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List of Post Offices from GNIS

with Historical Facts

Post Office Historical Facts
Barneyville Post Office (historical) This PO was in Cuivre T, and was laid out as a town by the owner of the site, Timothy Barney from Pennsylvania, and named for him. Nothing developed here.
Champ Post Office (historical) This was a PO in Salt River T, est 1895 and discontinued in 1901. It was named for Champ Clark (1850-1921), at that time a promising politician and member of the House of Representatives.
Cuivre Post Office (historical) This PO is in Cuivre T, and was est 1895 and discontinued in 1902. It was named from Cuivre Creek, on which it was located.
Davenport Post Office (historical) This PO was discontinued by 1933. It was located in Saling T, and was named for the owner of the store in which it was established.
Fair Oaks Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued PO in N Prairie T, that was named from the school nearby.
Friendship Post Office (historical) This PO was in Saling T, and was run by Dr J T Hickerson. It was named from Friendship Christian Church, located across the road. A store and blacksmith shop were also located here.
Gant Post Office (historical) This po was in Wilson Township, and named for Thomas Gant.
Hawkinsville Post Office (historical) This PO was discontinued by 1933 and was named for Davenport Hawkins, owner. There was also a store and blacksmith shop here.
Hickory Creek Post Office (historical) This was a settlement and PO in Cuivre T, est as early as 1853 and discontinued before 1876. It was named from its location near Hickory Creek.
Hickory Grove Post Office (historical) This PO was discontinued by 1933 and was named from the hickory trees in the vicinity. It was in Wilson T and there was also a trading point in this location.
Hollensville Post Office (historical) This was a PO from 1899 to 1904 in N Wilson T. It was named for the postmaster, J W Hollingshead. The change in spelling arose doubtless from careless pronunciation. This was also a trading point.
Le Roy Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued Post Office on the C & A RR, in Linn Township. It was named for a RR official and there was also a station here.
Littleby Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued Post Office in Prairie Township named from Littleby Creek, about 3.2 km (2 mi) to the west. It was formerly known as Blues Store, for Duncan Blue, proprietor.
Loutre Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued PO in Loutre T, on Loutre Creek, whence its name. It was est. June 15, 1849 and originally was known as Shy Post for Mr Shy who ran it. The name was changed in 1858.
McGee Post Office (historical) This was a store, and blacksmith shop as well as a PO It was in Wilson T, and was destroyed by a cyclone in 1896. It was named for the owner, William McGee.
Mount Carmel Post Office (historical) This PO was also a trading point. It was located in Cuivre T, and run by Gregory Douchant and discontinued at his death in 1932. The name is from the Bible, for the mtn where Elijah overcame the priests of Baal.
Progress Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued PO in Linn T, located at Progress, a store. The name is an ideal name. The Littleby PO about 2 mi N ceased to exist when a PO was est at Progress.
Salt River Post Office (historical) This PO was discontinued by 1933 and was in Salt River T, SW of Mexico. It was named from the twp.
Skull Lick Post Office (historical) This PO was discontinued many years ago and was on Skull Lick Creek, whence its name.
Switzler Post Office (historical) This PO was in Wilson T, near the Monroe Co line. It was named for Col Wm F Switzler of Columbia, MO, prominent during the Civil War, especially in central Missouri.
Youngs Creek Post Office (historical) This is a discontinued Post Office located in Salt River Township. There was also a trading point here. They are located on Youngs Creek from which they are named.