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Audrain County, Missouri

Text Box: Confederate Soldier Graves

Note from Bill Wells, contributor of the above article:

Hello Friends,    Your website is terrific!  Since I have ancestors who lived in Audrain County, and are buried there, I was thrilled to discover such a nice site.  You solicit articles from the Mexico Ledger, and I may have something of interest to you.  While doing some research for Confederate ancestors from Missouri, I came across a microfilm record of an article from the Mexico Evening Ledger (date unknown) that lists the burial sites for a number of Confederate veterans.  I have photostat copies of this article, if you need it, but I have transcribed the substance into a table format which is attached to this note.  The article poses a problem for me though (besides the date); it lists Seed Tick as the place of internment for several veterans.  I have been unable to locate Seed Tick on any maps, old or new, and must assume that it is the name of a cemetery, and not a place name.  Perhaps you can help me?  Also, the article seems to indicate that there were several previous articles of this type, but without the date, I have no idea how to track them down.  The article is part of a collection of records that were compiled by the United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapters in Missouri in the early part of this century, and are on file at the Univ. of Missouri at Columbia.  Thank you for any help you can lend towards locating the last resting places of these veterans.  The transcription of the article is as follows (bold type is the headline):


Note on Seed Tick from Belinda Forgy 

Seed Tick, MO, populated place

This is a nickname, applied locally to a region in Salt River T, S of Mexico. It originated probably because someone happened to be unusually pestered with seed ticks while in the neighborhood.
The exact location is unknown.





Under the provisions of recently enacted federal legislation, markers are to be placed over the graves of Confederate soldiers, to establish the spots for posterity. The Ledger has published in recent months such lists of places of interment of Confederate soldiers as recalled by R.S. McKinney, former Commander of the Confederate Veterans post here, and possessed by the Fitzhugh Lee Chapter of the U.D.C. This list, by Joe Lee Bomar, of Ryan Ridge, will virtually complete the record, though any one knowing the location of other Confederate graves are asked to notify the Ledger or Mrs. Joe Luckie, the U.D.C. president.

The roster of deceased Confederate veterans, at some time in the past, residents of Audrain County, together with their state of enlistment, command and their place of interment, when known, as compiled by Mr. Bomar, follows.  

According to the article, "All of Co. D, Col. Perkins' Battalion belonged to the 9th Missouri Volume (Volunteer?) Infantry, C.S.A.                                                                                      Respectfully, Bill Wells / SCV Camp #1659 

· Hodges, Beverly

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Bomar Graveyard, Audrain County

· Hall Sr., Robert

Col. Jefferson Jones Regiment, Price's Army

Camden County

· Berry, Issac

Capt. William Anderson Command of Dragoon Rangers

Centralia or Independence, Mo.

· Scaggs, Thomas

Purcell's Sharp Shooters, Cavalry

Centralia, Mo.

· Baskett, Frank

Bodyguard of Dr. Frank Baskett of Missouri, Confederate forces, Price's Army, colored

Colored Graveyard, Mexico

· Hardin, Dr.

Recruiting Officer, Drill Master for Missouri Confederates


· Evans, Josiah

Capt. Cawthorn's Audrain County Company, Price's Army

Double Branch Cemetery, Bates County

· Standiford, Ben P.

Recruiting Officer, Spy

Double Branch Cemetery, Bates County

· Surber, John

Capt. Dick Hancock's Company

Double Branch Cemetery, Bates County

· Wilson, Bluford

Capt. Dick Hancock's Company

Double Branch Cemetery, Bates County

· Bomar, Alexander, Sgt.

Capt. Purcell's Missouri Sharp Shooters, Price's Army

Double Branch Cemetery, Bates County, Mo.

· Eller, Abe

Mo. Cavalry, Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, 9th Mo. Regiment

Eller Cemetery

· Eller, Abraham

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Eller Graveyard, Audrain County

· McIntyre, Dan H., Capt.

University Cadets Co. of Mo., Price's Army

Elmwood Cemetery at Mexico

· Black, Clifford

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gates Regiment, Little's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pemberton's Army

Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico

· Jones, Ben

Missouri Recruiting Officer

Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico

· Liter, A.L.

Shelby's Missouri Confederate Division

Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico

· Plummer, Frank


Elmwood Cemetery, Mexico

· Levaugh, J.E.

Co. D, Col. Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army


· Bright, Jessie

2nd Mo. Volunteer Infantry, Cockrell's Brigade

Great Falls, Montana

· Earls, William

Capt. Cobb's Missouri Co., Price's Army


· Spence, Sam

Gunner, Capt. Landis' Battery, Green's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pemberton's Army

Holt Summit, Callaway County (near)

· Simpson, Louis

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gen. Cockrell's Brigade

Killed at Carthage, Missouri. A marker at Elmwood Cemetery.

· Reagan, Ezekiel

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gen. Cockrell's Brigade

Killed at Corinth, Mississippi. Buried near Col. Rogers of Texas at Corinth

· Simpson, George

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gen. Cockrell's Brigade

Killed at Franklin, Tennessee. A marker at Elmwood Cemetery

· Brothers, Joe

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gates Regiment, Little's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pemberton's Army


· Williams, Thomas

2nd Mo. Infantry, Little's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pemberton's Army

Lake Charles, Louisiana

· Harrison, James

2nd Mo. Volunteer Infantry, Cockrell's Brigade

Lebanon, Mo. (near)

· Crum, Thomas

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Liberty Church, Callaway County

· Evans, William

Capt. Abner Bryant's Missouri Company, Col. Jackman's Regiment, Shelby's Brigade

Lille Rock, Arkansas

· Surber, Garl

Capt. Jas Cawthorn's Audrain Co. Mo. Co., Price's Army

Lochridge Cemetery, Audrain County

· Archer, Robert

Mo. Cavalry, Capt. Cobb's Co.

Lochridge Cemetery, Audrain County, Mo.

· Lochridge, Robert

Col. Jefferson Jones Regiment, Harris Division, Price's Army

Lochridge Cemetery, Audrain County, Mo.

· Bryant, Abner, Capt.

Jackman's Regiment

Lone Jack, Jackson County

· Harvey, William

Co. D, Col. Perkins' Mo. Battalion, Price's Army

Louisiana, Mo.

· Calvert, Marshall

Kentucky, Gen. John H. Morgan Command

McIntosh Graveyard, Audrain County

· Berry, James

Capt. William Anderson Command of Dragoon Rangers

Mexico, Mo.

· Board, Thomas

Capt. Cobb's Co.

Mexico, Mo.

· Eller, William, Capt.

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gen. Little's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pembereton's Army

Mexico, Mo.

· Green, Pack

Missouri Spy, Confederate

Mexico, Mo.

· Harrison, John F.

2nd Mo. Confederate Infantry, Bowen's Division

Mexico, Mo.

· Jackson, Pickett

Confederate Recruiting Officer

Mexico, Mo.

· Maldrow, John

Confederate Spy

Mexico, Mo.

· McIntyre, Thomas A.

Capt. Alexander Day's Co.

Mexico, Mo.

· Morris, Miss Belle

Confederate Spy

Mexico, Mo.

· Pasqueth, James

Confederate Spy

Mexico, Mo.

· Scott, Columbus

Co. D, Col. Perkins' Battalion

Mexico, Mo.

· Turner, W.T.

2nd Mo. Infantry, Little's Brigade

Mexico, Mo.

· Wright, S.O.

2nd Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Cockrell's Brigade

Mexico, Mo.

· Edmonston, William, Lt.

Audrain County, Capt. James Cawthorn's Company, Price's Army

Mexico, Mo.

· Purcelle, Young, Capt.

Price's Army

Montovallo, Vernon County (near)

· Burhop, John B.

Perkins' Sharp Shooters, Missouri Cavalry

Pasadena, California 

· Day, Alexander, Capt. 

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Pueblo, Colorado

· West, General

Capt. Cawthorn, Audrain Co., Price's Army

Pueblo, Colorado

· McIntosh, Nick

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Rolla (near)

· Crum, Riley, Sgt.

Virginia, Early's Division, R.E. Lee's Army

Seed Tick

· Hall, John 

Capt. Purcell's Missouri Sharp Shooter Rangers, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Han, James

Capt. Purcell's Missouri Sharp Shooter Rangers, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Houseman, Thomas

Ordnance Driver, Capt. Hyram Bledsoe, Missouri Battalion

Seed Tick

· Kasler, William H.

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Martin, Nathan

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· McGee, Joe

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Rickman, Daniel

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Watts, John Thomas

Capt. Purcell's Missouri Sharp Shooter Rangers, Price's Army

Seed Tick

· Brothers, Ben

2nd Mo. Infantry, Gates Regiment, Little's Brigade, Bowen's Division, Pemberton's Army

Spokane Falls, Washington

· Cassidy, Abner

Missouri Confederate Army

St. Louis

· Cawthorn, James, Capt.

Price's Army

State of Oregon

· Boyd, Joe, Lt.

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army


· Fowler, William

Capt. Purcell's Ranger Sharp Shooters


· Harrison, Andrew

Confederate Scout, Spy


· Johnston, Jim

Missouri Cavalry, Col. Jefferson Jones Regiment


· Kelso, John, Lt.

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army


· Love, Capt.

Confederate Army


· McCulloch, Lt.

Capt. Purcell's Ranger Sharp Shooters


· McDonald, Thomas

Co. D, Col. Perkins' Mo. Battalion, Price's Army


· Morris, Z.T.

From Virginia, in Lee's Army


· O'Brannon, Lt.

Audrain County, Capt. James Cauthorn's Company, Price's Army


· Scaggs, Thomas

Capt. Purcell's Ranger Sharp Shooters


· Barnette, Frank

Shelby's Brigade


· Hall, Little Jim 

Co. D, Perkins' Battalion, Price's Army

Vernon County