. Weaver. 1857. Appeal from J.P.


8.  Thomas V. Heaton vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1858. On account. Deft     owes pltf for labor on farm and owes pltf's wife for taking             care of deft.'s children


9.  Charles H. Hardin vs William D. Marney, Absolom Hicks, William             W. Stone & James E. Hicks. 1857. Promissory note


10. George W. Ford vs Daniel Campion. 1857. Note


11. William James vs Edward C. Coleman, Sallie E. Sneed & T.S.             Sneed. 1857. Note


12. Banks B. Hall, guardian of John A. Adams, Insane, vs the County             Court of Audrain County. 1856. For recovery of four negroes             said to belong to John A. Adams.  Banks B. Hall is removed as

            Gdn. of John A. Adams and is said to have mismanaged his       estate. George W. Brown is appointed as successor and Banks B.             Hall is appealing his removal.










                                                            TILL #44


1.  George Pearce, Henry Smith & Alexander P. Purves, under the       name of George Pearce & Co. vs Thomas W. Gant & Elzie             McDonald. 1857.


2.  Andrew J. Martin, Marietta Martin, his wife, & William D.             Sinclair vs Robert W. Sinclair, Jesse S. Sinclair, Charles S.             Samuels and the unknown heirs of Jesse Samuels, dec'd. 1858.

            To rescind deed and for sale of real estate and partition.             William D. Sinclair & Jemima Sinclair were the owners of lands   (desc.) by inheritance from William S. Samuels, dec'd., which             he held by deed from Willis Samuels.  William D. Sinclair &             Jemima Sinclair were the children of James T. Sinclair,             dec'd., who was a half-brother of William S. Samuels dec'd.             Marietta Martin was the wife and widow of the said James S.             Sinclair dec'd. James T. Sinclair was the heir of William S.             Samuels. William D. Sinclair is aged 10, and Jemima Sinclair             was younger than he. She died in 1854, leaving William D.             Sinclair, her brother, and Marietta Martin, his mother. Jesse             S. Sinclair, Charles S. Samuels and the unknown heirs of Jesse             Samuels are non-residents.   


3.  Charles J. McClung, Franklin H. McClung & Charles S. Thompson,             Admrs. of the partnership effects of the estate of C. M.             McClung & Co. vs James G. Garvin, J. C. Thompson & Joseph             Wiles. 1857. Promissory note


4.  Francis Lock vs Joseph Kline. 1856. Damages for injuries             suffered in assault by the deft.


5.  George Pomeroy, William H. Benton & George H. Chase vs John H.

    Hudelson & George G. Berry. 1858. Promissory note


6.  Parker Russell & Co. (Ruben Beeman, P.G. Russell & George W.

    Parker) vs John Rochford. 1857. Promissory note


7.  James Pasqueth & Henry T. Hunter vs John C. Thornberry.  1857             Promissory note


8.  Norman Lackland vs Joseph Cline. 1857. Attachment


9.  William R. Martin & Charles G. Martin vs Presley Wilkerson &             William O. Wilkerson. 1857. Promissory note


10. William H. Morris vs Thomas S. Hamilton & John C. Guy. 1858.



11. Charles J. McClung, Franklin H. McClung & Charles S. Thompson             vs Thomas W. Gant. 1858. Promissory note



TILL #44 continued


12. John T. Pool & Rhoden H. Hord vs Joseph Hepler. 1857.             Promissory note


13. Lewis P. Payne vs Neil McSwain & John W. Thompson. 1859.             Petition in debt


14. John T. Pool & Rhoden H. Hord vs Meredith Myers. 1857.             Promissory note


15. John H. Milroy & Charles Bacon vs Paterson Denton & Richard L.

    Turpin. 1857. Promissory note


16. John R. Powell vs Neil McSwain & John W. Thompson. 1858.             Petition in debt and attachment





































TILL #45


1.  Francis A. Ricketts & C. C. Ricketts, Admr. of the estate of             John W. Ricketts vs Neil McSwain. 1857. Promissory note


2.  State of MO vs Patrick Mooney. 1857. Selling liquor without             license


3.  Banks B. Hall vs James N. Rodman. 1858. Debt


4.  State of MO vs William H. Northcutt. 1857. Gaming


5.  State of MO vs Thomas L. Spires. 1857. Gaming


6.  Matthew Walton vs Rufus S. Pearson & George W. Powell. 1857.

            Return of personal property, 2 cows and 2 calves


7.  State of MO vs William Uzzell. 1857. Neglect as road overseer             to keep road in repair.


8.  State of MO vs Thomas J. Davis. 1857. Gaming


9.  State of MO vs Samuel Murray. 1857. Gaming


10. State of MO vs Harrison C. Green. 1858. Selling liquor without             license


11. Henry Williams vs Thomas J. Terry. (Note)  1857 1 pkg.


12. State of MO vs Elijah Lail 1858. Concealing a criminal. Emily, a slave belonging to the estate of Thomas Lakin, had been             convicted of the crime of murder.


13. State of MO vs James Lowery. 1857. Selling liquor without             license


14. State of MO vs Richard Turpin. 1858. Gaming


15. Eli W. Southworth vs William L. Tipton. 1858. Promissory note.


16. John Scott vs Thomas W. Gant & William D. Hunter. 1857. Civil    action on note.


17. State of MO. vs I. Wingate Boulware. 1857. Gaming


18. Augustus Turner vs James W. Norris & James Burris. 1857.             Petition in debt by attachment


19. Henry Williams vs Thomas J. Terry 1857. Petition in attachment


20. Daniel Galbreth vs Neil McSwain. 1857. Promissory note


TILL #45 continued


21. Reubin Hume & Lafayette Hume vs Thomas J. Turner. 1858.             Promissory note


22. State of MO vs John Wick. 1858. Gaming


23. State of MO. vs Peter Rice, James Quinn, Patrick Butler,             William Mahan, John Nolan, Catherine Nolan, Thomas Duncan,             Mack (or Nath) Mooney, Philip Clary, Pat McCan, J. McAtee,             Michael Paxwell, I. Mc Carter, W. Welch, John Fugaton & Joseph             Collins. 1857. For setting fire to and burning a dwelling             house.


24. James M. Taylor, of insane mind, by his guardian, Paul D.             Johnson; Paul D. Johnson & Margaret A. Johnson, his wife;             William T. Webb, by his guardian, Jonathan T. Webb; Elizabeth             R. Taylor; Lucy W. Taylor & Stanton T. Taylor, by their             guardian, Abraham B. Tinsley. Elizabeth Baugh Taylor, wife of             William S. Taylor; Susan E. Webb; Elenor Johnson. 1854.             Petition for partition. James M. Taylor, Paul D. Johnson,

            Elizabeth M. Taylor, Lucy W. Taylor and Stanton T. Taylor are             the children of Elizabeth Baugh by her marriage with William             S. Taylor. By the last will of Elenor Johnson, she loaned to             the said Elizabeth Baugh for life among other property, a             negro girl named Cate and at the death of Elizabeth Baugh,             said property to her lawful heirs. Elizabeth Baugh and her             husband have departed this life and Pltfs. now have in their             possession the following slaves: Siasy, Archy, Henry, Amanda,             Jane, Bob, Martha, Mary and the children and increase of Cate,   who is dead. 


25. Angeline A. Wilson vs William W. Stone, Robert H. Stone,             Absolom Hicks, James E. Hicks. 1857. Petition in debt


26. State of MO vs John G. Muldrow. 1857. Gaming


27. State of MO vs Virgil M. Pendleton. 1857. Gaming


28. Grand Jury Report on Jail. 1857.


29. Henry C. Wright vs Thomas W. Gant & Elza McDonald. 1857.             Promissory note


30. Malinda Myers et al (Arthur McDannald, Elizabeth McDannald,             James Dungan, & Amanda Dungan, his wife, Nancy R. McDannald             vs. William H. McDannald. 1853. Petition for partition.              Malinda Myers, Arthur McDannald, Elizabeth McDannald, Amanda             Dungan, Nancy R. McDannald a& the deft., William H. McDannald             are the children & heirs of Thomas McDannald, dec'd., who             died possessing lands in Audrain and Callaway counties (desc.)  


                                                TILL #46


1.  Thomas J. Davis vs Mary Ann Frances Young, wife of Moses Young;             Sarah Elizabeth Young; James Redman Young, infant children of             Moses Young, dec'd. He died in 1855. 1856. While in hands of             Logan Monday, deed was damaged or destroyed. For replacement             deed. Decree.


2.  Mary Brackenridge vs Enoch Hooten. 1858.  Balance due on             settlement for money collected by deft. for her in Lincoln             co., Ky. Appeal from J.P.


3.  James F. Howell vs Hampton E. Jacobs & Charles C. Ricketts.              1858. Debt & attachment.


4.  Samuel A. Craddock vs Enoch Hooten & James Garrett. 1858.             Appeal from J.P.


5.  John G. Muldrow vs Thomas J. Davis. 1858. Civil action for       money paid by pltf. as security for deft.


6.  Isaac N. Hockaday vs Rhoden H. Hord. 1858. Promissory note


7.  H. F. King vs Andrew J. Willingham. 1858. Note. Appeal from             J.P.


8.  James Lincoln vs George Bruce. 1858. Debt on acct. One item in             account of George Brown is plank for coffin "for your child".


9.  Alfred Powell vs Peter Brooke. 1857.


10. William M. Sims vs Thomas J. Davis & T.F. Clendinin. 1858.             Petition in debt & attachment. Promissory Note.


11. George W. Smith vs John G. Muldrow. 1858. Note


12. Carter Cauthorn vs Alfred Powell. 1858. Civil action on note


13. Robert Wade vs P. H. Estes. 1858. Suit on account


14. John G. Muldrow vs Thomas W.M. Alfrey. 1858. Civil action on             note


15. Henry Silvers vs Madison B. McMullen. 1858. Note


16. James B. Pool vs George Bruce. 1858. Appeal


17. Alfred Powell vs Mathew Shepherd. 1858. Damages for a bay mare             purchased by pltf. Deft fraudently represented the mare to be             sound which it was not, and died in a short time




                                                TILL #47


1.  Joseph Pinnell vs Marcus J. Wills. 1872. Right of way


2.  Parmelia Coons vs T. F. Clendenin & V. M. Pendleton. 1858.   Joint promissory note


3.  Melvin Pool vs Joseph Crockett. 1858. Promissory note


4.  Robert W. Gardner & Cyrus P. Mitchell, Admr. of Henry W.             Mitchell, dec'd, vs D.P. Brown & John Rockford. 1858. Note


5.  Edward P. French vs James W. Douglas. 1858. Promissory note


6.  John E. Murray & Douglas Murray vs William L. Martien & Samuel             T. Hook. 1859. Petition in debt


7.  Francis A. Ricketts & C.C. Ricketts vs Neil McSwain. 1858.

            Petition in debt. Note.


8.  George E. O. Hockaday, Admr. of the estate of Samuel Sayers,             dec'd. vs Peter Brooks, F.B. Powell, R.H. Hord & Charles A.             Muldrow. Debt & damages.  Hired negroes named David, Elleck and Simon. Copy of contract in file.


9.  Isaac N. Hockaday vs Thomas A. Ficklin. 1858. Promissory note


10. F. Cave et al. Accounts allowed & certified for payment. Many             individual papers inside this file. Names included: John P.         Clark, Clerk; Silas Wilson, Clerk; Wm. Hendrix, Sheriff; S. B.             Gass, Sheriff; A. B. Tinsley, Sheriff, Joel Haynes, Sheriff;             J. J. West, Sheriff; James H. Smith; Lewis Day, Henry Ess,             William  R. Stephens, Jno. D. Leland. Names are repeated many   times.


11. Joseph Hepler vs Neil McSwain, Thomas J. Davis, Thornton M.             Northcutt. 1858. Civil action on note


12. John Scott vs Thomas J. Davis. 1858. Civil action on note


13. Henry Neal vs Thomas R. Winn, John W. McRoberts, Elijah             Vanzandt. 1858. Promissory note


14. Emaline Graham vs James F. Howell, H.C. Howell & L.P. Payne.              1858. Note


15. Thomas M. Faucet vs George G. Berry. 1858. Promissory note


16. Emiline Graham vs Thomas J. Davis, James W. Douglas & William             I. Winant. 1858. Promissory note


17. John B. Armistead vs Richmond Pearson, Peter Brooke & Rufus S.             Pearson. 1858. Promissory note

TILL #47 continued


18. John M. Gordon vs William B. Fort. 1858. Petition in             attachment


19. James Pasqueth & Henry Hunter vs George G. Berry. 1858.             Petition in debt on note.


20. John T. Collier vs William L. Martien. 1858. Promissory note


21. William B. Miller vs Paterson Denton & Richard L. Turpin. 1858.             Promissory note


22. Amelia C. Russell, Adm. of estate of David D. Russell, dec'd, vs Robert Carter. 1858. David D. Russell died intestate in             Vernon co., Mo. after Feb. 17, 1857.






































                                                            TILL #48


1.  Willingham, John et al. 1837-1852. Appointments of county             officials and bonds. Many papers. They include documents of             appointments by Governor of Missouri Lilburn Boggs as sheriffs             of Audrain county, John Willingham in 1837, Abraham Tinsley in             1840 and by Gov. Austin A. King of Jeremiah J. West in 1850.              Others named are Franklin Cave, Dep. Sheriff, James D.             Hendrix, Dep. shf., Silas Wilson, Dep. Clk; S. B. Gass, DS;             Joel Haynes, DS; James H. Smith, Coroner; Wm. Levaugh, Dep.    Clk; Richard R. Lee, DS; R. L. Thompson, Coroner; Wm. Levaugh,             Sheriff, Matthew Walton, Dep. Clk.; J. P. Clark, oath of                         office; J. B. Morris, Clerk; John Heard, Recorder; Priestly H.             McBride, Judge; Barnett McDonald, DS; John Haley, DS; William             White, DS, James S. Jameson, Dep. Clk.; William Levaugh, Shf.;    John Haley, Coroner; William H. Lee, Presiding Justice; Levi             Blunt, Dep. Shf.; John A. Pearson, Isaac Black, George F.             Muldrow, Roland McIntyre, Thos. Turner, James Jackson, Beverly             S. Mayse, Rheubin Canterbury, Thos. Peery, John McDonald,             Thos. Jesse, Thos. Bradley, Hugh Crockett, Barnett Newkirk,             John A. Reed, Joseph Smith, Joseph Surber, H. M. Done, Richmon             Pearson: Grand Jurors. 1845. 


2.  John Lampton vs Susan E. Offutt, Vandelia Offutt, Alice J.         Offutt, Eleanor H. Offutt & Joseph Offutt, Admr. of the estate of Bazil Z. Offutt, dec'd. 1856. Susan E. Offutt, Vandelia             Offutt, and Alice J. Offutt are children and heirs of B. Z.             Offutt, dec'd. who died abt. May 2, 1852.  Eleanor H. Offutt,             now Eleanor Boulware, was his wife. John Lampton says that in 1846 he purchased some land (desc) in Audrain from George             Smith of Clark co., Ky. and Bazil Z. Offutt, acting as his             agent, failed to pay the taxes on said land, then bought it             for taxes in his own name. Pltf. is suing for title to real             estate. 


3.  Hiett Vance vs E. P. Vance. 1858. Promissory note


4.  Catherine Connelly vs William Connelly. 1858. Divorce. Married             Dec. 16, 1853 in La Salle co, Ill. Decree. Copy of St. Charles             co. Grand Jury indictment of William Conley for stealing.


5.  John Sims vs James W. Douglas, Joseph H. Rutledge & John P.             Clark. 1858. Promissory note


6.  Benjamin Cason vs Richard L. Turpin, R. H. Hord, Paterson F.             Denton & Isaac N. Hockaday. 1858. Promissory note


7.  Thompson Brooks vs William Paxton. 1858. Slanderous statements

            by deft.


8.  George D. Little & Charles H. Olcott vs John Q. Pool & Rhoden             H. Hord. 1858. Promissory note


TILL #48 continued


9.  William A. Green vs John H. Hudelson. 1858. Promissory note


10. John Ellis, Admr. of John A. Spry, dec'd. vs Festus Browning.             1858. Writ for recovery of slave named Rebecca, about 10 years   old, wrongfully detained by deft.


11. James Richardson vs Warner Potts. 1858. Appeal. James             Richardson gave deposition in Parkville, Platte co., Mo.












































                                                            TILL #49


1.  Patsey Oldham vs William B. Giddings. 1857. File contains a             number of suits from Monroe co. involving Patsey Oldham vs             Alexander R. Oldham; Thomas Nelson vs Alexander R. Oldham,             Admr. of Jesse Oldham, dec'd.; John B. Hays vs Alexander R.             Oldham; Warren Biggs vs Patsey Oldham; William B. Giddings vs             Alexander R. Oldham; Oliver P. Gentry vs Alexander R. Oldham;             Patsey Oldham vs Preston Swinney.  Patsey Oldham is the mother             of Alexander R. Oldham, Richard B. Oldham of Clay co., Milton             Oldham, Abner Oldham and Louise Hays, wife of John H. Hays.             One case is for promissory note for money lent to Alexander             Oldham by Patsey Oldham, from the payment of which Alexander             R. Oldham is expected to withhold expenses for bringing Patsey             Oldham's negroes to Missouri from Kentucky. Named Joseph B.             Howard, and Jonathan Kirkland.


2.  Daniel T. Day et al (Venires, subpoenas, etc. for Grand Jury.    Many names including Edward Hurdle, John Stuart, Harrison             Norvell, William Sims, William B. Evans, James Allen, Edward             Adams, James Y. Kilgore, Joseph Brown, William C. West, John

            Jameson, Reuben Pulis, Gideon P. Williams, Josiah Gant, Thomas             Gant, Isham C. Kilgore, William Ward, Robert Powell, Jefferson             Powell, Levi Barton, Edward Rackliff, Benjamin Lorton,

            John Hull, M. H. Smith, Joseph Surber, John Huddleson, Robert             Sims, William Allen, Richard Willingham, Thomas D. Kilgore,             Adam Surber, Abraham Brandenbriger, James Brandenbriger, James             Reed. Many other names in this file.


3.  Samuel Murray vs Neil McSwain & others. (Young A. Purcell, John             W. Thompson & S. W. Davis). 1858. Debt on note.

            Appeal from J.P.


4.  Philip Garner vs J. W. Thompson. 1859. Appeal from J.P.




















                                                TILL #50


1.  William M. Sims vs Neil McSwain. 1858. Petition in debt on note


2.  William J. Steel vs Neil McSwain. 1858. Petition to foreclose             mortgage


3.  John Squire & Samuel G. Reed vs James W. Douglass & William             Winant. 1857. Petition to foreclose mortgage


4.  Thomas T. Stone vs Rhodin H. Hord. 1857. Promissory note


5.  Thornton M. Northcutt & William H. Northcutt vs James W.             Douglass. 1858. Motion for judgment as securities


6.  Henry Williams vs James L. Thompson & L. Dodge. 1858. Petition             in debt on notes by attachment


7.  Helfenstein, Gore & Co. (John P. Helfenstein, Stephen D. Gore,             Thomas J. Slaughter & Charles S. Kinssing) vs Northcutt & Co.

            (William H. Northcutt, Thomas Northcutt & John W. Jeffries)             1858. Suit on account


8.  Banks B. Hall vs T. F. Clendenin & John V. Dejarnatt. 1858.   Civil action on note


9.  Isaac N. Hockaday vs James O. Johnston. 1858. Mortgage


10. John Scott vs Robert W. Williams. 1858. Note and mortgage


11. Brown, Dimmock & Co. (Gersham B. Dimock, George W. Brown &             Rassellus Sartles) vs Alfred Powell & Peter Brooke. 1857.             Promissory note


12. J. T. Henderson vs John Rochford. 1858. Civil action on note


13. William B. Miller vs William H. Stone. 1858. Petition in debt     on note


14. Thomas S. Miller vs Jacob Coons. 1858. Civil action on note


15. City of Mexico vs T. P. Mooney. 1858. Appeal from City             Recorder


16. Silas J. Gilliland vs Nicholas Holt. 1860. Promissory note


17. Aaron Alexander vs John Alexander. 1858. Note


18. A. Cauthorn & C. Cauthorn vs Absalom Williams. 1868.


19. Stephen Scott vs James W. Douglass. 1858. Petition in debt



TILL #50 continued


20. Augustus Dillard vs James W. Douglass, Silas W. Davis & James

            Pasqueth. 1858. Promissory note


21. Claflin, Allen & Co. (William Claflin, John A. Allen & Issac             Emerson) vs Thomas W. Gant & Elzie McDonald. 1858. Promissory             note


22. James Hendrix vs Andrew J. Willingham & Richard Willingham.              1858. Appeal


23. Loomis, Nichols & Co. (Wesley H. Loomis, William Nichols &             Jonathan Nichols. vs William B. Hasslip & Christopher C.             Woodson. 1857. Promissory note


24. Anderson B. Martin vs Joseph W. Luckie. 1857. Deft has been in         the business of keeping a public livery stable in Mexico, Mo.             and has kept and fed horses for the public. While deft had      charge of pltf's horse, the horse, due to carelessness &             negligence of deft, was taken away or allowed to stray and             pltf has lost his horse. For judgment and damages. 


25. Silas W. Davis vs P.F. Denton, R.S. Turpin & R.H. Hord.

    1858. Civil action on note


26. Pleasant C. Arnold vs James O. Johnson. 1859. Debt & damages


























                                                            TILL #51


1.  R. H. Jones vs A. B. Daniel. 1858. Promissory note


2.  William O. Johnson vs Thomas J. Davis & George G. Berry. 1858.

            Civil action on note


3.  Francis A. Ricketts & C. C. Ricketts, Admr. of estate of John             W. Ricketts dec'd. vs William H. Edmonston & Thomas A.             Ficklin. 1858. Civil action on 3 notes


4.  Thomas Dowler vs Alexander Campbell. 1858. Promissory note


5.  Samuel A. Craddock vs R. H. Hord & Israel Lander. 1858.             Petition in debt


6.  Parker, Russell & Co., (Reuben Baman, Trumble G. Russell,             George W. Parker) vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander. 1858.             Promissory note


7.  Peter S. Vandeventer, Thomas Stringer, Lewis L. L. Allen &             Jacob Van Norstrand vs John H. Clark. 1858. Promissory note


8.  Hudson E. Bridge vs Phillip Shafer & John W. Wilkins. 1858.             Civil action on note


9.  Bryan, Hardcastle & Co. (Edward V. Bryan, Adison S. Hardcastle             & George D. Hardcastle) vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander.              1858. Civil action on note


10. George D. Little & Charles H. Olcott vs Israel Lander & Rhoden             H. Hord. 1858. Judgment for debt


11. Anthony Cary. 1858. Declaration of intention to become citizen.             Arrived in U.S. in 1852. Native of Galway, Clifton Co.,             Ireland


12. George B. Pogue & Thomas S. Miller vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel             Lander. 1858. Promissory note


13. Charles B. Clark & William G. Crook vs William B. Brashears.              1859. Promissory note


14. Eno, Roberts & Co. (Amos R. Eno, John W. Roberts, Emerison             Rhodes & Edward King) vs R.H. Hord & Israel Lander. 1858.             Promissory note


15. Crow, McCreary & Co. (Wayman Crow, Phocion P. McCreery, William             A. Hargadine, George D. Appleton & Hugh McKittrick) vs Rhoden             Hord & Israel Lander. 1858. Promissory note



TILL #51 continued


16. Mathew J. Ragan vs Nelson Fike et al (C.B. Clark & Samuel             Gilbert) 1858. Promissory note


17. Henry C. Wright vs Thomas W. Gant. 1858. Promissory note


18. Walter T.H. Miller & Soloman Scott vs Rhodin H. Hord & Israel             Lander. 1858. Promissory note


19. Durell Sanders Watts vs Richmond Pearson & Rufus S. Pearson.

            1858. Promissory note


20. John P. Beatty vs Margarett C. Beatty. 1858. Divorce. Married             Aug. 19, 1853 in Audrain co., Mo. Decree.


21. George F. Browning vs George G. Berry. 1867. Promissory note


22. Joseph H. Rutledge vs Jacob Coons. 1858. Promissory note


23. Thomas J. Turner vs William N. Priest. 1858. Promissory note


24. Francis A. Ricketts & C.C. Ricketts, Admr. of estate of John             W. Ricketts, dec'd, vs Samuel Murray & Douglass Murray. 1858.             Civil action. Promissory note




























TILL #52


1.  State of MO. vs John Covington. 1858. Selling liquor without             license


2.  State of MO. vs John Covington. 1858. Keeping gaming house.


3.  Silas W. Davis vs Andrew J. Willingham & F.B. Powell. 1858.

            Civil action on 2 notes


4.  C. W. Green & Co. (Charles W. Green & Jonas W. Green) vs T. W.       Gant & Co. (Thomas W. Gant, Elza McDonald  & Jasper Woltz)             1858. Promissory note


5.  State of MO vs Wiley Green. 1858. Gaming.


6.  State of MO vs Thomas J. Davis. 1858. Gaming


7.  State of MO vs Michael Quinn. 1858. Peace warrant


8.  State of MO vs John Hagan. 1858. Larceny of money from Peter             McGally. Depositions of Michael Powers and Wm. Bourke


9.  State of MO vs James Lowrey. 1858. Selling liquor without             license


10. State of MO vs Charles Muldrow. 1858. Gaming


11. State of MO vs John Muldrow. 1858. Gaming


12. State of MO vs John Luckie. 1858. Gaming


13. William W. Stone vs Absalom Hicks et al (Van Wall & John             Rochford) 1858. Petition on note


14. William A. Davis vs R.L. Davis. 1858. Petition on note


15. Jonathan C. Duvall vs Iredell C. Green. 1858. Promissory note


16. Samuel P. Gates vs I.C. Green et al (Iradell C. Green,             Harrison C. Green & L.B. Sublette) 1858. Promissory note


17. William H. Lee vs John S. Bishop. 1858. Debt by note. Appeal


18. Abner Harrison vs Denton & Turpin et al (Patterson F. Denton,

    Richard L. Turpin, Rodin H. Hord & Israel Lander) 1858.             Petition on 2 notes


19. John W. S. McCloud vs M. G. Singleton. 1858. Debt. For judgment

            for surveying and platting the town of Centralia, for maps, etc.


TILL #52 continued


20. James A. Mahan vs George W. Vance. 1858. Note


21. Martin Oslin vs George G. Berry et al (John A. Armistead) 1858.             Promissory note















































TILL #53


1.  Abraham Pool vs John Q. Pool. 1858. Promissory note


2.  Merritt Y. Duncan vs James W. Douglass. 1858. For debt, damages             & costs


3.  McKee & Jeffries vs A. J. McDonald. 1858. Debt & attachment


4.  W. H. Northcutt & Co. (William H. Northcutt, Thomas D.             Northcutt & John W. Jeffries) vs J.L. Thompson & L. Dodge.             1857. Petition in debt & attachment


5.  Philip Dash vs E.T. Foster & others. (F. Tincher & A.R.             Sheriff) 1858. Note


6.  Thomas J. Turner vs William M. Priest. 1858. Note


7.  Lewis C. Simpson vs Joseph L. Fant & H. Lorrey. 1858. Petition             for damages. Defts were common carriers of passengers & goods from Montgomery City to Mexico, Mo. and undertook to deliver             pltf's trunk and contents to Mexico, Mo. but trunk was lost.


8.  Ludwig H. Leubert. 1857. Declaration to become citizen. Native             of Bavaria, Germany.


9.  Joseph Armstrong vs R.M. Kirkland. 1858. Civil action on note


10. Samuel A. Craddock vs W.O. Wilkerson & R.M. Kirkland. 1858.             Petition in debt.


11. A. B. Cohen vs George C. Donehower. 1858. Action of debt on 2             accounts.


12. Thomas O'Donald vs William B. Fort. 1858. Petition on account             and attachment


13. J.R. Milton & J.T. Milton vs H.E. Jacob & J.T. Howell.              1858. Note


14. Carter Cauthorn vs John Hudelson Assignee of Alfred Cauthorn.             1858. Action of debt by note


15. Benjamin Northcutt vs John W. Jeffries 1858. Debt on note


16. William H. Lee vs H. P. Shock. 1858. Garnishment


17. James McSwain vs William B. Evans. 1857. Review judgment


18. John G. Muldrow vs John B. DeJarnatt. 1859. Note


19. S. W. Davis vs W. L. Martien. 1858. For debt, damages & costs

TILL #53 continued


20. Francis M. Sallee vs William L. Martien. 1858. For debt &             damages


21. State of Missouri vs John Patterson, William Welch & Michael             Burke. 1858. Grand Larceny of steer, property of Julius Wagner            

22. John Henly. 1858. Declaration of intention to become citizen.             Native of Galway, Ireland


23. R. H. Hord & Lander vs E. S. Foster & F. Tincher. 1858. Debt &             damages


24. George W. Putroff vs Graham Hook. 1858 






































                                                            Till #54


1.  Thomas A. Ficklin vs Thomas Conners. 1858. Debt


2.  S. A. Craddock vs A. A. Sparks & John W. Wilkins. 1859. Debt &             damages


3.  William Stone vs James W. Douglass, W. W. McIlhany, Henry             Williams & John Scott. 1858. Title bond


4.  Douglass Murray vs Eli Smith. 1858. Suit on account


5.  John Roman vs Warner Potts. 1858.  Note


6.  S. & S. Sanders vs George G. Berry. 1859. Note


7.  Doan King vs John B. Henderson 1858. Civil action on note


8.  Mortimer McIlhaney vs P. D. Wilkins. 1858. Civil action on             promissory note


9.  William M. Sims vs Julius Wagoner & Emel Morris. 1858. Suit on             account


10. Samuel Murray vs John B. Henderson. 1858. Debt


11. George Koable vs Philip Shafer. 1859. Debt, damages & costs


12. Granville W. Wilcox & Thomas W. Burge vs G.W. Skaggs et al     (F. Turner, W.R. Schoder, James T. Barnes & Joseph Wiles)             1858. Civil action on note


13. T. M. Northcutt & Co. vs Meredith Myers. 1856. Note. Appeal


14. Joseph Rodhouse. 1858. Declaration of intention to become a             citizen. Native of Northampton, England


15. William A. Mead et al (Henry C. Mead, Bery W. Mead) vs Rhodin             H. Hord et al (Israel Lander) 1858.


16. Jefferson Kee vs James Garrett. 1859. Appeal from J. P.


17. S. A. Craddock vs John W. Wilkins & A.A. Sparks. 1859. Note


18. John W. Hendrick vs William A. Wilkins. 1858. Petition in debt


19. Silas W. Davis vs Charles H. Lander. 1858. Note


20. William Allen 1858. Declaration of intention to become a             citizen. Native of Ireland



TILL #54 continued


21. Joseph Hepler vs John S. Bishop & John G. Muldrow 1858. Civil             action on note


22. John W. Long vs Ferdinand L. Williams 1857. Debt on account


23. George Koable vs Philip Shafer. 1859. Debt, damages & costs


24. Henry Williams & John G. Coil vs Iradell C. Green 1858.             Petition in debt


25. Granville W. Wilcox & Thomas W. Burge vs Rubin Pulis & T.F.             Clendenen 1858. Civil action on note


26. R. S. McGee vs Warner Potts. 1858. Debt, damages & costs


27. Northcutt & Co. (Thornton M. Northcutt & William H. Northcutt)             vs V. M. Pendleton 1857. Petition on account & attachment


28. J. R. Mills & others (Solomon Smith, Ebenezer Chaplen & William             Greenford) vs H. S. Clark 1858. Note


29. Pomroy Benton & Co. vs R.H. Williams. 1857. Note


30. Grand Jury Report on Jail. 1858.


31. H. & R.B. Whittimore & Co. vs J.E. Peery. 1858. Debt, damages             & costs


32. Jacob Rodhouse 1858. Declaration of intention to become             citizen. Native of Northampton, England. Arrived in U.S. in             1850.




















 TILL #55


1.  Thomas W. Gant vs Thomas D. Kilgore et al (Mary M. Kilgore,

            Jesse Barnett, Martha Barnett, John Barnett, Thomas Barnett,             heirs of John W. Barnett, dec'd.) 1855. Petition for partition             of Real Estate. Dower. Jesse Barnett, Martha Barnett, John             Barnett and Thomas Barnett are infants under the age of 21             years. John W. Barnett died intestate on or about the 18th of             November 1852, leaving Aretta Barnett, his widow, and William             J.Barnett, Napolion Barnettt, Sarah Demeral, formerly Sarah             Barnett, Mildred R. Johnston, formerly Mildred R. Barnett,             Mary M. Kilgore, formerly Mary M. Barnett, and Jesse, Martha,             John, and Thomas Barnett, his children and heirs at law. Sarah has intermarried with Elisha Dameral, Mary M. has intermarried             with Thos. D. Kilgore, and Mildred R. Barnett has intermarried             with N. T. Johnson. B. F. Powell and wife, Lucy, named.   


2.  William W. Stone vs James W. Douglas. 1857. Mechanics Lien.    Suit on account for work done and materials furnished in             building a house.


3.  N. M. R.R. Co. (North Missouri Rail Road Co.) vs Isaac N.             Hockaday. 1858. civil action.


4.  North MO. R.R. vs Alfred Cauthorn. 1858. Petition for right of             way


5.  North MO. R.R. vs John T. Brown. 1858. Petition for right of             way


6.  Charles Helm vs George G. Berry & John B. Armstead. 1858.             Promissory note


7.  North MO. R.R. vs Warner Garrett. 1858. Petition for right of             way


8.  North MO. R.R. vs Stewart Wilson. 1858. Petition for right of             way)


9.  North MO. R.R. vs James T. Harrison et al (John F. Harrison,             Mary C. Harrison, Ann E. Harrison, William H. Harrison, Albert P. Harrison, & Martha L. Harrison, heirs of W. P. Harrison,             dec'd. 1858. Petition for right of way


10. North MO. R.R. vs Joseph G. Martin 1858. Petition for right of             way


11. North MO. R.R. vs John Beatty, Guardian of Robert Howe,             Elizabeth Howe, & Mary J. Howe, heirs of Alfred Howe, dec'd.              1858.


12. Charles H. Hardin vs Robert S. Hook. 1858. Promissory note

TILL #55 cont'd


13. Aquilla A. Sparks vs Sarah I. Sparks. 1858. Divorce. Married             Oct. 9, 1856 Audrain co.


14. North MO. R.R. vs heirs of Richard Huston (Elizabeth M. Huston             & Richard Lizy A. Huston) 1858. Petition for right of way


15. Melinda Sullenger vs Levi Murray. 1858. Two slaves, Ivy             and Catherine. Giles and James Sullenger are sons of

            Melinda Sullinger. Names Dr. Allison.


16. A.C. Hawkins vs Charles B. Clark. 1858. Action of Debt on             account. Appeal from J.P.


17. North MO. R.R. vs Abram Pool. 1858.  Civil action





































                                                Till #56


1.  Samuel A. Craddock vs John W. Jeffries, Norman Lackland & John    P. Clark. 1858. Debt.


2.  Jonathan C. Duvall vs John C. Games. 1858. Debt and attachment


3.  Samuel A. Craddock vs A.J. McDonald. 1858. Petition in Debt.


4.  Samuel A. Craddock vs Isaac N. Hockaday et al (Joseph H.             Rutledge) 1858. Petition in Debt


5.  Richmond Pearson vs George W. Wilson. 1858. Two notes


6.  Chesley C. Gant vs Alex Smith et al (Alexander Smith, Edward             Croswhite, Henry Smith, James F. Clear & Andrew J. Edwards.)             1858. Note


7.  Samuel Daugherty vs John H. Hudelson & John B. Armistead.             1858. Civil action on note


8.  Philip Dash vs Thomas J. Davis. 1858. Civil action on note


9.  Joseph M. Coons vs John S. Bishop. 1858. Suit on account.             Appeal


10. Caleb Cope & Co. (Caleb Cope, William B. Johnson, Henry C.             Howell, Isaac Hendrick & Samuel H. Smith) vs John J. Pool &             Rhoden H. Hord. 1859. Suit on account. Appeal


11. William B. Douglass vs Aquila A. Sparks & Philip Shafer. 1858.             Promissory note


12. Edward W. Dorsey vs Richard Treadway. 1858. Petition to             foreclose mortgage


13. Doan King & Co. (Uyllys King, Richard Biglow, George P. Doan,             William A. Doan, Richard H. Biglow & Charles E. King) vs             Norman Lackland. 1858. Promissory Note


14. William Paxton vs Achilles Perrin. 1857. Bill in Chancery.             Pltf. took deft.'s note for purchase price of slave, Patrick.

            Transcripts from Lincoln co., Ky., Montgomery co., and Audrain             co., Mo.









Till #57


1.  Michael Marks vs James D.Kincaid & Francis M. Kincaid. 1858.

            Damages for fire set by defts. which destroyed 4 stacks of             oats and 6 stacks of hay and 600 rails in fence. 


2.  Logan Munday vs William Marshall. 1858. Damages. Pltf. said             that deft. caused hm to be falsely arrested twice.


3. Levi Murray vs. James D. Sullinger 1857. Petition for attachment             of property, negro man named Joe and negro woman named             Catherine. Malinda Sullinger and Nathaniel Allison named.


4. Alexander S. McMullen vs William A. McMullen et al (Madison B.             McMullen, John M. McMullen, William N. Clark, Eliza H. Clark,             Joseph I. Hannan, Franklin Hannan, James M. Hannan, James             Payne, Elizabeth Payne, Galatin A. Eastham, Virginia F.             Eastham, William L. Craig, Henry Craig, Joseph Craig, George             Craig, William Allen, Jane Allen, George Beatty, Gavin J.             Beatty, John Williams, Henrietta V. Williams, and James             Beatty. 1857. Petition for Decree of Title. File contains deed             signed in 1840 by Joseph McMullen and Catherine McMullen,             parents of Alexander S. McMullen. William A. McMullen, Madison              B. McMullen and John M. McMullen are also sons of Joseph             McMullen.  Elizabeth Clark, wife of William N. Clark, is a             daughter of Joseph McMullen.  Catherine Hannan, dec'd. a             daughter of Joseph McMullen, and her husband, Henry Hannan,             dec'd. are the parents of Joseph T. and Franklin Hannan, and             James M. Hannan, under 21. Elizabeth Payne, formerly             Elizabeth Hannan, is the wife of James Payne, and Virginia             Frances Eastham, formerly Virginia Frances Hannan, is the wife     of Galatin A. Eastham. Mary D. Craig, dec'd. was a daughter of             Joseph McMullen, and was married to George Craig, now dec'd.             They were parents of William L. Craig, Henry Craig, George             Craig, under 21, and Jane Allen, formerly Jane Craig, and wife     of William Allen. William and Jane Allen live in Cass county.             Jane Ann Beatty, dec'd. was daughter of Joseph McMullen and      wife of James Beatty, and their children are George Beatty and             Gavin J. Beatty, under 21. Henrietta V. Williams was a             daughter of Joseph McMullen and is wife of John Williams. All             the defts. in this suit are non-residents of the state of             Missouri except Madison B. McMullen, William N. Clark, Eliza             H. Clark, George Craig, Mary D. Craig, William L. Craig, Henry             Craig, Joseph Craig, Henrietta V. Williams and John Williams.           

5. William S. Martien vs Silas W. Davis. 1859. Dispute in             dissolution of partnership.  Dr. James M. Martien of Callaway             co., partner of Silas W. Davis, was father of William L.             Martien.




TILL #58


1. Emaline Blue et al (Garrett Stephenson, Effiah Stephenson, his       wife, Daniel Galbreath and Flora Galbreath, his wife, vs             Duncan G. Blue, Beal Muir, Margaret Muir, Eliza Thompson,               R. L. Thompson, W. L. Hays, Elizabeth Hays and Almira Bates.             1853. Petition for Partition. Neill Blue, late of this county             and state, died intestate on the 20th day of December 1851,             possessing lands (desc.) His heirs were the above named pltfs     and defts. Almira Bates, infant heir of Caroline Bates, who             was formerly Caroline Blue.


2. John S. Bishop vs William H. See. 1858.


3. William G. Brown vs N. MO. R.R. Co. 1858. Damages for timber &             rock taken from the premises of pltf by deft. Appeal. 


4. George G. Berry vs. Jabez Robinson 1858. Note.


5. Joana P. Barnett, executor of Robert P. Barnett. Petition on             Note


6. Mortimer McIlhany vs William Stone & Aaron Alexander 1858.             Promissory note.


7. William Cole Bayly vs Nathaniel Allison 1857. Promissory note.


8. Neil McSwain & John W. Thompson vs George Smith. 1858. Damages             for cattle which escaped and were lost while being pastured by             deft.  


9. Alexander McPheeters vs James G. Armistead 1858. Civil Action             on note


10. James Burrus vs James A. Mahan 1858. Debt for saddle, mare, and      bridle & for wages for 2 months work


11. George W. Adams vs James (alias) Eli Smith. 1858. Debt & costs


12. Thomas S. Miller vs Rhoden H. Hord 1859. Mechanics lien


13. Joseph C. Armistead vs Harrison C. Green. 1859. Civil action on             note    


14. T. P. Mooney & John Hughes vs Silas W. Davis 1858. Petition for             conveyance of Real Estate







                                                            Till #59


1.  Rhoden H. Hord & Isaac N. Hockaday vs Richard S. Turpin. 1858.             Foreclose mortgage


2.  John S. Freeman et al (John Newcomer; Elizabeth Newcomer, late             Elizabeth Freeman; Talacinda Freeman; Mary Ann Freeman, Isaac   N. Freeman & Lucy Freeman, by their guardian Robert L. Todd,   heirs of Thomas Freeman, dec'd.) 1853. Partition for portion             of land


3.  Martin J. Clark vs John C. Burns. 1857. Petition in attachment


4.  Edwin V. Bryan & Adison L. Hardcastle vs John Q. Pool & Rhoden             H. Hord of the firm of Pool & Hord. 1858. Promissory note


5.  William F. Enders & John W. Bigelow vs John W. Hicks & A. A.             Sparks. 1858. Civil action on notes


6.  Charles H. Hardin vs James F. Howell. 1858. Promissory note


7.  John Jeffries, Joseph Armstrong & Samuel B. Jeffries vs Thomas             Murray. 1858. Revocation of contract. Thomas Murray is non-            resident of Missouri


8.  Samuel A. Craddock vs P. D. Wilkins & Hadon F. King. 1858.             Petition in Debt on Note


9.  T. Grimesby & Co. (Thornton Grimesby, George S. Stansbury &             John J. Grimesby) vs Presley Wilkerson & William O. Wilkerson             1858. Petition in debt on note


10. George Glenn vs John R. Smith. 1858. Promissory note


11. Rudy Hendrix vs Chesley C. Gant. 1858. Civil action on note


12. William O. Johnson vs Harrison C. Green. 1858. Civil action on             note


13. Loyd A. Eubanks vs George W. Cardwell. 1858. Promissory note


14. James W. Fassitt (Faucett) vs Lucy J. Harrison. 1858. Petition             on notes


15. Lazarus N. Hunter vs Philip Shafer. 1858. Civil action on note


16. James Ketchum vs John Q. Pool 1858. Promissory note


17. John W. Crigler vs James D. Sumner. 1858. Civil action on note


18. Thomas Karnes vs Robert Kenyon & Robert C. Gibbs. 1858.             Promissory note


TILL #59 continued


19. Josiah Gant vs Thomas W. Gant. 1859. Mortgage note


20. Samuel Morris vs Green B. Bishop 1859. Petition for damages.

            Pltf purchased from deft in 1853 in Montgomery co. a negro             boy named Horace, warranted to be sound of body and mind.  Pltf says boy was sickly and died in March 1856. File             contains depositions of John Hamner of Carroll co., Mo.,             Elizabeth White of Montgomery co., Mo. Wesley Hogge, Synthy E.             Diggs, Berry Hughes, and Isaac Van Bibber. Names Robert Loyd,             and Jonathan Mills.  The slave Horace died at the house of             Jonathan Mills. Samuel Morris lived near Danville in             Montgomery co., Mo.


21. Jesse S. Fisher vs William L. Martien. 1858. Promissory note




































                                                            Till #60


1.  Sarah A. Lurton vs William Drake & Samuel Drake. 1858. Petition             on note


2.  Thornton M. Northcutt vs Oliver Parker & Julia Paige. 1855.             Petition for partition of real estate


3.  Reubin Pulis vs John B. DeJarnatt. 1858. Suit on account.             Appeal


4.  Pomeroy Benton & Co., (George Pomeroy, William H. Benton &             George H. Chase, assignees of John D. McCann) vs Wiliam F F.             Denny. 1858.


5.  John Luckie vs James Lowry & John Lowry. 1858. Petition for             damages. Defts assaulted Bethuel Eubanks with deadly weapons             in the streets of Mexico, Mo. and beat him with a heavy iron      poker and shot at him with a Colts Revolving Pistol. A leaden             ball missed Bethuel Eubanks and struck pltf in the left side             of his face and passed through his ear, doing him great and             serious injury.


6.  John M. Rice vs Harrison C. Green & Iradell C. Green. 1859.             Promissory note


7.  Francis A. Ricketts & C.C. Ricketts, Admrs. of John W.             Ricketts estate vs John M. Daniel & L.B. Sublette. 1858.   Joint promissory note


8.  John W. Long vs Ferdinand T. Williams. 1858. Debt on note


9.  Joseph W. Luckie vs Richard Swan. 1858. Note


10. Robert Kerr & Co. (Allen G. Roberts, Benjamin F. Kerr &             Nathaniel Moreton) vs Iradell Green. 1858. Petition in debt on             note by attachment


11. Francis A. Ricketts & C.C. Ricketts, Admrs. of estate of John             W. Ricketts vs Stephen L. Moberly & J.J. Turner. 1858. Civil             action on note


12. North MO R.R. Co. vs Achilles F. Sneed 1858. Pltf. demands             payment of amount subscribed by deft for stock in R.R. Co.


13. North MO. R. R. Co., vs L.N. Hunter & William G. Brown. 1858.

            Commisioners appointed to assess damgaes done to lands of             defts. by location of railroad





TILL #60 continued


14. Francis A. Ricketts & C.C. Ricketts, Admrs. of estate of John             W. Ricketts, dec'd. vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander. 1859.

            Joint promissory note


15. James Lowery vs Patrick H. Estes, Silas W. Davis & John P.             Beatty. 1858. Pltf says that defts broke into building of         which pltf was the owner, and destroyed property of the pltf.












































                                                Till #61


1.  John Scott vs William Stone. 1858. Civil action on note


2.  Joel Smith vs W. W. Stone et al (William W. Stone, Robert H.        Stone & Absalom Hicks) 1858. Petition on note


3.  Timothy Rogers vs William D. Marney & Absalom Hicks. 1858.             Civil action on note


4.  Tilden R. Selms vs John W. Wick, A.A. Sparks & Jonathan G.             Muldrow. 1859. Civil action on note


5.  Joel Smith vs James A. Marney et al (Absalom Hicks, S. A.             Peters & William D. Marney) 1858. Petition on note


6.  A. B. Tinsley, Admr. of estate of Richard E. Houston vs Andrew             J. Edwards 1858. Promissory note


7.  Matthew Shepherd vs Alfred Powell 1858. To rescind contract for             land purchase & for return of price of bay mare, which pltf       took for part payment & which was guaranteed to be sound but             pltf says was not


8.  Joel Smith vs Van Wall et al (James A. Marney, Absalom Hicks &

            James D. Patton) 1858. Debt on Note


9.  Reed & Co. (Edward Reed & M.W. Reed) vs John W. Allen & Zeph    Spires 1858. Debt on note


10. Joel Smith vs W. D. Marney et al (William D. Marney, James E.             Hicks, Absalom Hicks, James A. Marney & S. A. Peters. 1858.               Petition on note


11. Joel Smith vs James E. Hicks et al (Absalom Hicks, William D.             Marney, James A. Marney & S. A. Peters) 1858. Petition on note


12. Joel Smith vs Absalom HIcks et al (S.A. Peters, William

            D. Marney, James E. Hicks & James Marney) 1858. Petition on        note


13. Shapleigh Day & Co. (Augustus F. Shapleigh, Thomas Day &

    Woodward Crittendon) vs Harrison C. Green 1858. Promissory note


14. Thomas Talbot, Admr. of David J. Talbot vs James Means. 1858.

            Suit on account. Joseph Oliver estate sale in 1851, Stephen             Best, Admr. Change of venue from Montgomery co.


15. James Ross vs Beverly Frields & Christopher C. Woodson. 1858.

            Promissory note



TILL #62


1.  Thomas T. Stone vs Sarah A. Ragsdale, Cornelius Ragsdale &             the unknown heirs of Duskin S. Day, dec'd. 1850. Sarah A.        Day, now Sarah A. Ragsdale, was the widow of Duskin S. Day.    1856. Civil action to correct a mistake in the conveyance of             property to pltf by Duskin S. Day (dec'd.) and Sarah A. Day.


2.  Charles R. Ward vs Sarah A. Ragsdale, Cornelius Ragsdale & the             unknown heirs of Duskin S. Day, dec'd. 1850. Sarah A Day, now             Sarah A. Ragsdale, was the widow of Duskin S. Day. 1856. Civil    action to correct a mistake in the conveyance of property to             pltf by Duskin S. Day (dec'd.) and Sarah A. Day.


3.  State of Missouri vs John Owens. 1858. Gaming


4.  State of Missouri vs John H. Hudelson. 1858. Gaming


5.  State of Missouri vs Samuel Kilgore. 1858. Gaming


6.  Henry Williams & John G. Coil vs William Stone 1858. Note


7.  State of Missouri vs John Wick. 1858. Gaming


8.  State of Missouri vs Reuben Wilson. 1858. Gaming


9.  State of Missouri vs Benjamin Hardester. 1858. Gaming


10. State of Missouri vs John McGee. 1858. Selling liquor without             license


11. Peter L. VanDeventer & Co. (Thomas Stringer, Lewis L. L. Allen   & Jacob Van Norstrand) vs Matthew Shepard. 1858. Promissory             note


12. St. Clair Wilburn vs Nathaniel W. Robinson. 1858. Promissory             note


13. State of Missouri vs Thaddeus Clendenin. 1858. Gaming


14. State of Missouri vs Thomas Powell. 1858. Gaming


15. State of Missouri vs William Martien. 1858. Gaming


16. State of Missouri vs James Silas Watts. 1858. Recognizance to         appear and to keep the peace. Made an assault with a deadly             weapon on James L. Martin


17. State of Missouri vs Charles Turpin. 1858. Gaming


18. State of Missouri vs Alexander Thomas. 1858. Selling liquor   without license

TILL #62 continued


19. State of Missouri vs James Woodlock. 1858. Gaming


20. State of Missouri vs William Regan. 1858. Selling liquor             without license


21. State of Missouri vs Wesley Kilgore. 1858. Gaming


22. State of Missouri vs Thomas Gibson. 1859. Gaming


23. State of Missouri vs Ferdinand T. Williams. 1858. Gaming


24. State of Missouri vs Samuel Eckton. 1859. Gaming


25. State of Missouri vs Patrick Mooney. 1858. Selling liquor   without license


26. Alexander F. Weant vs Jackson Ridgeway. 1858. For damages of             $300. Pltf. says deft. unlawfully on 24 Mar. 1858, joined in             marriage Mariah Weant & William Waters. Mariah Weant was a             daughter of pltf and under the age of 18.































                                                            TILL #63


1.  Hudson E. Bridge, John H. Beach, Henry B. Holland & Leonard B.             Holland vs A. A. Sparks. 1859. Debt by note


2.  Richard Mathany vs Craig Games. 1858. Note


3.  Jonathan Ratakin vs L. P. Littlefield. 1859. Attachment. Pltf      traded an iron gray mare for a bay horse, which deft.             represented to be sound. Pltf says horse was unsound and he             asks damages of $160.


4.  Hudson E. Bridge, Assignee of James Garrett & Enoch Hooten vs        S. A. Everest. 1859. Suit on note


5.  John Scott vs Thos. J. Davis. 1858. Debt. Garnishment


6.  State of Missouri vs Seymour Cook. Grand Larceny of property             of P. Shafer. Broke into the storehouse of Shafer and stole             merchandise and money.


7. Israel Lander vs Joseph S. Fant. 1859. Debt, damages & costs


8.  Northcutt & Co. vs James Doolin. 1858. Note


9.  Nehemiah Tunis vs John R. Smith. 1859. Suit on account


10. John Muldrow vs John B. Dejarnatt. 1859. Note


11. State of Missouri vs Iredell Green. 1858. Gaming


12. McKee & Jeffries vs Jasper Lofland. 1859. Debt & damages


13. P. Stringfield & Co. (Peny Springfield & S. Dishman) vs J.W.             Hayes. Note


14. James R. Sanders vs P. F. Denton, Richard S. Turpin & Rhoden H.             Hord. 1858. Promissory note


15. C. C. Ricketts vs Peter Brooke. 1859. Suit on note


16. State of Missouri vs Joseph Fort & William Fort. 1858. Grand             Larceny of a bay filly, property of Edmond P. Matthews


17. William M. Sims vs Thadeus F. Clendenin. 1858. Promissory note


18. State of Missouri vs John Lowery 1858. Assault with intent to             kill Bethuel Eubanks


19. State of Missouri vs William Hull. 1859. Indicted for murder             of Jules DuColier. Change of venue from Marion co.


                                                            Till #64


1.  George W. Adams vs John D. Anderson. 1853. Debt. Deposition of             Allen H. Lewis, Pittsfield, Ill. formerly of Montgomery co.,      Mo. tells of his journey to Calif. in the company of Adams,             Anderson, Alexander Campbell of Montgomery co. and Walter S.             Adams. Pltf. furnished 20 mules, 2 wagons and 1 carriage and             furnished provisions for the outfit. Adams sold Anderson a             half interest.  Change of venue from Montgomery co.


2.  Charles H. Lander vs North MO R.R. Co. 1858. Damages. RR Co.      has not installed fences or cattle guards where the track runs             through pltf's property.


3.  R. C. Duffy vs E. Putnam & C. Cook. 1859. Note


4.  Craig & Riley vs A.G. Gibbs & E.J. Gibbs. 1859. Note


5.  Silas W. Davis vs James Doolin. 1859. Note


6.  James C. Read vs George F. Jeffries. 1858. Promissory note


7.  William J. Lockridge, for the use & benefit of Silas W. Davis vs J. W. Luckie. 1859. Note


8.  T. M. Northcutt & Co. vs T.M.W. Alfrey. 1859. Note


9.  Richard Swan vs J.W. McKee & J.W. Jeffries. 1858. Civil             action on account


10. William R. Martin et al (Charles G. Martin) vs Norman

            Lackland. 1859. Promissory note


11. George W. Edmonston vs William H. Edmonston. 1858. Promissory             note


12. Logan Clark vs L.B. Sublett. 1859. Note.


13. J.J. West vs Neil McSwain & J.H. Kilgore. 1858. Note


14. Report of committee on jail. 1858.


15. Thomas Clarkson vs John B. Dejarnatt. 1858. Note


16.  Edward French vs James Douglass. 1859. Note


17. Neil McSwain vs Reubin Pulis. 1858. Petition for damages


18. Zacheriah Fisher & Patsy Fisher (Patsy Riggins) vs John M.             Keene. 1859. Judgment & costs


19. T. M. Northcutt vs Neil McSwain. 1858. Note

TIL #64 continued


20. John M. McKee vs Matthew Shepherd. 1859. Note


21. Neil McSwain vs T. M. Alfred. 1859. Debt, damages & costs


22. Stringfield & Co. vs W. N. Clark. 1859. Note


23. Anthony Keary vs G. T. Hook & R. S. Hook. 1859. Note


24. Richard Bullard vs Wm. N. Clark. 1859. Note


25. Northcutt & Co. vs John B. Dejarnett. 1859. Note


26. John S. Bishop vs John B. Dejarnett. 1859. Debt on note


27. Robert S. Hughes, Weston F. Birch & George W. Ward

    vs E. T. Jacobs. 1858. Debt on note


28. John Scott vs John B. Dejarnett. 1859. Debt on note


29. Israel Lander vs Joseph Cline & Warner Potts. 1859. Promissory             note































                                                            Till #65


1. Robert C. Briggs vs Edward S. Reynolds & William C. Splawn.             1859. Note


2. State of Missouri vs James Coffee. 1859. Recognizance to keep             the peace. Names Hannah Coffee


3. County of Montgomery vs James M. Hudson et al (John A. Brown &             William B. Ledford. 1859. Debt on bond


4. Samuel S. Douglas, James B. Gazzam & John E. Breading), Douglas             Gazzam Doing business as D. Gazzam & Co. vs. Rhoden H. Hord &             Israel Lander 1858. Note


5.  Samuel A. Craddock vs Samuel Murray & John E. Murray. 1859.             Debt on note


6.  Scarritt & Mason (Russell Scarritt & Paris H. Mason) vs Philip   Shafer & Julius Wagner 1859. Debt on note


7.  Charles Helm vs John Fisher & Burlington D. Brown 1859. Debt on             note


8.  William Vandeventer of Monroe co. & Nancy J. Samuels vs Robert             W. Sinclair. 1863. Note. Mortgage deed on real estate and             personal property consisting of negro boys, Tom about 21 and      Isaac, about 16. For judgment and foreclosure of mortgage.             Named Willis Samuels, dec'd.


9. Wise, Singer & co. (Edward Wise, Bernard Singer and Louise Wise)             vs Hord & Lander (Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander) 1859. Note


10. Zeb F. Wetzell & Otho Wetzell vs Simon B. Murray. 1859. Suit      on account


11. State of Missouri vs Patrick Mooney. 1859. Selling liquor   without license


12. William H. Callaway vs James T. Barnes, Alexander Smith, Henry             Smith, Moses M. Barnes, Wharton R. Schooler & Benjamin T.             Sandridge. 1859. Note


13. Henry Berry vs Thadeus F. Clendenin & John S. Bishop. 1859.             Note


14. State of Missouri vs Jonathan Kemper. 1858. Thomas J. Davis             says he was assaulted with a pistol by deft. who was placed             under bond to keep the peace, particularly as regards Thomas             J. Davis. 


15. Landon Craig vs William Harrison & Rhoden H. Hord. 1859.             Petition in debt.

TILL #65 continued


16. Elizabeth Ann Hayes vs Williams Hayes 1858. Divorce. Married             Oct. 18, 1856 in Audrain co. Suit was dismissed. No decree in             file.

















































TILL #66


1. Otho McCracken vs. Craig Games et al (John W. Jeffries, William             L. Craig, John W. McKee and Henry Williams. 1859. Note


2. D. L. Pollard vs James M. Wood 1859. Action on note


3.  Wilson & Mersman (John C. Wilson & Joseph J. Mersman) vs Shafer             & Wagner (Philip Shafer & Julius Wagner) 1859. Note


4.  Sarah A. Lurton vs William Drake & Samuel Drake. 1859. Note


5.  Arthur Kempland vs Absalom Hicks. 1859. Debt on note


6.  Josiah Moore vs John G. Games, K. Fisher & Craig Games. 1859.   Debt on note   


7.  James M. Grace, Admr. of est. of Preston Grace, dec'd. vs John             H. Kilgore. 1859. Note


8.  John H. Field vs Thomas S. Sneed & Archilles F. Sneed. 1859.              4 notes


9.  Arthur Kempland vs James E. Hicks. 1859. Note


10. Cornelius Haywood, Phillip Crow & William A. Crow vs Enoch             Hooten. 1859. Note


11. State of Missouri vs James W. W. Ball. 1859. Jury man. Fine for             non-attendance


12. Charles W. Harris vs B. F. Green 1860. Note


13. Robert Dougherty vs William W. Bridges. 1860. Note & Attachment


14. Christian Fisher vs Norman Lackland. 1858. Suit on account


15. Homer Hudson vs George S. Huey. 1859. Petition on note


16. Charles H. Hardin vs Thomas L. Sneed. 1859. Debt on note


17. Joseph W. Barclay vs R. H. Hord, J. Q. Burnam & Israel Lander.             1859. Petition on note


18. John M. Hendrix vs William A. Scott & William N. Wilkins. 1859.             Debt on note


19. James Garret & Enoch Hooten vs J. W. Levaugh. 1859.


20  William L. Tipton vs Eli W. Southworth. 1859. Petition for             injunction



TILL #66 continued


21. John W. McKee vs Joseph C. Armistead & James G. Armistead.             1859. Debt on note


22. William Frazer  vs John B. Dejarnett, John P. Clark & William             M. Sims. 1859. Note


23. State of Missouri vs P. H. Duly. 1859. Fine for non-attendance             as juror


24. State of Missouri vs Thomas Turner. 1859. Fine for

            non-attendance as juror


25. North & Scott (William North & William P. Scott) vs Joseph W.             Luckie. 1859. Action on Note


26. Silas W. Davis vs John W. S. McCloud. 1859. Note


27. Thomas B. Nesbit vs George F. Jeffries. 1859. Civil action 


28. W. F. Endors & Co. (William F. Enders & John W. Bigelow) vs             Adam C. Reyburn. 1859. Note































TILL #67


1.  William Harrison vs William M. Durbins. 1858. Petition on Note 

2.  J. W. Reynolds vs J. J. West (Jeremiah J. West) 1859. Suit on             account. Appeal.


3.  James A. Galbreath vs Ephraim Turner. 1858. Breach of warranty.             Note for purchase of Londen, a slave. Deft says slave was             warranted to be sound and healthy but was not and pltf says             deft is not entitled to any reduction from said note.


4.  John Scott vs James C. Reed. 1858. Garnishment


5.  Warner Potts vs Peter Brooke. 1858. Civil action on note


6.  T. F. Clendenin vs Thomas J. Davis. 1858. Debt on note


7.  Bennett F. Doan vs Neil McSwain. 1858. Petition to set aside             sale of real estate.


8.  William W. Bridges vs Katherine Bridges. 1858. Divorce. Married             Sept. 15, 1849 in Butler co., Ohio. One child, a female, now             about 7 years old. Deft. is a non-resident of Missouri.


9.  Richmond Pearson vs Francis B. Powell & Rhoden H. Hord 1858.             Note


10. William Crowson vs Charles B. Turpin. 1858. Petition for             recovery of property 


11. T. M. Northcutt vs S. H. Burks & M. Burks. 1859. Note.


12. James O. Johnson vs Samuel Murray. 1858. Note. Appeal


13. Henry Williams vs Arthur Kempland & I. N. (Isaac) Sturgeon.             1859. Garnishees in case of Henry Williams vs J. L. Thompson             & L. Doge


14. John Starnes vs William H. Edmonston. 1859. Acton on Mechanics             Lien.


15. William B. Twyman vs Reese Davis. 1859. Change of venue from             Monroe co. to Audrain co. For recovery of personal property             and damages. Depositions of James Austin, Wm. E. Lancaster,             George H. Hubbell, James G. Vincent


16. Robert H. Parks, Admr. of estate of James Green vs Peter L. S.             Virden. Change of venue from St. Charles co. to Warren co. and             then to Audrain co. Virden is the surviving partner of the             firm of Green & Virden.



TILL #67 continued


17. Harriet E. Cline vs Joseph Cline. 1857. Divorce. Married Aug.             20, 1854 in Boone co., Mo. Deft. non-resident of Missouri.


















































                                                TILL #68


1.  Richard Phillips vs Joseph C. Armistead & James G. Armistead.              1859. Promissory note


2.  Alfred Powell vs Peter Brooke. 1859. Debt on note


3.  William Frazer vs Robert M. Woody. 1859. Action on note & to              foreclose mortage


4.  William D. Marney vs Samuel A. Peters. 1859. Debt on note  1859   

5.  James S. Rollins vs William W. Stone. 1859. Promissory note


6.  Silas W. Davis vs James Douglas. 1859. On Note and to enforce             vendors lien


7.  Augustus Turner vs James E. Hicks. 1859. Note


8.  William T. Rodman vs D. W. Burks. 1858. Note


9.  James D. Sumner, Assignee of L. Newman vs Daniel Dejarnatt.              1859. Action of debt


10. Edward D. Hawkins vs Henry S. Clark. 1858. Promissory note


11. James W. Gallop vs John S. McGee 1859.

             Appeal from J.P.


12. Chesley C. Gant vs Samuel S. Kilgore. 1859. Note given for the             purchase of slave Caroline, aged 45, warranted to be sound in             mind and body. Pltf said slave was diseased and had been a             great charge to him. Deft offered to return slave but says             pltf refuses.


13. Willis Gallop vs J. S. McGee. 1859. Appeal


14. Frank Cave, Sheriff, for the heirs of Benjamin H. Morton, dec'd   vs William O. Wilkerson & Presley Wilkerson. 1859. Petition on        note.


15. Greenville Floyd vs Thomas J. Davis & Mary A. Davis. 1858. Debt


16. John J. Gilmer vs John W. Ricketts. 1856. Trespass. John W.             Ricketts is dec'd. and Admrs. are Francis Ricketts and Charles             C. Ricketts. Pltf said that in 1854 the deft entered pltf's             property and removed logs and timber. 


17. Sarah J. Dillard vs William Harrison & Isaac C. French. 1859.             Debt on note 


18. George W. Gordon vs John T. Pool & Abraham Pool. 1859. Petition             on note.

TILL #68 continued


19. Joseph A. Stewart vs Samuel B. Jeffries & Abner Harrison. 1859.   Debt on note for the hire of slaves Milford and America for             the year 1858 for $385 of which $135 has been paid. Asks for             remainder of note with interest.


20. John D. McCan vs James S. Bristo. 1858. Note


21. Robert Kerr & Co., (Allen G. Roberts, Benjamin F. Kerr, &             Nathaniel Morton) vs Iredell C. Green. 1858. Note & lien 


22. Richard Roundtree vs George F. Johnson & John B. Johnson. 1859.   Debt on note


23. James Smiley vs George Dickson 1859.


24. B. C. Drake vs Daniel Dejarnatt.




































                                                            TILL #69


1.  John A. Beauchamp et al vs Louisa E. Smith et al 1859.             Partition of the real estate of James H. Smith dec'd. James H.             Smith died intestate in the year 1846, seized in fee simple of         the undivided one half of the lands (desc.)  His widow was             Rosa A. M. Smith and Margaret A. Beauchamp, formerly Margaret             A. Smith and her husband, John A. Beauchamp, Louisa E. Smith,             Martha B. Smith, Thomas J. C. Smith, Belvedere L. Smith, Rosa             L. Smith, Julia H. Smith and Mary T. Smith were his only             children and heirs at law. Mary T. Campbell, formerly Mary T.             Smith, departed this life in 1859 leaving William R. Campbell,             Sabella F. Campbell & Mary A. Campbell her only children and      heirs at law. William P. Harrison died intestate in the fall             of 1856 seized in fee simple of one half of the described real             estate, leaving his widow, Lucy J. Harrison and James T.             Harrison, Mary C. Harrison, John F. Harrison, William H.             Harrison, Ann E. Harrison, Albert P. Harrison and Martha S.             Harrison his children and only heirs at law.  Mary T. and Louisa E. Smith were over the age of 14 years and Martha B.,             Thomas J. C., Belvedere L., Rosa L. & Julia H. Smith were    under the age of 14 years.


2. Thomas J. Davis & John B. Dejarnatt for the use & benefit of C.             C. Ricketts vs John H. Clark. 1859.


3.  A. B. Tinsley vs R. H. Hord & Israel Lander. 1859. Note


4.  James H. Davis vs James M. Wood. 1859. Petition on debt


5.  Daniel Webster Barnes, by his next friend Cyreneus Barnes

    vs William R. Sims 1858.


6.  William O. Johnson, Admr. of estate of Wiley H. Johnson, dec'd.

            vs J. W.Luckie, William H. Edmonston & G. W. Edmonston. 1858.   Note


7.  Hord & Lander vs Jesse Dejarnatt. 1859.


8.  William B. Moffatt vs James Jackson. 1858.


9.  Benjamin P. Ritchie vs James M. Woods & Robert H. Stone.

    1859. Debt on note


10. William B. Harris vs Nathan J. Wells. 1859. Note


11. Overton M. Harris vs William W. Stone & James Brown 1859.


12. John W. McKee vs William Harrison. 1858. Debt


13. C. R. Ward (use of) Squire & Reed vs Ferdinand Tincher.

            1859. Debt by note


TILL #69 continued


14. James C. Reed vs George F. Jeffries 1859. Note to enforce             vendor's lien 


15. William M. Sims vs Neil McSwain. 1859. Set aside sale of real      estate


16. John Sims vs H. C. Green & George Bruce. 1859. Debt on note 


17. Harrison O. Haley vs Robert Crockett. 1858. Petition on Note


18. Abraham Pool vs Rhodin H. Hord. 1859. Petition on note


19. William M. Sims vs Francis A. McVeigh & Paul Abat. 1859.             Promissory note


20. Benjamin F. Yates vs Nathan J. Wells. 1859.


21. Hord & Lander vs J. W. Levaugh. 1859. Petition in Debt on             account

































TILL #70                   


1.  James Lowry vs Hezekiah J. M. Doan, Oliver A. Parker & Julia    Page.  1857.  Petition for partition.


2.  State of Missouri vs John S. Bishop. 1859. Grand larceny of a      horse belonging to Silas L. Hickerson on the property of James             Armstead. James W. Willingham and Augustus Bishop also             charged.


3.  Alexander Thomas vs William B. Fort. 1856. Petition in             Ejectment


4.  Jonathan Tribble vs Daniel Dejarnett. 1859. Promissory note.    Pltf not residing in Audrain co.


5.  State of Missouri vs John Heitz, John Beck, George Fredrick,             John Brown & William Forner. 1859. Unlawful assembling to                 commit an act of violence against Casper Stoble.


6.  G. P. Burhop vs Oliver P. Yates. 1859. Note


7.  James D. Sumner vs John Clarkson & Thomas J. Clarkson. 1859.             Promissory note.


8.  Israel Lander vs Warner Potts. 1859. Debt on note


9.  Henry Berry vs Lemuel P. Gates. 1859. Note


10. Hord & Lander vs Joel Haynes. 1861. Garnishment of Wm. L.             Haynes, garnishee.


11. Walter S. Adams vs John Brice. 1859. Appeal from J. P.


12. Audrain County in account with Frank Cave, Sheriff. 1859.


13. Joseph Lupton, Assignee of William Jones vs John H. Kilgore.              1859. Suit on note


14. William O. Johnson vs Blacklum McGee 1859. Note


15. William H. Dyer, Adm. of estate of Christian Winckler, dec'd, vs Henry Williams. Appeal from county court


16. State of Missouri vs Charles Joker. 1859. Arrest on charge of             counterfeiting


17. A. Cauthorn, guardian of Mary Eliza Sparks. 1859. Petition for             guardian ad litem, A. A. Sparks, to pay over money in his             hands


18.  Frank Cave. 1859. Resignation


TILL #70 cont'd


19. Thornton M. Northcutt vs Josiah Whitesides 1859. Debt & costs


20. Thomas Ansell vs Benjamin S. Rodman. 1859. Debt & damages


21. John H. Ravenscraft vs Joseph S. Carr & John H. Carr. 1859.             Civil action on note


22. John S. Bishop vs John H. Kilgore. 1859. Suit on note


23. Joseph Hepler vs William H. Dyer & Milton Hatton. 1857. Debt


24. Alexander Thomas vs Laban T. Brown. 1858. Petition for damages


25. Stephen Scott vs John Burnam. 1859. Petition on note &             attachment


26. G. P. Burhop vs Oliver P. Yates. 1859. Debt & damages



































                                                            TILL #71


1.  Daniel Galbreath, Assignee of F. Cave vs Joseph Torreson.              1860. Debt on note


2.  Jeptha R. Boulware vs John W. McKee, Norman Lackland, Octave             Abat & John P. Clark. 1861. Joint promissory note


3.  Norman Lackland vs George Hubbard. 1859. Suit on 2 notes


4.  George Pomeroy & William H. Benton vs Harry McGee. 1860. Suit      on note


5.  Pasqueth & Hunter vs John H. Kilgore. 1859. Suit on account


6.  William D. Bourn vs Young A. Purcell. 1860. Suit on 2 notes


7.  William Cauthorn vs Richmond Pearson. 1859. Petition for             partition


8.  State of Missouri vs Jane A. Evans. 1857. Endeavoring to             conceal birth of a child


9.  William H. Ragland vs E. A. Boone & M. M. Boone. 1859. Petition             to enforce mechanics lien


10. Woods, Christy & Co. (James Woods, William O. Christy, Robert             K. Woods, William T. Gentry & Andrew Woods) vs J. C.             Remington. 1860.


11. John Price vs M. B. McMullin. 1860. Debt, damages & costs


12. Hamilton Hall vs J. W. Taylor & A. Surber. 1859. Debt, damages             & costs


13. John Scott vs James W. Douglass & A. A. Sparks. 1859. Petition             on note


14. Benjamin Hardin vs James E. Hicks. 1859. Petition on note


15. David Cauthorn vs Estate of Thornton Young, John Ellis, Admr.             1862. Appeal from county court


16. J. W. McKee Inventory on assignment to Edwards & Cardwell.             Sam M. Edwards & George W. Cardwell 1860.


17. State of Missouri vs Martha J. Walton. 1858. Grand larceny of             property of Francis B. Powell.






TILL #71 continued


18. Bethuel Eubanks vs John Strahan. 1860. For judgment of $300.   Deft. as J.P. joined in marriage on 17 June 1860 Sarah             Elizabeth Eubanks, a minor under 18 years of age, born Feb.             13, 1844, to one Thomas Barrett without permission of her             parents. 


19. Terrence Donnelly vs P. F. Denton & R. L. Turpin. 1859. Note


20. Francis W. Ennis vs Joseph W. Ennis. 1859. Civil action on             account. Appeal.


21. William W. Orme vs Curtis P. Wade & William Campbell. 1859.   Debt on note


22. H. J. M. Doan vs James W. Ball. 1860. Petition for recovery of             personal property


23. Thomas W. Gant vs William Harper. 1859. Suit on account.             Appeal


24. Hans Lauther vs B. Rodman. 1859. Note


25. E. McBride vs R. M. Kirkland. 1860. Note


26. T. P. Mooney vs James D. Sumner. 1860. Writ of attachment


27. State of Missouri vs Littleberry B. Sublett, A. B. Daniel.             1860. Gaming


28. State of Missouri vs Matthew Jones. 1860. Selling liquor             without license


29. John McDonald vs E. A. Boone & wife (M. M. Boone) 1858.             Petition to enforce mechanics lien


30. State of Missouri, use of W. H. Martin, Admr. of estate of             Daniel McHoney vs Samuel C. Gilbert, Nelson Fike & Alexander             Tucker.  Daniel McHoney died in 1857.














                                                TILL #72


1.  James O'Brien Assignee of Alfred O'Brien vs Silas Steele 1860.

            Suit on Note


2.  Pomeroy & Benton vs James Lincoln. 1860. Debt on note


3.  Alfred Cauthorn vs Reason Ridgeway. 1860. Note


4.  Alpheus Payne, Assignee of John D. Carroll and James R. Clayton              vs Christy Heckart. 1860. Notes


5.  Thomas J. Harris vs John R. Wren. 1860. Note


6.  Azariah Doty vs George Bruce. 1859. Appeal


7.  William R. Sims vs Cyrenius Barnes & Samuel A. Craddock. 1859.             Petition on Bond


8.  John McDonald vs Thomas J. Davis, Neil McSwain, Iredell Green             & Harrison Green. 1860. Promissory Note


9.  Daniel Galbreath vs F. H. McVeigh. 1860. Debt & Damages


10. D. B. Eubanks vs T. A. Hume & A. Plunkett. 1860. Note


11. Palmer & Oliver vs John L. Baker. 1860.  2 Notes)


12. Samuel G. Reed & William H. Markham vs John B. McCarty & Cummin             McCarty. 1860. Suit on note


13. Shyrock & Co. vs E. H. Weaver. 1860. Suit on note


14. State of Missouri vs Silas L. Hickerson. 1860. Perjury. John S.             Bishop said that deft falsely stated that he (Bishop)             stole             a mare and 2 colts.


15. J. W. Tinsley vs S. B. Copher & D. T. Copher. 1859. Mechanics             lien on note


16. Thomas B. Hitt vs Abraham C. Hitt. 1858. Petition in debt


17. Enoch J. Hooton vs Eglantine Hooton. 1859. Divorce. Married             Feb. 6, 1849 in Boone co., Mo. Names Martha and Mildred,             daughters of pltf. by his first wife. Decree not in file.


18. George M. Bondurant vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1860. Appeal


19. James M. Crosthwait vs Samuel C. Gilbert. 1860. Note


20. Robert L. McGhee vs Thornton M. Northcutt. 1859. Debt


21. Nicholas Walker vs Daniel Dejarnett. 1859. Note

TILL #72 continued


22. James Lowery vs Parmenio Marlow & John W. S. McCloud. 1859.

             Promissory note


23. Wm. C. Walker vs Daniel Dejarnett. 1859. Action on debt


24. North Missouri Rail Road Co. vs Thomas Williams. 1859. Petition             on attachment


25. H. J. M. Doan vs Samuel S. Kilgore. 1860. Petition for recovery             of personal property. Pltf. says that property was wrongfully             seized


26. W. C. Hamilton vs F. A. McVeigh. 1860. Note


27. State of Missouri vs Henry S. Clark. 1860. Embezzlement of         money. Deposition of Franklin Cave, sheriff.  Henry Clark             served as Deputy Sheriff and Collector. After his resignation             did not pay over the money he had collected


28. Wm. B. Miller vs Geo. F. Jeffries. 1858. Promissory note


29. Abraham E. Inlow vs William H. Edmonston. 1858. Civil action on            2 notes


30. Robert Kenyon & Robert Gibbs vs George Hubbard. 1860. Action by             attachment. Appeal.


31. John M. Canterberry vs Joseph H. Rutledge. 1858. Civil action on note























                                                            TILL #73


1.  State of Missouri vs Francis Hilgamin. 1859. Selling liquor   without license


2.  State of Missouri vs Charles Winant. 1860. Selling liquor             without a license


3.  William B. Miller vs John W. Jeffries. 1859. Debt on note


4.  State of Missouri vs Patrick Mooney. 1859. Selling liquor   without license


5.  State of Missuri vs Alexander Thomas. 1858. Selling liquor   without license.


6.  Henry T. Hunter vs John W. McKee. 1859. Petition for damages               for land in Lincoln co. sold to pltf. by deft. by false &             fraudulent representation


7.  Robert C. Wright, by his next friend W. H. Martin vs John Q.             Daniel. 1860. Suit for wages owed. Appeal


8.  S. V. R. Board vs Menoah L. Clarkson. 1860. Promissory note


9.  State of Missouri vs Matthew Jones. 1860. Selling liquor             without license


10. State of Missouri vs Henry Parsons. 1859. Selling liquor   without license


11. Silas L. Hickerson vs John S. Bishop. 1860. Debt & damages


12. State  of Missouri vs Francis Hillemeyer. 1860. Selling liquor   without license



















                                                            TILL #74


1.  Timothy P. Mooney vs Silas W. Davis et al (John P. Beatty

            & Robert Burks) 1858. Damages.   Pltf. said that defts broke             and carried away the door of his house and property which has             not been returned.


2.  William N. Campbell vs George Heckart & Henry Heckart. 1860.   Note. Garnishment. Names Christy Heckart.


3.  Henry Heckart vs E. S. Reynolds et al (Alpheus Payne) 1860.             Appeal


4.  John Ryland vs Absalom Hicks et al (James E. Hicks) 1859. Debt    on note


5.  D. S. Manley vs Jeremiah C. Muir. 1860. Appeal from J.P.


6.  Augustus Turner vs Robert H. Stone et al (William T. Ray) 1859.             Debt on note 


7.  Abraham E. Inlow vs Isaac N. Hockaday et al (Charles R. Ward) 1859. Debt on note


8.  Norman Lackland vs Joseph S. Carr & brother 1860. Notes


9.  John B. Henderson vs William T. Ficklin. 1860. Debt on note &         to foreclose mortgage


10. State of Missouri vs Edwards Watts. 1860. Arson of the hotel,   The Audrain House, in which were human beings at the time.               Hotel was operated by Henry Williams.  Depositions of citizens             of Mexico at the time, viz. Henry Williams, William Ross,             Israel Lander, James Plunkett, Hiram Ricketts, B. F. Douglass,             Joseph W. Miller Jr., John Henderson, Robert Calhoun, James             Harrison, Abram Inlow, William Henderson, A. P. "Perry"             Pollard, John Price, Robert McPheeters, J. B. Henderson, J. W.             McKee, Mrs. Emma Miller, William H. Martin, N. Lackland, and             Joseph W. Miller Sr. Mentions Mr. Lupton, John Williams, Dan             Cox, Cash Barnes, Dr. Barnes, and Dr. Rackliff, negro boy,             Talbot, and Clark's saloon.  


11. Silas W. Davis vs John Roberson. 1859. Appeal from J.P.


12. William Calvert vs John Roberson. 1859. Appeal from J.P.


13. Ely & Bro. vs James Ledford. 1860. Note. Sheriff's sale.


14. John Long vs Presley Wilkerson, William O. Wilkerson, & Amos   Ladd. 1859. Debt on note.




                                                            TILL #75


1.  William Crowson vs Young A. Purcell, Absalom Hicks & James E.             Hicks. 1860. Debt on note


2.  William S. Craig vs Alfred Powell & Robert Powell. 1859. Debt    on note


3.  William F. Enders & John W. Bigelow vs Thornton M. Northcutt             1859. Civil action on note


4.  State of Missouri vs James Johnson. 1860. Grand larceny. Theft             of a horse owned by John Burnham.


5.  Alexander Black vs William Crowson et al (W. T. Maupin, Garland             Sims, & James Turner) 1859 Debt on note


6.  William Powell vs B. McGee & Jacob W. Cartmell. 1860. Civil             action on note 


7.  Joseph E. Beatty vs Thomas W. Gant & Chesley C. Gant. 1859.             Petition on note 


8.  George Pomeroy & William H. Benton vs Emeline Graham. 1860.   Debt on note


9.  Albertus R. Ringo vs James D. Sumner & James H. Carr. 1860.             Action on note


10. Robert H. Miller & Sons (Charles Miller & John S. J. Miller) vs        Philip Shafer & Julius Wagner. 1859. Debt on note


11. H. M. Kerby vs John J. Kilgore & F. B. Powel. 1860. Action of         debt by note


12. Conrad Enslen vs David Cluster & George Willingham. 1859. Debt             on note


13. Richard Field et al (Reuben Beardslee, John K. Field, Isaac N.             Field & Phineas Beardslee vs Thornton M. Northcutt. 1860. Debt             on note


14. Isaac V. Brown & James G. Brown vs Thornton M. Northcutt. 1859.   Debt on note


15. George W. Tribble vs Absalom Hicks. 1859. Debt on note)


16. James A. Abbey vs Nathaniel M. Roberts, Raughley Champlin &             Benjamin C. Drake. 1859. Civil action on note


17. William North & William P. Scott vs Thornton M. Northcutt.             1859. Civil action on note


TILL #75 continued


18. L. Vandventer et al (Peter L. Vandenventer, Thomas Stringer,             Lewis L. & Jacob VanNorstran vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel             Lander. 1859. Petition on note 


19. John S. Henderson vs Isaac N. Hockaday & Charles H. Hardin.             1859. Debt on note


20. Charles H. Hardin vs William D. H. Hunter & Lazarus N. Hunter.             1860. Civil action on note


21. John F. Gartman vs Joseph Heulway. 1859. Debt on note









































                                                            TILL #76


1.  Alburtus R. Ringo vs T. F. Clendenin & George Bruce. 1860. Debt    on note


2.  Carter Dingle & John Dingle vs Thadeus F. Clendenin & George             Bruce. 1860. Debt on note


3.  Jackson Benson vs S. L. Hickerson, Henry A. Dodd & John Allen. 1860. Debt on note


4.  State of Missouri vs William Jones. 1858. Grand larceny. A             black gelding, property of William H. French. Depositions of             Robert Muir & William H. Martin.


5.  Volney Hall vs John Hunt et al (James Ware & Alexander Tucker)             1860. Joint promissory note


6. Reuben Pulis vs Thaddeus F. Clendenin 1859. Debt on note


7.  William Crowson vs Silas L. Hickerson. 1862. Note and petition             on attachment, James Jones, garnishee


8.  Garland M. Sims vs Thomas R. Winn & John W. McRoberts. 1860.   Debt on note


9.  State of Missouri vs Edward Hays. 1859. Grand larceny of money             belonging to P. Shafer. Depositions of Neil McSwain, Wm. L.             Craig, Scott McSwain & Julius Wagner


10. Louis C. Simpson vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1860. Debt on note


11. James M. Sims vs A. J. Edwards et al (Andrew J. Edwards, Martin             E. Swift, A. B. Daniel & David Russell)  1860. Debt on note 


12. James T. Small & Cornelius W. Small vs Thornton M. Northcutt &             Octave Abat. 1860. Debt on note


13. Charles H. Hardin vs Isaac N. Hockaday. 1860.


14. Thomas B. Hitt vs A. C. Hitt. 1860. Promissory note.


15. Philip Crow, William A. Crow & Charles Crow vs Nathaniel             Allison. 1860.  Promissory note


16. Louis C. Simpson vs Enoch Hooten. 1860. Promissory note


17. Caleb S. Stone & Joseph W. Stone vs James M. Woods. 1860. Debt    on note


18. Samuel Reed & William H. Markham vs William McDonald & Landrow             McDonald. 1860. Debt on note


TILL #76 continued


19. William M. Sims vs John S. Bishop et al 1860. Debt on note 


20  William P. Freeman & Co. (William P. Freeman & Charles P.             Shepard) vs Thornton M. Northcutt, Saml. A. Craddock, Wm. H.             Northcutt & John M. Gordon. 1859. Debt on note


21. T. F. Clendenin & M. B. McMullin vs Thomas M. Faucett. 1860.             Note


22. Robert H. Thomas vs George Hosman & Robert W. Sinclair. 1860.             Debt on note


23. Albertis R. Ringo vs David Cluster. 1860. Action on note







































                                                            TILL #77


1.  J. W. Jeffries et al (John W. Jeffries, Joseph Armstrong &             Samuel B. Jeffries) vs Thomas Murray. 1860. Debt & to enforce             vendor's lien


2.  William M. Sims vs John Devany. 1860. Debt & foreclosure


3.  F. A. Ricketts & C. C. Ricketts vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel             Lander 1860. Debt on note & to enforce vendor's lien


4.  Norman Lackland vs William M. Huston. 1859. Petition to             foreclose mortgage


5.  John B. Johnson vs Aaron Wells. 1859. Petition on debt & to             enforce vendor's lien


6.  William R. Sims vs David H. Smart & M. S. Young. 1860. Debt on             note 


7.  Benjamin T. Sandridge vs Moses M. Barnes. 1860. Motion for             judgment


8.  Alfred Powell vs Craig Games. 1860. Debt on note and to             foreclose mortage


9.  Benjamin T. Sandridge vs Henry Smith. 1860. Motion for             judgment


10. William F. Endors vs Thomas W. Gant. 1860. Debt on note and to             foreclose mortgage


11. Walter S. Adams vs R. M. Sturgeon & G. W. Swope. 1858. Debt on             contract


12. Farmers & Traders Bank vs Charles Rawlings. 1875. Abstract of             attachment


13. Levi James vs John B. Dejarnett. 1860. Petition to foreclose             mortage


14. William O. Johnson vs T. F. Clendenin, George Bruce & S. M.             Duly. 1860. Note


15. F. A. Ricketts & C. C. Ricketts, admrs. of John W. Ricketts,             dec'd. vs Andrew Surber. 1859. Debt on note & to enforce             vendor's lien.







                                                            TILL #78


1.  Thomas P. Smith vs John Smith & Philip Shafer. 1858. Appeal             from J.P. 


2.  William Wiswell vs Robert Hood & John Straham. 1857. Appeal  


3.  City of Mexico vs Timothy P. Mooney. 1858. Appeal from             Recorder's office


4.  Peter Jennings vs Wright W. Southgate. 1858. Debt on account


5.  Nicholas Holt vs James M. Hudson. 1859. Appeal from J.P.


6.  Anthony Casey vs Andre Marshal. 1858. Suit for wages owed


7.  William Drake vs Martha Wisdom. 1859. Suit on account. Appeal 

8.  Parmelia Coons vs T. F. Clendenin & V. M. Pendleton. 1859.   Action on note. Vendor's lien


9.  Francis Condon vs John C. Roberts. 1858. Note


10. Thomas T. Bond & Mary A. Bond vs M. S. Price et al (Samuel Fox,     David Cluster & Milas S. Price. 1859. Debt and damages.             Appeal. Deposition of Henry Bond, given in Cassville, Cass    co., Ga. Names Charles Bond, son of Mary A. Bond. Henry Bond             was a brother of Thomas Bond.


11. Daniel Dejarnat vs Joseph S. Carr, James D. Sumner, & B. F.             Northcutt. 1859. Appeal. Deposition of Sarah A. Lurton in             Delhi, Ill.


12. John G. Muldrow vs Greenville Floyd & Thomas J. Davis. 1858.              Judgment for damages. Oct. 12, 1857 Thos. J. Davis purchased             from Greenville Floyd 2 negro children, Mary Ellen and George,              who warranted them to be sound in limb & body. In Nov. 1857             pltf bought one of the said slaves, Mary Ellen, from                              Davis. Pltf. says that said slave was diseased with an                    affection of the lungs & died soon after. Pltf. says that by        reason of the warrant from Floyd to Davis, he was induced to             buy said slave.












                                                            TILL #79


1.  John B. Dejarnett vs William J. Steel. 1859. Petition on             account & for damages


2.  State of Missouri vs John Muldrow. 1860. Gaming


3.  Caleb S. Stone vs Benjamin P. Ritchie. 1860. Interplea in             attachment of R. H. Stone


4.  William J. Winant vs William J. Keene. 1859. Appeal


5.  Henry Williams & Octave Abat vs Benjamin T. Rodman. 1860. Note.              Transcript


6.  Stephen S. Moberly vs A. B. Daniel. 1859. Appeal


7.  Joseph C. Offutt vs William Henderson, Guardian of Vandelia             Offutt & Susan E. Offutt, minor heirs of Bazel Offutt 1860.               Appeal from County Court


8.  James Pasqueth & Henry Hunter vs George G. Berry. 1858. Debt on             note


9.  William Harrison vs Cornelius Ragsdale et al (Samuel Murray &

    Douglass Murray) 1858. Appeal from J.P.


10. A. P. Pollard vs William Henderson, Guardian of Alice J.             Offutt. 1860. Appeal from County Court


11. Tinsley Ball & Co. vs Mortimer Hall. 1860. Debt & damages


12. Henry Williams & Octave Abat vs Joseph S. Carr. 1860. Note


13. State of Missouri vs William Duley. 1860. Gaming


14. State of Missouri vs Abraham Clark. 1860. Selling liquor             without license


15. Brutus J. Clay vs B. P. Ritchie. 1859. Interpleas in attachment             (R. H. Stone)


16. State of Missouri vs Samuel Duley. 1860. Gaming


17. State of Missouri vs Elkany Brooks. 1860. Gaming


18. J. P. Beatty vs Iredell Green & L. B. Sublett. 1860. Note for             suit. Transcript


19. Harrison C. Green & Iredell C. Green. 1858. Debt on notes by             attachment 



                                                TILL #80


1.  State of Missouri vs Patrick Mooney. 1859. Selling liquor   without license


2.  State of Missouri vs Mortimer B. Jenny. 1860. Selling liquor             without license


3.  State of Missouri vs Mortimer B. Jenny. 1860. Gaming


4.  George Koable vs Samuel A. Yeates. 1860. Garnishment in             execution vs P. Shafer


5.  Farmers Bank of Missouri vs Housen Canada & others. (William             Jackson, Madison D. Stone, Joseph Wylls & James S. Rollins)             1860. Debt and damages


6.  James B. Winn vs Mathew Patton & Daniel A. Patton. 1860.             Promissory note


7.  Meredith Myers vs William Martien & James M. Martien. 1859.   Debt on note)


8.  Samuel Murray & Edward Rackliff. 1859. Debt on note


9.  State of Missouri vs Samuel Fentem. 1860. Gaming


10. State of Missouri vs Philip Shafer. 1860. Selling liquor   without license


11. David J. Littrell vs P. H. Vance. 1860. Appeal from J. P.


12. B. F. Adair & Y. D. Morris vs J. S. Bishop. 1860. Note


13. James B. Winn vs Matthew C. Patton & N. Harry Patton. 1860.             Promissory note


14. J. Morris vs Jonathan S. Bishop. 1860. On account


15. Farmers Bank of Missouri vs Robert H. Stone, John R. Dinwiddie             & William G. Jackson. 1859. Debt on note


16. State of Missouri  vs Abner Cassidy. 1860. Gaming


17. State of Missouri vs Charles Muldrow. 1860. Gaming


18. State of Missouri vs Henry Worsham & Patrick Worsham. 1860.   Selling liquor without license


19. Joseph Suttles vs A. R. Beal & W. H. Beal. 1860. Note


20. State of Missouri vs Matthew Jones, Elkany Brooks & John W.             Thompson. 1860. Selling liquor without license

TILL #81


1.  Octave Abat & Lewis P. Payne vs Rhoden H.  Hord. 1859. Petition             in debt to foreclose mortgage


2.  Thomas Dowler vs Alex Campbell. 1858. Action in note & to             enforce vendors lien


3.  Thomas P. Dowler & others (Bennett Dowler, A. J. Dowler, James             Ersey, Lutisha Ersy, Thomas P. Wineyard & Elizabeth Wineyard             vs Alex Carter 1874.  


4.  Thadeus F. Clendenin vs Cyrenius Barnes. 1858. Injunction.             Clendenin and John G. Muldrow as securities for Thomas J.             Davis executed to Cyrenius Barnes their note. Barnes obtained             judgment against Davis & his securities and prepared to levy     on Davis' property of three negroes. Deft agreed to take one             of the negroes in full satisfaction of the debt. Said property             was left in the care and custody of Davis, who absconded,             taking with him the said negroes and has either sold them or             left the state. Petitioner seeks injunction to prevent Barnes             from levying on his lands and tenements in payment of the       debt.


5.  Bruce Quinn vs T. Kockling. 1859. Debt on note


6.  Hiram M. Brown vs John T. Elzea. 1859. Action on note & to             enforce vendors lien


7.  John T. Elzea vs Edward S. Reynolds. 1860. Debt on note & to             enforce vendors lien


8.  Silas W. Davis vs William S. Martien. 1859. Debt on note & to             enforce vendors lien


9.  Lucas Thompson & Co. (William Lucas, Charles L. Thompson &             William S. Gunn) vs William H. Northcutt & Thornton M.             Northcutt.) 1859. Debt on two notes


10. Bryan Hardcastle & Co. vs Elkannah Brooks. 1860. Garnishment


11. John W. McKee vs J. W. Hays. 1859. Debt on note by attachment


12. George Pearce et al (Henry Smith, Alexander P. Purvas) vs             Williams & Abat (Henry Williams & Octave Abat) 1860.             Garnishment on Thomas W. Gant & Elza McDonald


13. James Oliver vs Isaac N. Hockaday. 1859. Promissory note


14. William O. Johnson, Admr. of estate of Wiley Hayden Johnson,             dec'd. vs Harrison C. Green. 1859. Debt on note & to foreclose             mortgage


TILL #81 continued


15. Elizabeth M. A. Burgess by her next friend, Jos. S. Carr vs             William H. Burgess. 1859. Divorce. Married Aug. 17, 1843 in             Monroe co., Mo. Two children, a son now 13 and a daughter, now             10. Deft. was non-resident of state. Decree in file.


16. Lemuel Carter vs George Hubbard. 1860. Note


17. Silas W. Davis vs Andrew J. Willingham. 1859. Ejectment


18. Curtis P. Wade vs James W. Taylor. 1859. Petition in debt


19. James Lowery vs John Starnes. 1859. Debt on note & to foreclose             mortgage


20. Benjamin E. Walker vs James Kash. 1859. Debt on note


21. Walter M. Payne vs John B. McCarty. 1859. Appeal from J. P.


22. Daniel Dejarnett vs Jessee B. Dejarnett. 1859. Action on note


23. John P. Clark vs Thomas B. Harris 1859. Interplea in             attachment against J. W. Hays)


24. James Brown vs Cyreneus Barnes & John B. Dejarnatt. 1859. Civil             action on note



























                                                            TILL #82


1.  Sarah I. Sparks vs Aquilla A. Sparks. 1858. Petition for             divorce. Married Oct. 9, 1856 in Audrain co., Mo. One child,   Mary Eliza. Decree in file.


2.  Shapleigh Day & Co. vs Henry Parsons 1859.


3.  C. H. Hardin, Admr. of Simon B. Murray vs Elijah Vansandt 1857.  Debt on note & to foreclose mortgage)  1857 1 pkg


4.  Azlett H. Walden vs John F. Young. 1859. Debt on note & to             foreclose mortgage


5.  North MO Rail Road Co. vs Enoch Hooten & James Garrett.             1861.


6.  Bell Tilden & Co. (Henry Bell, Daniel W. Bell, John B. Tilden             & Noah D. Bell) vs Robert H. Stone. 1859. Debt by attachment 

7. Harrison C. Green vs Joseph D. Davis et al (Joseph D. Davis,             Creed Davis, Matthew [Martha] A. Davis, Hannah Davis & Ruben             Pulis, their guardian) 1859. Elijah Davis, dec'd. Petition for             partition.


8.  William Scott vs Shelton H. Shrout. 1859. Petition to enforce             vendors lien 


9.  Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander vs George W. Y. Cardwell. 1859.   Debt on account


10. Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander vs Craig Games. 1859. Debt on             account


11. Nicholas English, Assignee of H. C. Boyers vs Issac N.             Hockaday. 1860. Debt on note


12. John M. Gordon vs Sinclair Wilburn. 1859. Garnishment on             execution of judgment. Deft. was garnisheed as the debtor of             William B. Fort.


13. Enoch Hooten & James Garrett vs North MO Rail Road Co. 1859.             Judgment. Petition for damages for merchandise shipped from             St. Louis to Montgomery City, Mo. and to Mexico, Mo. and             damaged in shipment


14. David Frazier vs Thomas S. Wilson. 1859. Debt on note


15. William H. Mertin vs Joseph C. Armistead. 1860. Debt on note


16. Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Landers vs Peter Brooke. 1859. Debt on              account


17. Thomas B. Harris vs J. W. Hays. 1859. Debt on note by             attachment

TILL #82 continued


18. John Snell vs Thomas B. Hitt. 1860. Debt on note


19. S. W. Davis vs William Martien. 1860. Note


20. Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander vs Joseph W. Luckie. 1859. Debt 

21 James Ross vs William Cornet. 1860. Garnishment on execution             against Fields & Woodrow














































TILL #83


1.  North MO Rail Road vs Thomas S. Sneed. 1858. Petition for right    of way


2. Silas J. Gilliland vs Nicholas Holt. 1860. To foreclose             mortgage


3.  A. B. Fant vs J. W. Hays. 1859. Debt & to enforce vendor's             lien


4.  Bradford & Bro. (Alfred Bradford & William E. Bradford) vs             Samuel Murray 1859. Promissory note


5.  John Baker vs George Deardorth. 1857. Debt


6.  Armstrong & Malone vs Francis A. McVeigh. 1860. Suit on note


7.  North MO Rail Road Co. vs J. W. Ricketts & Neil McSwain 1858. 

8.  James C. Fox & Co. (James C. Fox, Thomas L. Fox & Martin             Bodine) vs Francis McVeigh. 1860. Note


9.  Hugh J. Glenn vs Leroy G. W. Hume. 1859. Debt on note to             foreclose mortgage


10. Thornton M. Northcutt vs John G. Sneed & Sarah Sneed. 1859.   Debt on acount


11. James D. Sumner vs. James T. Dixon 1859. Civil action to             enforce vendors lien


12. James Harrison vs James Brown et al (Housen Canada) 1860. Debt    on note 


13. State of Missouri vs Joseph Enlow & Harrison Johnson. 1860.   Grand jury indictment for breaking door belonging to Charles             Winant


14. North MO Rail Road vs George Bruce. 1858. Right of way through             lands


15. James Kelly & Joseph Kelly vs Simon Percell 1859. Damages for             cutting and hauling away timber from the property of the       pltfs.


16. William Crawford vs James McClintock, William McClintock &

    W. W. Wilson. 1860. Action on note


17. John A. Y. Boyd vs John W. Jeffries 1860. Suit on note


18. S. V. R. Board vs Minoah S. Clarkson. 1859.


TILL #83 continued


19. Pittman & Bro  (Edward T. Pittman & William H. Pittman) vs Hord

    & Landers. (Rhoden Hord & Israel Landers) 1860. Note


















































TILL #84


1.  John W. Bailey vs Abraham Pool et al (John Q. Pool & John D.             Crockett) 1859. Debt & foreclosure of mortgage


2.  Silas W. Davis vs Andrew J. Willingham 1859. Debt on note to             enforce vendors lien)


3.  Abram E. Inlow vs Craig Games & Sarah Games. 1859. Debt & to             foreclose mortgage


4.  Norman Lackland vs Samuel Murray. 1859. Debt on bill accepted 

5.  Abner E. Armstrong vs Cyreneus Barnes & Joseph J. Collier.             1860. Note


6.  Daniel Mayer vs Thomas Spelman & Michael Spelman. 1859. Note 


7.  Thaddeus F. Clendenin vs Henry Berry & Thomas J. McClelland.              1860. Motion to set aside sale and quash part of return of             sheriff on execution Henry Berry vs. T.F. Clendenin et al


8.  John P. Beatty vs Enoch Hooten. 1859. Note


9.  Claflin Allen & Co. (William Claflin, John A. Allen, Isaac             Emerson, Jr. & Nathan D. Noyes) 1860 vs Thornton M. Northcutt.             Debt on note


10. George Bruce, constable of Wilson tp. to the use of Ruben             Pulis vs William M. Sims et al (Thornton M. Northcutt, William             H. Northcutt, James M. Sims, Octave Abat, Elzea McDonald,             exec. and Eliza McDonald, exectrix of the last will of

            Barnett McDonald, dec'd. 1858. Names slave Jim


11. State of Missouri vs Charles Winant. 1860. Selling liquor             without license


12. John A. Jacobs vs Edward T. Jacobs, John S. Bishop, H.             Whitimore, R. B. Whitimore, Israel Lander, Rhoden H. Hord,               Robert S. Hugh, Weston F. Birch & George W. Ward 1859.                 Foreclose mortgage


13. Joseph Watts vs James A. Millikin. 1859. Injunction


14. Thomas J. Davis vs Mary A. F. Young et al (Mary Ann Francis             Young, Sarah Elizabeth Young & James Redmon Young) 1859.             Petition to correct title bond & to decree title to land     Moses Young, dec'd


15. George W. Wilson vs William T. Rodman. 1859. Enforce vendors             lien



TILL #84 continued


16. James E. McSwain & C. C. Ricketts vs Rufus J. Lackland. 1859.             Ejectment


17. Hord & Lander (Rhoden H. Hord & Israel Lander) vs Warren Potts.             1859. Debt on account


18. Audrain County vs Thomas B. Bond & Norman Lackland. 1860. Note


19. Parker Russell & Co. (George W. Parker, Turnbell G. Russell,             Reuben Beeman & George S. Schoolfield) vs James E. Hicks.              1860


20. O. Abat & others (Octave Abat, George W. Sulivan, William D.             Bourne, Thomas B. Hitt & John B. Armistead) vs. Franklin Cave

            1860. Attachment





































TILL #85


1.  Anderson B. Martin vs Green B. Bishop. 1860. Appeal from J. P.     1860. Suit on account


2.  Edwin Rice vs North Missouri Railroad Co. 1860. Petition for             damages. Pltf was engineer operating train when it went off             the track and pltf was injured, suffered the loss of right             hand. File contains depositions of Joseph H. Edwards, Major Robert Walker and Albert Marney


3.  City of Mexico vs Robert Graham. 1861. Appeal from recorder


4.  Philip Garner vs George Hubbard. 1859. Appeal from J. P.


5.  Edward Rackliff vs John P. Vance. 1860. Appeal from J. P.


6.  John P. Vance vs Edward Rackliff. 1860. Appeal from J. P.


7.  State of Missouri vs Hiram Miller. 1860. Gaming


8.  William Harper vs James F. Crop & John W. Thompson. 1860.   Note


9.  State of Missouri vs Thomas Johnson. 1860. Gaming


10. State of Missouri vs Marshal Calvert. 1860. Gaming


11. State of Missouri vs Robert Graham. 1860. Breaking door             belonging to Charles Winant


12. John B. Armistead vs George Hubbard. 1859. Appeal from J. P. 


13. John B. Johnson vs John T. Brooks. 1860. Debt on note


14. City of Mexico vs Abner C. Cassidy. 1860. Peace Disturbance.             Appeal from Recorder 


15. State of Missouri vs Thaddeus F. Clendenin. 1860. Gaming


16. Timothy P. Mooney vs Louisa Booker. 1860. Appeal from J. P.


17. Patrick H. Vance vs David J. Litterall & George Littrell.

            1860. Appeal from J. P.


18. George W. Wilson vs Nehemiah Tunis. 1859. Appeal from J. P. 








                                                            TILL #86


1. John Davenport, curator for Nancy A. Davenport vs William H.             Callaway & Mary D. Callaway. 1860. Debt & foreclosure


2.  David H. Bond vs Isaac N. Hockaday. 1860. Action on note and             mortgage


3.  James M. Rider vs E. B. Lownes. 1860. Debt & to enforce Vendors             lien


4.  State of Missouri vs Charles McCann. (Transcript) Ventell             Krieder, pltf. Named Wm. Flynn


5.  Albert Chance vs Larkin Perry. 1860. Note


6.  James M. Martin & Carter T. Craig vs John W. McKee. 1858. Debt             on note


7.  Bryant Hardcastle vs F. P. Canterberry. 1860. Garnishment in             attachment against T. M. Northcutt


8.  State of Missouri vs Charles J. Russell. 1860. Gaming


9.  Branham Keiser & Co. (Manlius Branham, Charles W. Keiser &             Barton S. Grant) vs Thornton M. Northcutt 1860. Action on Note


10. Peter Skelly vs Nathaniel Allison. 1860. Civil action on             note


11. John F. Gartman & Fred Meyer, Admr. of John Meyer, dec'd. vs        Nelson Fike & John G. Rogers. 1863. Debt on note


12. Bryant Hardcastle vs D. B. Davis. (David B. Davis) 1860.             Garnishment in attachment against T. M. Northcutt


13. Isaac W. Boulware vs Isaac N. Hockaday & John Hockaday. 1859.             Motion of debt


14. Perrin & Dameron (Cary A. Perrin & Willis N. Dameron) vs M. C. Patton. 1860. Debt on note


15. James S. Henderson vs Purcell & Dickson (Young A. Purcell &             George Dickson) 1860. Debt on note)


16. George E. O. Hockaday vs Enoch Hooten. 1860. Garishment on             execution against Powell & Brook


17. William Young & Co. (William Young, Jonathan H. Seigrist,

            William A. Northrop, Ezra Y. Comstock & Francis Lee) vs Amos             Ladd. 1861. Debt on note



TILL #86 continued


18. James W. Robinson vs Sturges & Bro. (Samuel S. Sturges & John    A. Sturges) 1861. Debt on note


19. Joseph Smelser vs L. C. Musick. 1860. Note


20. William O. Johnson vs Joseph Hedge, Martin N. Hedge & Ebenezer             Hedge. 1860. Action on two notes & to enforce Vendor's lien.


21. Lawson Thomas (Use of) Henderson & Harrison vs Carter T. Craig. 1858. Garnishment of W. H. & G. W. Edmonston as Debtors.


22. James Johnson & Simon Seligsberg vs John Q. Beeman. 1860.             Petition for recovery of property


23. F. A. & C. C. Ricketts vs Enoch Hooten. Garnishment of Powell             & Brooke as Debtors.


24. Caroline Means & Samuel B. Means vs John C. Belcher. 1860. Debt    on note & to Enforce Vendors Lien

































                                                            TILL #87


1.  Samuel P. Gates vs George G. Berry. 1858. Petition for damages              in Purchase of land by pltf. Says deft. deceived the pltf.      with intent to defraud


2.  James Ross vs Frank Cave, Sheriff, Carter B. Dingle, Nathaniel

            Allison, William Cave, John Smith, Thomas B. Hitt & Joseph C.             Armistead. 1860. Petition for damages. Pltf. says that             Franklin Cave did not well and truly discharge his duties,             that pltf. obtained judgment against Beverly A. Frields &             Christopher C. Woodson & that Franklin Cave did not levy     against them as stipulated by the circuit court. Other defts.   are the securities for the Sheriff.


3.  William O. Johnson vs Neil McSwain. 1858. Debt by attachment 


4.  Nancy A. Moberly et al (S. L. Moberly & Thomas P. Shock)  vs             George S. Brown. 1860. Action on note


5.  William O. Johnson vs North MO. Railroad Co. 1860. Damages. Wm.    O. Johnson, in New Florence in his position as a Constable of             Audrain co., paid his fare to ride deft.'s train to Mexico.

            He was put off the train for distributing cards advertising             the Audrain House in Mexico.


6.  Wilson & Davis vs Francis A. McVeigh. 1860. (Transcript


7.  Silas Wilson vs John H. Sallee & Enoch Hooten. 1860. Petition             in debt on written contract


8.  John S. Bishop vs William H. Lee. 1858. Injunction


9.  Jesse J. Crook vs William G. Crook. 1858. Debt on note


10.  John P. Beatty vs Enoch Hooten. 1858. Note


11. James Garrett & Enoch Hooten vs P. F. Denton, R. L. Turpin,

            R. H. Hord, I. Lander, O. Abat & John B. Morris. 1857. Debt on             account & to enforce mechanics lien


12. Warner Potts vs Philip Shafer & Alfred Cauthorn. 1860.             Mechanics lien on note


13. Joseph H. Greer & others (Agnes Greer, his wife formerly

            Agnes Barnes, widow of Benjamin F. Barnes, dec'd. entitled to         dower, Nancy Barnes, James L. Barnes, Darwin R. Barnes &             William C. Barnes) 1857. Petition for partition. Benjamin             Barnes died intestate in 1850 possessing lands (desc.). Nancy,             James. L., Darwin & William C. Barnes are his infant children             under 21.  


14. Silas W. Davis vs Lucinda K. Dejarnatt. 1860. Ejectment

TILL #87 continued


15. John S. Bishop vs A. J. McDonald. 1859. Attachment


16.  William H. Ragland vs J. W. Hays. 1859. Debt on note & to             enforce mechanics lien
















































                                                TILL #88


1.  Reed & Co. (Edward Reed & William W. Reed) vs Thornton M.             Northcutt. Attachment


2.  Pittman & Bro. (Edward J. F. Pittman & W. H. Pittman) vs                 Thornton M. Northcutt. Attachment. 1860. Interplea by William             H. Northcutt in attachment of property i.e. slaves Mary, Rose, Green, Harve & Viney. These slaves are girls 14, 12, 8 & 4 and             a boy about 7. William H. Northcutt alleges that he is their             owner.


3.  Brown Thatch & Co. (Joseph M. Brown, Thomas C. Thatch & Lewis M. Lauck) vs Samuel Murray. 1859. Petition on note


4.  James M. LaRue vs Thornton M. Northcutt 1860. Debt on note 1860

5.  Isaac N. Hockaday vs Thomas A. Ficklin. 1860. Debt on note & to             enforce vendors lien


6.  Hannah Hardin vs Thaddeus F. Clendenin & George Bruce. 1860.             Civil action on note


7.  Elizabeth Blue vs Daniel Galbreath. 1861. Petition on note.             Daniel Galbreath filed against Elizabeth Blue for payment of             account. Included items keeping of negroes, for boarding             Elizabeth Blue, for wintering and feeding cattle, medical             attention and medications, for paying her taxes, for building             fires for a room and for firewood.


8.  Wade Shepard vs Henry Williams. 1859. To recover possession of             specific property, a sorrel mare about 10 years old.


9.  Hiram M. Brown vs John T. Elzea. 1850. Civil action on note


10. George R. Jacobs vs Robert H. Stone, Eliza Stone his wife, &         Brutus J. Clay. 1860. Petition note & mortgage


11. John M. Gordon vs Benjamin F. Doan. 1860. Petition on note 


12. William North & William P. Scott vs Thornton M. Northcutt et al             (William H. Northcutt) 1859. Civil action


13. Francis W. Ennis vs Joseph C. Jones. 1860. Appeal from J. P.


14. John C. Belcher vs Edward Rackliff. 1863. Petition on note 


15. Cyreneus S. Green & William B. Mason vs Samuel Murray. 1860.             Debt on note





                                                            TILL #89


1.  Pittman & Bro. (Edward F. Pittman & Williamson H. Pittman) vs

    Thornton M. Northcutt. 1859. Debt on note by attachment


2.  John B. Henderson, William S. Gatewood, William E. Henry &             Jared D. Filer vs Josiah Whitesides & Samuel Ogden. 1859.             Ejectment


3.  Charles Sanford vs James W. Hays. 1859. Petition to enforce             vendors lien


4.  Robert D. Dunbar vs Sarah A. Dunbar. 1858. Divorce. Married             June 31, 1852 in Terre Haute, Vigo co., Indiana. Deposition of             Nathan R. Dunbar, brother of R. D. Dunbar given at Paris,             Edgar co., Ill.


5.  William Powell vs D. A. January et al (H. J. Brother & Frank S.             Noel) vs Octave Abat, Henry Williams, George W. Cardwell &             Norman Lackland) 1860. Judgment by confession


6.  Philip Shafer vs William O. Johnson. 1859. Petition for Damages             for deft. taking possession of horse, property of pltf.


7.  John B. Henderson et al (William L. Gatewood, William E. Henry & Jared D. Filer) vs Nelson Fike et al (John W. Fike) 1859.             Real Estate Dispute. William E. Henry departed this life after             the filing of this suit and William L. Gatewood was appointed             Gdn ad litem of Anna H. Henry, child under 14 of William E.             Henry. Mary R. Henry was his widow.  


8.  Andrew J. Martin. Gdn & Curator for Andrew Martin Jr. and             Holman Martin, infants under 21, Marietta Martin wife of             Andrew J. Martin Sr. vs William D. Sinclair, represented by        his Gdn ad litem, S. M. Edwards. 1858. Petition for partition.             Marietta Martin was the widow of the late James Sinclair,             dec'd. and by Apr. 14, 1858 she had departed this life,             intestate, leaving as her only heirs her husband, Andrew J.             Martin Sr., and sons Andrew J. Martin Jr., Holman Martin and             William D. Sinclair. Following the filing of an amended             petition, Holman J. Martin departed this life, leaving as his       sole heirs his father, Andrew J. Martin Sr., Andrew J. Martin             Jr. his brother of the whole blood and his half brother,             William D. Sinclair.


9.  Martha A. Scott by next friend, Silas L. Hickerson vs William             C. Scott. 1859. Divorce. Married June 14, 1849 Adair co., Ky.             Daughter, Jannevea S. aged 4 and another daughter, 4 months,             name not given. Deposition by Jane Hickerson. Decree in file. 



TILL #89 continued


10. John T. Elzea vs Edward S. Reynolds. 1860. Note & to enforce             vendors lien


11. Daniel Galbreath vs Nathaniel Allison. 1860. Transcript


12. John A. Jacobs vs John S. Bishop. 1859. Petition for injunction


13. William Kirtley vs H. J. M. Doan et al (William O. Johnson &             William Davis) 1859. Petition for the recovery of specific             property


14. Alfred S. Wilson vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1859. Petition for             damages


15. Wade Shephard vs S. J. Gilliland et al (Henry Williams,

            John Coil, John W. McKee & C. C. Ricketts) 1860. Damages


16. Bradford & Bro. (Alfred Bradford & William E. Bradford) vs             Edward Rackliff. 1860. Note


17. Mary E. Smith to Sarah I. Dillard. 1861. Deed. Mary E. Smith,             wife of Edward Smith, an insane person, empowered by the             General Assembly of State of Missouri to convey said land     (desc.)



























                                                            TILL #90


1.  Joel Smith vs W. W. Stone & others (William W. McDowell, James             Brown & John D. Ray)  1861. Debt on note


2.  Thomas S. Brown et al Petition for partition and assignment of             dower interest of Mary A. Wigginton. John Brown died intestate             in the year 1850 possessing lands (desc). His widow, Mary A.             Brown has since intermarried with Townson D. Wigginton. Other heirs are James W. Brown, who has sold all his interest in             said land to Thomas S. Brown, Marshall Herndon, since dec'd,             who intermarried with Elizabeth Jane Brown, since dec'd.              Marshall Herndon & John T. Herndon, minor heirs of said             Elizabeth Jane Herndon, Samuel W. Jerman, in right of his             wife, Jemima Ellen Jerman, and Thomas S. Brown, Mary F. Brown,             Ann E. Brown & Zelika J. Brown. Thomas S., Mary F., Ann E. &    Zelika J. Brown are minors under 21. Since judgment in             partition in 1860, Thomas S. & Zelika Brown have died. Ann E.             is now Ann E. Palmer and Mary F. is now Mary F. Williams. Case    is settled in April 1867.


3.  State of Missouri to use of Caleb S. Stone vs Bell Tilden &             Co. (Henry Bell, D. W. Bell, J. B. Tilden,  N. D. Bell &             Norman Lackland 1860. Petition for damages


4.  Grief H. Baynham vs Craig Games et al (John W. Jeffries,             William L. Craig, R. H. Hord, John W. McKee & Henry Williams)              1860. Petition on note


5.  Greenville Floyd vs Thomas J. Davis & Thaddeus F. Clendenin.             1860. Debt


6.  Washington R. Kidwell vs John Fish & John W. Cook. 1860. Debt    on note


7.  John K. English vs William L. Craig & James M. Riley. 1858.             Appeal


8.  Southern Bank of St. Louis vs Henry Williams & Octave Abat             1860. Civil action on bill of exchange


9.  Richard Roundtree vs William B. Freeman. 1860. Transcript.

            Debt & Damages


10. William B. Miller vs John W. Jeffries. 1860. Debt on note


11. Julius Dunn, Assignee of Augustus Turner vs J. F. Turner &

            G. W. Skaggs 1860.


12. William North & William P. Scott vs Rhoden H. Hord & Israel             Lander. 1860. Action on note.


TILL #90 continued


13. R. M. Kirkland vs B. F. Stuart & F. T. Williams. 1860.

            Suit on note


14. James F. Donaldson & John H. Hall vs Israel Lander & Rhoden H.             Hord 1860. Answer of confession of judgment


15. John C. McKinney vs William N. Priest & John D. Ray. 1860. Debt    on note


16. Norman Lackland vs Charles H. Strong. 1860. On note pkg


17. Elizabeth Hayes by John S. Branstetter, agent for the plaintiff             vs William Hayes. 1859. Divorce. Married Oct. 18, 1856.

            Decree in file.


18. James M. Gordon vs Reubin Pulis & William M. Sims. 1860.             Promissory note.


19. W. O. Johnson vs Thomas W. Reed & George M. Edmonston. 1860.   On note


20. William Drake vs Martha Wisdom. 1859. For recovery of specific             property


21. William E. Jones vs Nathaniel Allison. 1861. Transcript


22. H. E. Bridge vs George Hosman. 1861. Action on note


23. Gordon & Edwards vs Wade Shepherd. 1860. Attachment






















                                                            TILL #91


1. John A. Adams, an insane person, by his guardian B. B. Hall, vs             Z. J. Ridgeway, Admr. of William P. Harrison, dec'd. for             recovery of personal property, consisting of 4 negro             children: Henry, worth $1000, Mary worth $800, Nathan $800 and             Harriet $600. Deposition of A. B. R. Hays, given in Paducah,             Ky. said he settled in Audrain county in 1834 or 1835 while it          was still part of Callaway co. and he left Audrain in 1847.   John A. Adams had lived in Madison co., Alabama, where he was             overseer of a plantation before removing to Audrain. Hays was

             neighbor in Mo. to John A. Adams, and Adams said he had             sold the negro girl, Harriet, to his brother, Richard P.             Adams. John A. Adams purchased the girl from Thomas L.             Bryan of Callaway when she was 14 or 15 years old. She was             born on Bryan's property in Callaway. Bryan by 1859 was living   in Centreville, Iowa. The 4 children were children of Harriet.             Richard P. Adams died June 16, 1852. His will is in this file.             Bill of sale could not be found in 1855. In November 1856,             William P. Harrison died intestate.  File contains deposition             of John Lorton of Ashley, Pike co., Mo. John A. Adams had one      sister, Susan Clarke.


2.  J. J. Frields & wife, Cornelia Ann Frields; Emery Jane Ramey;             Francis A. Ramey; Thaddeus W. Ramey; George W. Ramey,

            infants by their guardian & curator, J. J. West. 1860.             Petition for partition. William Ramey died intestate in June    1856, possessing lands (desc.) Cornelia Ann Frields, wife of             Jeremiah J. Frields, Emery Jane Ramey, Francis A. Ramey,             Thaddeus W. Ramey and George W. Ramey are the children and      heirs.


3.  State of Missouri vs Alexander Thomas. Grand Jury indictment             for attempt to deter witness. Michael Marks named.


4.  Henry Williams & Abat vs W. B. Freeman. 1861. Note


5.  Henry Williams vs B. F. Douglas. 1861. Note. Transcript


6.  Henry Williams & Coil vs H. McGee. 1861. Transcript


7.  State of Missouri vs Alexander Thomas. 1859. Grand Jury             indictment for attempt to induce witness to withhold evidence.

            Beverly A. Frields named.


8.  Joseph D. Morris vs B. F. Douglas. 1861. Transcript. Judgment             for two notes. Sheriff's Sale


9.  Henry Williams & John G. Coil vs Iradell C. Green. 1858.             Promissory note.



TILL #92


1.  Joel Smith vs W. W. Stone et al (Mary E. Stone, James Brown,             Mary J. Brown his wife, & Madison J. Stone) 1859. Petition in             debt on note & to foreclose mortgage


2.  John Ellis, Admr. of estate of Thornton Young, dec'd,

            Sarah Young, widow of Thornton Young; Thany Ann Young, Almira             F. Young, & Mary M. Young, by their guardian David Cauthorn;             & Nancy Young, & Martha Ellen Young, by their guardian, John    Davis vs James N. Rodman. 1859. Enforce vendors lien


3.  James W. Dudley vs Norman Lackland et al (Octave Abat & George             W. Sullivan) 1861. Debt on note


4.  Volney Hall vs James S. Paxton. 1861. Note.


5.  State of Missouri for use of Samuel A. Craddock vs Franklin             Cave, Nathaniel Allison, William Cave, John Smith, Thomas B.             Hitt, Joseph C. Armistead, & C. B. Dingle. 1860. Franklin Cave   was elected sheriff in 1858, other defts. were his securities.             In attachment of A. J. McDonald, Franklin refused to levy     against his assets.


6.  Norman Lackland vs Josiah Nagley. 1861. Petition in attachment 

7.  William Hume vs Silas W. Davis & Octave Abat. 1861. Petition in             attachment 


8.  Albert Simon & Henry T. Simon vs Thomas W. Reed. 1861. Petition             in Attachment


9.  John Henley vs North Mo. Rail Road Co. 1860. Damages. Pltf             says that he paid deft to deliver a large red cow from the             town of Hudson in Macon co. to Centralia in Boone co. but             deft has lost the cow.


10. Elkanah Brooks vs Harvey McGee. 1861. Note. Transcript


11. Green B. Bishop vs Robert C. Mansfield. 1861. Suit on account.


12. Samuel Jessee et al (William H. Day & Pauline E. Day, his wife             vs Mary Ann Jessee, widow of William M. Jessee dec'd., John P.             Jessee, Isham T. Jessee, James Oslin, Mary Ann Oslin, his             wife; William T. Bradley & Sarah G. Bradly, his wife; William             J. Jesse, Royal A. Jesse, James M. Jessee, David C. Jessee &             Columbus C. Jessee. 1859. Petiton to set aside will. William             M. Jessee died Aug. 12, 1857. John P. Jessee, Isham T. Jessee,             Mary Ann Oslin, Sarah G. Bradly, William J. Jessee, Royal A.             Jessee, James M. Jessee & Columbus C. Jessee are his only             children and heirs at law.


TILL #92 continued


13. State of Missouri vs Henderson Willingham. 1860. Assault with     intent to kill Bethuel Eubanks


14. Susan Bradley vs Amos Ladd. 1861. Appeal from J. P. Suit on             account


15. Albert Simon & Henry T. Simon vs Thomas W. Reed. 1861. Bond for             attachment


16. Henry Williams & Coil vs Ferdinand Tincher. 1861. Note.


17. Henry Williams & Octave Abat vs Martha Wisdom. 1861. Note


18. John Kelly vs S. B. Jeffries. 1861. Note. Transcript


19 North Mo. Rail Road Co. vs Robert Jenkins. 1860. Appeal

            from J.P. 


20. James M. Davis vs D. L. Pollard. 1860. Injunction


21. William Ellis vs Robert H. Finnell, G. J. Wood & Isaac Powell.

            1864. Debt & Damages. Execution


22. Orr, assignee of Campbell (J. P. Orr, assignee of Alexander             Campbell) vs Ledford & Ellis, (James Ledford & Amos Ellis)             1850. Promissory note. Transcript.


23. Brutus J. Clay vs Bell Tilden & Co. 1860. Interplea in             attachment (vs Robert H. Stone


24. Caleb S. Stone vs Bell Tilden & Co. 1860. Interplea in             attachment (vs R. H. Stone)


25. Alexander Thomas vs William H. Martin, Admr. of estate of David             McHoney. 1859. Petition to foreclose mortgage. David McHoney,             now dec'd. had secured a note by a mortgage deed Aug. 28,             1856.  


26. Henry Williams et al (Octave Abat) vs Ferdinand Tincher 1860.             Suit on note.











                                                            TILL #93


1.  Robert H. Parks vs Samuel S. Watson et al (Angus W. McDonald,             Kennedy R. Owen, John H. Wischmeyer, Henry L. Nolle, John             Benne, Adam Becker, Herman Wilke, John Suelthaus, Francis H.             Hansell, Robert Cornforth, Francis H. Kirkpatrick, Abner T.             Cunningham, William Mockbee, James Mudd, Francis Mudd, Anna             Samueland & E. M. Moffett)  1860. Real Estate Dispute


2.  C. C. Ricketts, Admr. of estate of John W. Ricketts, dec'd. vs             Davis Boswell. 1861. Suit on note


3.  Barba Collins vs Edward Rackliff & William M. Sims. 1860. Note 

4.  Volney Hall & Jessie Hall, Admrs. of W. F. Conrad vs Almarin             Davis. 1861. Judgment for debt. Almarin Davis has been serving             the U.S. in the military


5.  M. C. Parks vs Stephen Moberly. 1861. Note


6.  William L. Craig vs James Garrett. 1861. Note


7.  Alexander Thomas vs John S. Branstetter. 1861. Action of debt


8.  Henry Williams & Abat vs John A. Sturges. 1861. Debt & Damages


9.  Joseph D. Morris vs John T. Brooks. 1861. Note


10. T. P. Mooney vs W. B. Freeman. 1861. Suit on account.             Transcript of judgment


11. William R. Sims vs Charles V. Gates & L. P. Gates. 1861. Note


12. Robert H. Pulis vs Coonrod Pulis. 1861. Appeal from J. P.  1861

13. Lucas Thompson & Co. (William Lucas, Charles L. Thompson, Silas    Hicks, Jr. vs Samuel N. Yeates. 1861. Petition on Note


14. John T. Coates vs William Marney, Absalom Hicks & John             Gashmuller. 1861. Promissory note


15. J. W. Simpkins vs George E. Northcutt. 1861.


16. J. D. Morris vs A. R. Gibson. 1861. Note


17. Henry Williams vs F. Tincher. 1861. Note


18. Jefferson Garth, for use of T. A. Garth vs William Leach. 1862.              Petition on note


19. A. R. Ringo vs Baldwin & Sims (M. Arthur Baldwin & James M.             Sims) 1861. Note

TILL #93 continued


20. Gill & Thomlinson vs Augustus A. Beal. 1863. Promissory note


21. Cauthorn & Pearson vs T. M. Faucett. 1861. Note


22. B. P. Ritchie vs John Truesdel. 1861. Note


23. Mary E. Smith vs S. J. Dillard et al (Sarah J. Dillard, Robert

            Dillard & Augustus Dillard) 1859. Petition in ejectment


24. Claflin Allen & Co. (William Claflin, John A. Allen, Isaac             Emerson & Nathan D. Noyes) vs James M. Larue. 1861. Petition             on note


25. William Underwood et al (J. Martin Rice & David Rice) vs David

            Jones. 1861. Petition in Debt & attachment


26. William Crawford vs Edward Rackliff. 1861. Note


27. John M. Charlton vs E. Rackliff & Henry Schiefer. 1861. Note             filed for collection


28. James Carter vs Edward Rackliff. 1861.





























2                                                          TILL #94


1.  R. Wood Marsh & Hayward (Benjamin V. Marsh, Lewis W. Hayward,             Edward V. Townsend, Henry Henderson, Richard Wood & Alfred             Foster) vs Alexander Douglass. 1861. Debt on note


2.  H. C. Lackland, Assignee of Norman Lackland vs Emeline Graham.             1861. Suit on note. Execution


3.  Joseph Pinnell vs North MO Railroad Co. 1859. Breach of             Contract. Execution


4.  Price Ferris & Co. (Joseph M. P. Price, Richard Price Jr.,             Edward Ferris, Thomas Holloway, Henry A. Styles, George Truman             Jr. & James M. Cochran) vs Alexander Douglass. Debt on Note


5.  State of Missouri vs Spencer Calvert. 1862. Gaming


6.  State of Missouri vs Albert Campbell & Herman Tapp. 1860.   Selling liquor without license


7.  C. Ragsdale, Assignee of K. S. Kendall vs Jackson P. Bates.

            1862. Suit on Note


8.  Curtis Field Jr. vs John H. Fields. 1867. Note. Sheriff's Sale


9.  William H. Dyer vs North MO. Railroad Co. 1862. Damages for             failure of deft to deliver 48 head of cattle from Mexico to         St. Louis. Cattle were crippled from being closely penned             without feed and water for 4 days.


10. James M. Larue vs John B. Henderson. 1860. Breach of warranty.             Appeal from J. P. Suit was dismissed April 1862 upon death of             pltf.


11. Tillinghast & Duffield (Thomas A. Tillinghast, Samuel A.             Duffield, Edwin F. Partridge) vs Alexander Douglas. 1862.             Promissory note.


12. John Ellis, Admr. of Thornton Young, dec'd. vs David Cauthorn             1862. Judgment for Debt 


13. James McConathy vs Abram E. Inlow, Joseph Inlow, Charles R.        Ward & David Ward. 1862. Damages. For recovery of property, an             unbroken sorrel mare mule


14. Wm. Powell vs J. P. Bates. 1862. Note


15. John Devany vs J. C. Cassady. 1862. Suit on open account


16. Geo. W. Stallsworth vs North MO. Railroad Co. 1858. Damages.              Deft.'s train ran over pltf.'s horse and killed him

TILL #94 continued


17. E. R. Roe vs James Wilfley. 1862. Promissory Note.


18. William R. Sims, Assignee of Neil McSwain vs Julius Wagner,             Charles Winant & T. P. Mooney. 1863. Suit on account. Appeal.


19. William B. Brashears vs Martin S. Adams et al (Ausey H. Fike)  1861. Petition on note


20. State of Missouri vs Timothy Mooney & Patrick Mooney. 1860.   Selling liquor without license


21. Philip Shafer vs Nathaniel Allison & M. Y Duncan. 1863. Suit on             account. Appeal


22. State of Missouri vs John W. Wick. 1860. Gaming.


23. John Starns vs Lucinda Dejarnett. 1863. Execution of judgment             for costs.


24. State of Missouri vs Albert Campbell et al 1860. Selling liquor   without license. Herman Tapp named


25. Miles Johnson vs Martin J. Clark. 1863. Judgment for costs.


26. C. H. Hardin vs G. B. Bishop et al (George W. Cardwell & Wm.

    Johnson). 1863.


27. T. M. Faucett vs Rubin Pulis. 1863. Judgment for costs.


28. William Crawford vs James & William McClintock. 1863. Execution             of judgment for costs


29. William Drake vs Martha Wisdom. 1863. Judgment for costs.


30. James R. Lauer vs. Martha Wisdom. 1862. Execution of judgment             and costs.


31. John B. Henderson vs. Samuel A. Craddock. 1863. Execution of             judgment and costs












                                                TILL #95


1.  David Hubble vs Silas W. Davis & C. C. Ricketts. 1863. Appeal             from J. P.


2.  William Z. Cook vs Joanna P. Barnett, widow of Robert P.             Barnett, dec'd. et al (Robert P. Barnett, son of Robert P.             Barnett, dec'd., Thomas Carroll, Charles B. Norris & Martha             Ann Norris) 1863. To correct mistake & decree title


3. W. O. Johnson, Admr. of W. Hayden Johnson, dec'd. vs George             Bruce et al (Champion Bruce, Thomas Bruce, Garland Sims, John    Dingle & Samuel Duly) 1861. Petition in ejectment


4.  William P. & Lucy J. Harrison vs B. B. Hall, Guardian of John    A. Adams. 1855. Petition for title of Real Estate. Richard P.             Adams, dec'd.


5.  Caleb T. Martin, Assignee of William Martin vs Amos Ladd. 1861.   Appeal from J. P.


6.  John W. Gamble, Sheriff. 1861. Resignation


7.  City of Mexico vs Abner Cassiday. 1860. Peace Disturbance.             Appeal from Recorder's office


8.  State of Missouri vs Abraham Clark. 1860. Gaming


9.  William H. Northcutt for use and benefit of Lucas Thompson              Co. vs Enoch Hooten. 1861. Appeal from J. P.


10. Bank of the State of Missouri vs Nelson Fike, Charles B. Clark, John S. Elzea & W. G. Rule. 1862. Petition on Protected Note


11. F. C. Wicks vs William S. Shoults. 1861. Damages for killing pltf.'s two dogs and strikling and injuring his child. Appeal             from J. P.  


12. Lander & Dearing (Israel Lander & John Dearing) vs Daniel             Galbreath. 1860. Action in Debt. Appeal from J. P.


13. Silas Wilson for use of Bridge Beach & Co. (Hudson Bridge, John             H. Beach & Leonard Holland) vs Enoch Hooten. 1861. For return             of personal property, slaves Phillip, 47 or 50 years of age &             Lucy his wife, about 35. Lucy had died by May 1862.


14. Joseph Rodhouse vs Joseph Hepler. 1861. Debt, damages & costs.   Appeal from J. P.


15. Pomery & Benton vs Samuel Edwards & George W. Cardwell,             Assignees of Jonathan W. McKee. 1860. Promissory note.


TILL #95 continued


16. Joseph C. Armistead vs Samuel A. Craddock. 1861. Suit on             account. Appeal from J. P.


17. Thomas J. Davis vs Rubin Pulis & John W. Pulis. 1861. Petition             in Debt


18. Theodrick Boulware vs John W. McRoberts, John P. Clark & Alfred             Cauthorn. 1861. Promissory note











































                                                            TILL #96


1.  State of Missouri vs Patrick B. Burk. 1862. Grand Jury             indictment for robbery of L. P. Payne) 1862 1 pkg


2.  Jesse J. Crook vs Wiliam Crook. 1858. Notice of depositions to             be taken


3.  M. B. Jenney vs Isaac Powell. 1862. Note, Judgment, Transcript


4.  Thomas J. Triplett vs Abram C. Hitt. 1861. Appeal from J. P.              Deposition of Lewis E. Hitt.


5.  James McClintock & William McClintock vs William Crawford.             1859. Petition for Damages for destruction of house & stables             on premises of pltf.'s saw mill, and carrying away of fence             and rails and planks.


6.  James M. Larue vs Drury D. Mayes & David J. Mayes. 1861.             Damages. Fraudulent invoice.


7.  Susan Jameson vs William L. Craig. 1861. Note. Appeal from

            J. P.


8.  William L. French, executor of estate of Richard Bullard vs             Charles A. Holliday. 1860. Debt on note & to enforce vendors             lien


9.  John H. Epperson vs James Ledford. 1860. Debt & to enforce             vendors lien 


10. James H. Robinson vs Aaron Wells. 1862. Note


11. Adolphus Calvert vs Thomas L. Watts. 1861. Appeal from J. P.  

12. Charles H. Hardin vs G. B. Bishop, George W. Cardwell & William             O. Johnson. 1861. Note


13. Charles H. Hardin vs Isaac N. Hockaday & Octave Abat. 1860.             Enforce vendors lien


14. Abram C. Hitt vs Thomas J. Triplett. 1861. Appeal from J. P. 











TILL #96 continued


15. Thomas Farmer vs William G. Crook et al (Samuel K. Caldwell &             John K. Hawkins). 1858. Debt on note. Deft. Crook was in the       state  of Calif. in the spring of 1851 when the note came due             and he said he transferred to Jesse J. Crook a parcel of             ground taken up by deft. for the purpose of digging gold plus     $400. Pltf. says Jesse J. Crook assigned the note to him and      he is trying to collect the amount of the note from W. G.        Crook. James H. Hawkins was in Calif. in 1850 and 1851 in             partnership with W. G. Crook.  Thomas Butler was in Calif. in             Oct. 1851 and 1853. Jesse J. Crook was still residing in         Calif. in 1860. All parties gave depositions in Ralls co.         

16. James E. Cross & Co. (James E. Cross, Mary Brown & Elizabeth             Brown) vs Enoch Hooton. 1860. On account


17. Charles H. Hardin vs Green B. Bishop, George W. Cardwell &             William O. Johnson. 1862. Debt on note


18. Samuel M. Edwards & George W. Cardwell, Assignee of John W.             McKee vs James F. Howell. 1860. Debt by attachment


19. Martin Oslin vs George W. Cardwell. 1862. Petition


20. John Steel, Assignee of R. M. Burgess vs Joseph S. Carr & John             H. Carr. 1862.


21. Samuel M. Edwards & George W. Cardwell, assignee of J. W.             McKee vs Lewis P. Payne. 1860.


22. Julius Wagner vs John A. Pearson. 1859. Writ of Mandamus. Pltf.     asks the court to compel deft. to return to this court his             proceedings in the suit wherein Neil McSwain for the benefit             of Wm. M. Sims is pltf. and Emil Morris and Julius Wagner are       defts.

















TILL #97


1.  John W. Crigler vs R. F. Morton & Amos Ladd. 1860. Debt on             note.


2.  Rufus S. Pearson vs Enoch Hooton. 1862. Debt on note


3.  Martha Wisdom vs James M. Larue. 1860. Damages. Real estate             matter


4.  Martin J. Clark vs Miles Johnson. 1860. Notes & attachment 1860

5.  S. A. Craddock vs John M. Gordon. 1859. Recovery of personal             property


6.  J. A. (Joseph) Wigginton, Admr. of estate of B. C. Blanton             dec'd. vs G. W. (George) Hoffman & John J. Smith. 1859. Note 

7.  State of Missouri to the use of Robert H. Stone vs Bell Tilden & Co. (Henry Bell, D. W. Bell, J. B. Tilden, N. C. Bell &             Norman Lackland) 1860. Attachment


8.  Charles A. Muldrow vs Enoch Hooton. 1860. Debt on note


9.  Joseph Carr vs Norman Lackland. 1860. Injunction


10. Farmers Bank vs N. Allison et al (Nathaniel Allison & Malinda             Sullinger) 1862. Debt on note


11. James  Roger vs T. J. (Thomas) Triplett. 1861. Promissory note


12. Joseph C. Offutt vs L. P. Payne. 1860. Garnishment on             attachment J. F. & H. C. Howell


13. William A. Green vs L. B. Sublett. 1858. Debt on note


14. William Stone vs Silas W. Davis. 1860. Debt
















                                                            TILL #98


1.  J. W. Hays vs William Turk. 1859. Petition for Injunction


2.  J. C. (John) Cassidy vs T. (Thadeus) F. Clendenin. 1862. Debt             on account


3.  Thomas J. Hardin vs William W. Wilson, James McClintock &             William McClintock. 1862. Note


4.  E. K. Bethel vs Nelson Fike & Robert Jenkins. 1862. Debt on             note


5.  Albertus R. Ringo vs John B. Henderson. 1862. Debt on note


6.  Thompson Fagan & Co. (Thomas Fagan, Joseph W. Thompson & George             W. Thompson) vs Cornforth Dougherty & Co. (William Cornforth,             James Dougherty, Robert Cornforth & Charles Cornforth. 1863.             Enforce mechanics lien


7.  George McMahan vs Henry Williams. 1862. Promissory Note


8.  Horace Whittimore et al (Robert B. Whittemore & John F. Carter)             vs Samuel N. Yeates. 1860. Debt on note


9.  A. R. (Albertus) Ringo vs Daniel Galbreath. 1861. Debt on note 

10. Charles C. Ricketts, Admr. of estate of John W. Ricketts vs             Timothy P. Mooney 1862. Debt


11. Alfred Powell vs Peter Brooks 1860. 2 notes


12. Preston B. Reed vs John P. Clark et al (G. W. Cardwell &

    John P. Beatty) 1861. Debt on note


13. Henry Williams vs Preston B. Reed. 1860. Note


14. Silas R. Davenport vs Jackson P. Bates. 1860. Debt, damages &             costs


15. Thomas J. Hardin vs John B. Armistead & James G. Armistead.

            1862. Debt on note


16. M. T. Brown vs T. W. (Thomas) Reed. 1862. Note


17. Jeremiah J. West vs John E. Rossell, Amos Ladd & B. N.

            Anderson. 1863. Debt on note






                                                            TILL #99


1.  Catherine Norvel vs William H. Johnson & Logan Munday 1858.             Petition for injunction to set aside sale of real estate. 

            Names Winiford Briscoe, John B. Briscoe, Sarah J. Briscoe &             Henry S. Briscoe of Ralls co.


2.  William J. Hawkins, Guardian of the minor heirs of William             Cason, dec'd. vs Benjamin S. Locke & Meredith R. Tarlton.             1860. Judgment of revival. William J. Hawkins vs Alfred J.             Moore et al (Meredith R. Tarlton, Benjamin S. Locke, William             T. Moore & William M. George) 1860. Petition to revive.


3.  Anthony Lutz & Charles Winant vs Philip Shafer. 1859. Damages.              Deft. erected a 1 story log & frame bldg. next to Pltf.'s             bldg. on S. Side of the sq., Block 8, and inserted a joist in             pltf.'s bldg. tearing away the boxing and part of the roof.


4.  William  J. Hawkins, guardian of minor heirs of William Cason,             dec'd. vs Alfred J. Moore et al (Meredith R. Tarlton, Benjamin             S. Locke, William T. Moore & William M. George). Benjamin             &             Ann Mariah Cason are the infant heirs of Wm. Cason. Other             heirs are Nancy E., George D., James L., Joseph R. & Sarah             William Cason, minors under 14. 1862 Debt on note             note


5.  William B. Haseltine & Edwin J. Bent vs William Rutledge &             Hamit T. Rutledge 1861. Debt & foreclosure of mortgage.

            Samuel A. & Elizabeth Everest, his wife, named. Elizabeth             Everest was, prior to her marriage to Saml. A. Everest, the             widow of Jos. Coon. Harriet F. Rutledge was the wife of Hamit T. Rutledge.


6.  Charles A. Ming, Admr. of est. of William Cason, dec'd, vs             Tarlton & Locke. (Meredith R. Tarlton & Benjamin S. Locke)              1860. Note


7.  Alexander H. Henderson vs M. T. Tarlton et al (Meredith R.             Tarlton, Benjamin S. Locke & Alfred J. Moore) 1860. Debt on             note


8.  George W. Edmonston vs James M. Martien & Carter T. Craig,             garnishees. 1859. Garnishment. Petition to dismiss


9.  Sam S. Kilgore vs Joseph Surber, H. J. M. Doan & John W. McKee.             1863. Damages)


10. John H. Kilgore vs John S. Bishop. 1860. To set aside judgment,             debt & damages        


11. William Young & Co. (William Young, I. H. Seigrist, William A.             Northrop, Ezra Y. Comstock & Francis See vs Amos Ladd. 1860 

            Suit on account

TILL #99 continued


12. Joseph C. Offutt vs James F. Howell, Harmen C. Howell & John W.             Jeffries. 1860. Attachment


13. George Bruce vs North MO Railroad Co. 1862. Damages for running             over and killing one large steer, one grazing calf, two sheep,             1 hog & 4 geese.


14. Alexander Carter, Sheriff vs Loyd Eubanks & John W. Eubanks             1863. Debt on note


15. Alexander Harrison vs Preston B. Reed. 1862. Debt on note 1 pkg


16. Samuel B. Gass vs George L. Smith. 1859. Petition to recover             price paid for land. Polly Smith, wife of George L. Smith





































TILL #100


1.  George W. Cardwell. 1862. Bond for delivery of 7 slaves to the             sheriff in the execution of levy against personal property of             George W. Cardwell. Levied on by P. B. Reed, William Frazier,             James O'Bannon & Martin Oslin were slaves Rich, about 27 years   old; the wife of Rich, about 27 years old; Fanny, about 7; a      boy Rich, about 6, one mulatto named James about 5, Will,             about 3; Joe, about 18 months, the 5 last mentioned the             offspring of said woman.


2.  Western Bank of Missouri vs Samuel Murray et al (Corneliius             Ragsdale & Samuel A. Craddock. 1861. Debt on bill protested


3.  Western Bank of Missouri vs Norman Lackland, Joseph G. Lakenan

            & George W. Sullivan. 1862. Non payment of bill of exchange,             debt & damages


4.  William F. Endors & Co. vs Thornton M. Northcutt. 1861.             Garnishment on attachment


5.  Western Bank of Missouri vs Thomas J. Triplett, Abram B.             Tinsley & David H. Smart. 1862. Non payment of bill of             exchange, debt & damages


6.  Alfred Cauthorn vs Reason Ridgeway. 1860. Ejectment


7.  Richard Roundtree vs Enoch Hooten & Joseph W. Barclay. 1861.             Debt on note


8.  Thomas M. Faucett vs Thaddeus F. Clendenin & Madison B.             McMullin 1859. Debt on account.


9.  Reed & Co. (Edward Reed & W. W. Reed) vs Thornton M. Northcutt,             Benjamin T. Northcutt & Benjamin Northcutt. 1863. Debt on             note. Names Mary D. Northcutt, wife of Benjamin Northcutt,             daughter of Richmond Pearson


10. Austin Bradford vs M. Y. Duncan, T. M. Northcutt, H. J. M.             Doan, I. A. Hockaday, Curtis P. Wade, J. P. Clark, John M.             Gordon, William Kirtley & Robert M. Sinclair. 1863. Note


11. James H. Simpson, Adm. of estate of Margaret Simpson, dec'd, vs             George Dickson. 1860. Note


12. William H. Northcutt vs Bryan Hardcastle & Co. (Edwin V. Bryan & Addison L.  Hardcastle 1862. Interplea in attachment of             Thornton M. Northcutt. Pltf. claims the slaves Mary, Rose,             Green, Harvey & Viney were his property at the time they were             attached by Bryan & Hardcastle & Co. and not of Thornton M.             Northcutt. 


Till #100 continued


13. Western Bank of Missouri vs Enoch Hooten et al (John M. Gordon,             John Q. Burnam) 1861. Debt on bill protested 


14. Charles Collins, Samuel N. Kellogg & Eliah B. Kirby, also              includes Charles B. Kirtland & Bernard Goldsmith vs John W.             McKee. 1863. Debt on note. Names Loyd H. McKee


15. Martin Leister of Ralls co. vs Briggs et al (Robert Briggs,             Mary Briggs, his wife; John C. Briggs, Admr. of Joshua Ely,             dec'd and guardian & curator of minor children: Joshua E.             Briggs, Benjamin Briggs & Louisa Briggs, sued with Mary Jane    Briggs & Margaret Ann Briggs 1860. To obtain a decree of title             to 1380 acres of land. Named Susan Briggs, minor. Mary J.         Briggs has married Andrew R. Rice and lives in this county.             Margaret A. Briggs has married James Daniel and lives in             California.


16. William F. Endors & Co. vs Thornton M. Northcutt. 1860.             Garnishment on attachment. Henry C. Douglas, garnishee.


17. Lucinda K. Dejarnatt vs John Starns. (Debt on note)


18. Western Bank of Missouri vs Samuel Murray. 1862.


                                                            TILL #101


1.  Franklin Cave for the use of heirs of Benjamin H. Morton vs             William O. Wilkerson & Presley Wilkerson. 1861. Note

 2.  Charles Beardslee et al (Reuben Beardslee & Phineas Beardslee)             vs George W. Hoffman. 1861. Debt on note

3.  John Wolff & John Justus Hoppe vs Achilles F. Sneed & William             A. Clark. 1861. Note


4.   Frank Levering & Susan B. Miller vs John F. Botts. 1860. Note 

5.  George Pomeroy & William H. Benton vs John Cunningham. 1861.   Note


6.  James M. Sims vs Norman Lackland. 1861. Promissory note


7.  Benjamin Northcutt vs Henry C. Douglas. 1860. Petition on note


8.  Joshua Dunn vs Meredith Myers. 1861. Note. Pltf. is executor of             Isaac M. Myers, dec'd.


9.  Charles Beardslee & Bros., (Reuben Beardslee & Phineas             Beardslee) vs Charles A. Powell. 1863. Debt on note


10. Edward B. Homer, guardian for minor heirs of John Perkins,             dec'd vs Ephraim Turner, John Ess & C. F. Sames. 1861.             Note


11. Bell Tilden & Co. (Henry Bell, Daniel W. Bell, John B. Tilden)             vs Norman Lackland & Octave Abat. 1861. Note


12. Festus E. Williams vs Alpheus Payne. 1866. Promissory note


13. James Newman & Mary D. Newman vs John R. Smith & Armstead T.         Botts. 1861. Petition on note


14. Calvin F. Burns vs James Garrett & John M. Gordon. 1861. Debt    on note


15. Edward V. Bryan & Addison Hardcastle vs Thornton M. Northcutt.             1859 Debt by attachment


16. Charles Beardslee et al (Reuben Beardslee & Phineas Beardslee)             vs John S. Branstetter. 1861. Debt on note


17. William Powell vs Abat & Lackland. 1862. Fee bill paper


18. Edward B. Homer vs Ephraim Turner. 1861. Execution for cost of             suit


TILL #101 continued


19. Moses McClintic vs Octave Abat & Robert W. Sinclair. 1861. Note


20. James S. Crump vs S. W. Davis et al (Silas W. Davis, Robert W.

            Sinclair, & James W. Davis) 1861. Debt on note


21. Louisiana & Missouri River Railroad Co. vs Garland Marion             1870. Petition for right of way


22. George Pomeroy & William H. Benton vs Francis Carbine. 1861.   Note


23. C. C. Ricketts vs John W. Cook. 1861. Note


24. Brown Thatch & Co. (Joseph M. Brown, Thomas H. Thatch & Lewis M. Lauck) vs Amos Ladd. 1861. On account